Who painted this?

Who Painted This? was a regular weekly challenge on Making A Mark, usually posted on Friday which ran between October 2012 and September 2014. 

It was resurrected in May 2022.

This page contains:
  • the rules for how to participate in "Who painted this?"
  • how to enter (via a comment on the blog post)
  • what happens to comments
  • a list of the Who painted this? in order so that you or you friends can participate in the challenge even after the result has been published

How to participate in "Who painted this?"

PLEASE make sure you read THE RULES before posting a comment

THE RULES for participating in this challenge are as follows:
  1. This is about using brains not technology - so please do NOT "cheat".  This is what you can and cannot do to search for the answer online
    • PLEASE do NOT use any of the "image matching" technology which exists(eg Chrome or Tineye) - that's just plain lazy and not the point of the challenge! My suspicions will be raised by those who appear to know the answer a bit too quickly and/or fail to identify themselves!
    • You can use search enquiries - using WORDS ONLY to search on Google or any other search engine or to interrogate databases of images
    • You can look at as many books or online art databases as you like!
  2. Do NOT leave the answer as a comment on Facebook.  If you do I will delete the comment and you will NOT be declared the winner.
  3. Leave your answer as a comment on this blog. (IF CORRECT IT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED until just before the next challenge) 
    • You can leave a guess - and if I don't publish the name you know you're on the right lines even if you don't yet have all the details
    • Howls of frustration can also be left while you try and work it out....... 
    • I'll also publish the wrong answers!
  4. In your comment you must tell me ALL of the following:
    • the title of the artwork
    • the name of the artist who created this artwork
    • the date it was created
    • the media used
    • where it lives now
    • how you know all this eg how did you do your search 
    • anything else you can find out about the artwork and/or artist
  5. The Winner! The first identifiable person (ie no anonymous guesses) who, in my judgement, is the first person to get to the answer by fair means AND provides the best quality answer in terms of added details about the artwork and artist (new requirement added Autumn 2013) will get a mention and a link to their website or blog (or both) in:
    • my very popular weekly blog post "Who's made a mark this week?"
    • the post with next week's challenge.
Clues: I will leave a clue - as a comment on the post - if you're not not getting anywhere in the first 24 hours.  I'll leave more clues if people are still not getting the answer - until someone does!

Publication - and non-publication - of answers / comments

Here's how the comments work:
  • All comments are moderated and I read ALL the comments prior to publication 
  • I do NOT publish the correct answers (in full or part) until a week later - assuming somebody actually gets the answer!  Which means if your comment is not published you know you could be on the right lines.  Plus it also means others can have the enjoyment of the challenge even if they are probably too late to win.
  • The comments are also published in the order they were left not the order that I open them - which means you can all see who got the right answer first and provided all the details.
  • Hence AFTER publication of this post and BEFORE the day of the publication of the next post (i.e. next Friday) I ONLY publish all the incorrect answers and all the howls of frustration! 
List of "Who painted this?" to date

If you want to have a go you will find the answer to each challenge in the post which follows.
  1. Who painted this? #1
  2. Who painted this? #2
  3. Who painted this? #3
  4. Who painted this? #4
  5. Who painted this? #5
  6. Who painted this? #6
  7. Who painted this? #7
  8. Who painted this? #8
  9. Who painted this? #9
  10. Who painted this? #10
  11. Who painted this? #11
  12. Who painted this? #12
  13. Who painted this? #13
  14. Who painted this? #14
  15. Who painted this? #15
  16. Who painted this? #16
  17. Who painted this? #17
  18. Who painted this? #18
  19. Who painted this? #19
  20. Who painted this? #20
  21. Who painted this? #21
  22. Who painted this? #22
  23. Who painted this? #23
  24. Who painted this? #24
  25. Who painted this? #25
  26. Who painted this? #26
  27. Who painted this? #27
  28. Who painted this? #28
  29. Who painted this? #29
  30. Who painted this? #30
  31. Who painted this? #31
  32. Who painted this? #32
  33. Who painted this? #33
  34. Who painted this? #34
  35. Who painted this? #35
  36. Who painted this? #36
  37. Who painted this? #37
  38. Who painted this? #38
  39. Who painted this? #39
  40. Who painted this? #40
  41. Who painted this? #41
  42. Who painted this? #42
  43. Who painted this? #43
  44. Who painted this? #44
  45. Who painted this? #45
  46. Who painted this? #46
  47. Who painted this? #47
  48. Who painted this? #48
  49. Who painted this? #49
  50. Who painted this? #50
  51. Who painted this? #51
  52. Who painted this? #52
  53. Who painted this? #53
  54. Who painted this? #54
  55. Who painted this? #55
  56. Who painted this? #56
  57. Who painted this? #57
  58. Who painted this? #58
  59. Who painted this? #59
  60. Who painted this? #60
  61. Who painted this? #61
  62. Who painted this? #62 - needs to be researched again by me. I know who painted it - but need to check the rest!
  63. Who painted this? #63
  64. Who painted this? #64
  65. Who painted this? #65
  66. Who painted this? #66


