I'm putting up a post of my recent efforts in my drawing class, and will continue to do so periodically. And I'm being brave and even putting up the ones I'm not ecstatic about!
The man and the girl in the centre are both done on A2 size heavy white cartridge paper (220 gsm) using a mechanical pencil and a graphite stick. The girl on the right is done using Derwent Drawing Pencils on Winsor and Newton Lana Tints Pastel Paper - this has a grained surface and I have a pad with six different colours.
I always use multi-directional hatching as my main 'technique' and this is what it looks like close up on the grain of the Lana Tints paper

art , drawing , drawing people
I really admire the skritchy-scratchy but oh so logical and effective lines in the drawing on dark paper.