  1. Dear Katherine,
    Who painting this? #9
    the title of the artwork: The Nativity
    the name of the artist who created this artwork: Roger van der Weyden
    the date it was created: mid 15th C.
    the media used: tempera and oil with a size of overall (as displayed): 59 3/4 x 108 x 19 1/2 in. (151.8 x 274.3 x 49.5 cm) altarpiece
    where it lives now: The Cloisters,1949 New York
    how you know all this eg how did you do your search: using google, I found it with the keywords: 15th C, 5 panels and nativity.
    Best regards,
    John O'Grady

  2. fatin latouer...i believe...or his name is fatain latour..Henri Fantin-Latour maybe...Not sure if that is his first name...or if it is an abbreviation of his name?
    Many years ago saw an amazing exhibit of his work at the National Gallery Canada.
    James Bright
    Ottawa, ON, Canada

  3. Who painted this #22

    This was surprisingly easy. The era and that it is a religious icon is easy, but I actually remember studying this in Art History lo those many years ago. I distinctly remember sketching the whole altar piece over and over when studying for exams.

    "The Ghent Altarpiece" AKA "The adoration of the Mystic Lamb" Detail from the lower center inner panel
    Artist Hubert Van Eyck was commissioned to create it but died in 1426, so it was executed mainly by his younger brother Jan Van Eyck
    Completed in 1432
    Created for the church of St John the Baptist which has since been renamed St Bavo's Cathedral. It is presently in the principal cathedral chapel

    The Lamb represents Jesus Christ and the flow of blood into the chalice represents the Eucharist.

    Researched via Google "Lamb of God" "Painting of Lamb" "Where is the Ghent Altar Piece" Found most detailed information on Wikipedia.

    Artist, Author, Historian, Genealogist Sea Dean

  4. Who painted this? #27

    The artist is Sir Edwin Landseer.
    The painting, in oils, is "Lion:A Newfounland Dog".
    It was painted in 1824 and it is housed in the Victoria & Albert Museum.
    As soon as I saw the reproduction, I had a strong feeling that it was by Landseer so 'googled' "Landseer images" and it was immediately revealed!

  5. Who painted this? #27

    The artist is Sir Edwin Landseer.
    The painting, in oils, is "Lion:A Newfounland Dog".
    It was painted in 1824 and it is housed in the Victoria & Albert Museum.
    As soon as I saw the reproduction, I had a strong feeling that it was by Landseer so 'googled' "Landseer images" and it was immediately revealed!

  6. Who painted this #29 is Lilacs in a Window (Vase de Lilas à la Fenêtre) painted by Mary Cassatt sometime between 1880 and 1883. It is presently housed in the NY Metrolpolitam Museum of Art.
    This is the first time I have entered 'who painted this' and I got lucky. I entered 'lilacs in a window' in Google search, and it was the first item to come up on the list! It's a beautiful painting!

  7. This Challenge is Mary Cassatt's Lilacs in a Vase in the Window....that may be a little off.. It is at the Met in NYC don't really know the date, and it is an Oil Painting...I have always been a fan of Cassatt and have many books with her work. also, I lived in Upstate NY where there is a beautiful park there "Highland Park" designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, that has one of the largest collections of lilacs in the world, I used Cassatt's painting as a reference once when trying to convey lilacs in a vase many years ago!

  8. Who Painted this #31

    Hello Katherine

    Lots of dead-end searches for this one - I thought it might be Brighton, but not so. A friend who's knowledgable about Victorian literature said that Frith was the best known Victorian painter of crowd scenes, so I googled 'Frith crowd scenes' and there it was.

    Title: Ramsgate Sands,
    Painter: William Powell Frith
    completed 1854
    Oil on canvas
    The Royal Collection

    New Zealand

  9. Who Painted this # 31

    Hello Katherine,

    I have a feeling I spelt the artist's name wrong in my last comment. For the record it should be:

    William Powell Frith,
    'Ramsgate Sands'
    it's in The Royal Collection,
    painting completed 1854
    Oil on canvas

    I first googled victorian seaside paintings in Brighton, but drew a blank until I googled Frith after being told that he was a well known Victorian painter of crowd scenes, and there it was - Ramsgate, not Brighton, the info about it is on the website of The Royal Collection

  10. Self-Portrait with Lute - c.1615–17
    by Artemisia Gentileschi
    Oil on canvas
    Current location-Curtis Galleries, Minneapolis
    At first I thought it was a mandolin but when I Googled "Woman with Lute" painting I was surprised to discover it was painted by a woman, possibly a self-portrait. She had a difficult life as a female artist.

  11. Hello Katherine,

    Who Painted this # 32.

    This one is called 'Self Portrait as a Lute Player,' it's painted in oil by Artemesia Gentileschi in around 1615-1617. It's not very big, 30 × 28 cm. and it's in the Curtis Galleries, Minneapolis

    I found it by asking Google to tell me about 'a lady with a lute.' and the answers were very few clicks away.

    It's cold winter now where I am and so my first response to the image was
    1) sympathy for the lady - how cold and uncomfortable she must be with her charms so displayed, and
    2) curiosity about the undergarment required.




  13. I recognised Pissarros style, but not the work so I searched for images of cityscapes by him. Then it was a question of wikipaintings.org

    Camille Pissarro
    Le Boulevard de Clichy
    Completed 1880
    Pastel on paper
    Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute at Williamstown MA, USA

    Bairbre Duggan

  14. Who Painted this #34
    Winslow Homer
    In the Jungle, Florida
    Watercolor, transparent and touches of opaque over graphite on off-white
    13 7/8 x 19 11/16 in. (35.2 x 50cm).
    Brooklyn Museum, Museum

    I am a long-time admirer of Homer, especially his watercolors.

    Patrick Connors

  15. [Not so sure how to do this, thought I had submitted an answer; but, it did not seem to register. Please pardon any redundancy.]
    Response to Who painted this? #34

    Winslow Homer (American, 1836-1910)

    In the Jungle, Florida

    Transparent watercolor with touches of opaque watercolor over graphite on off-white, moderately thick, moderately textured wove paper,

    13 7/8 x 19 11/16 in. (35.2 x 50cm).

    Brooklyn Museum, Museum

    I am a long-time admirer of the works of Winslow Homer, especially his watercolors.

    Patrick Connors

  16. Hi Katherine

    This is a detail from Albrecht Dürer's self portrait at 26. I am a huge Dürer (and self portrait) fan so this was an easy one. Funnily enough I am 26 too :-). I googled "Albrecht Dürer self portrait" to get the exact infos and then on wikipedia.

    so title : Self portrait at 26
    year : 1498
    media : oil on wood panel
    location : Madrid's Museo Del Prado

    apparently it used to be displayed alongside a portrait of his 70yo dad on a really cool pink background so thank you for making me discover that other painting!

    Hélène Delmaire
    painter (France)


  17. the title of the artwork: The Chess Game
    the name of the artist who created this artwork: Sofanisba Anguisola
    the date it was created: 1480
    the media used: oil on canvas
    where it lives now: The Netherlands? (I saw it at the Uffizi on loan in 2007)
    how you know all this eg how did you do your search. Special interest in women renaissance artists (Sofanisba, and Artemisia Gentileschi). Interested in images of chess games (and girls playing chess!)

  18. Challenge Number 54:
    Painter: John Louis Ernest Meissonier, Legion d' Honneur,(1815-1891 ) Lyon, France
    Title of Painting: A Painter (oil)
    Student of Leon Cogniet

    Meissonier was a French Classical painter, sculptor and print maker famous for his paintings of Napoleon and Military themes. He accompanied Napoleon on the Italian Campaign and was a colonel in the Seige of Paris (1870-1871).
    In his lifetime Meissonier introduced the genre of miniatures in oils to France and was admired for his dexterity and detail. His style was influenced by the Dutch Masters and he depicted scenes of chivalry from a pre- Revolutionary and a pre- Industrial France. He exhibited at the Salon and did very well financially.
    'The Visit to the Burgermaster' was purchased by Sir Richard Wallace (Hertford House,London) after being exhibited at the Salon of 1831. 'The Brawl' was owned by Queen Victoria and is in the Royal Collection.
    Some of Meissonier's work took ten years to complete. A triumphant moment was showing sixteen works in the Great Exhibition of 1878.
    First, I had to check out male fashion and hairstyles to get the right Century as I wasn't sure where to begin. Then I looked at Romanticism and the Pre- Raphaelites etc. Finally, when I Googled 'artist', ''studio', 'easel' and 'painter', did I have more luck!

  19. Challenge154:
    I forgot to type in the date and painting's whereabouts.
    'A Painter' by Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier (1815- 1891) French. Painted in 1855, it is in the Cleveland Museum of Art, USA

  20. Who Painted This # 55 is Swedish Painter Carl Larsson (1853-1919). the Painting is "Julaftonen" (Christmas Eve), a watercolor painted in 1904-5, now housed in the National Museum in Stockholm.

    It pictures the traditional First Feast of Christmas. The girl, who could be Larsson's maid Martina, is holding a laggkarl, flagon of probably beer. Traditional repast on this night was pickled herring, Swedish meatballs and Christmas ham.
    Larsson was born of a poor family near Stockholm. At 13 years, his teacher at the school for the poor persuaded him to apply to the art academy, where over time he gained respect for his skills. After trying to make a career in paris, he moved to Grez, where he met his future wife, married in 1883, and had 8 children. His father-in-law gave him the house "Lilla Hyttnas", where he painted several interiors and scenes of daily life. Larsson's paintings of the goings-on in that house have become synonymous with our own picture of Swedish domestic life.

  21. ps a friend with family in Sweden a few years ago had purchased a book that she said she just HAD to show me--it was a book of Carl Larsson paintings. I was so taken by the purity, clarity, and unforgettable folk art quality of the images: all I had to do for #55 is type "Carl Larsson" into Google to find out which painting it was.


  22. Laura Knight (Dame)
    Take Off
    I knew it was by her as I recognised here style and knew she was a war artist - so although this image was unknow to me I knew to look via war searches and her name.
    I recently moved to Malvern - a place Laura had loved and regularly visited.

    Oil on canvas (Height 1828 mm, Width 1524 mm)
    Imperial war Museum ….which tells us this about the painting

    “the interior of a Stirling Mk 3 bomber with the four man crew readying for take-off. Two pilots sit in the cockpit, the navigator busies himself with his maps and the wireless operator, bearing the insignia of a Flight Sergeant, turns a dial on the wireless unit.”


  23. Laura Knight (Dame)
    Take Off
    I knew it was by her as I recognised here style and knew she was a war artist - so although this image was unknown to me I knew to look via war searches and her name.
    I recently moved to Malvern - a place Laura had loved and regularly visited.

    Oil on canvas (Height 1828 mm, Width 1524 mm)
    Imperial war Museum ….which tells us this about the painting

    “the interior of a Stirling Mk 3 bomber with the four man crew readying for take-off. Two pilots sit in the cockpit, the navigator busies himself with his maps and the wireless operator, bearing the insignia of a Flight Sergeant, turns a dial on the wireless unit.”



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