Since then I've diversified and now have other active websites and blogs - and what you used to see on Making A Mark can now be found elsewhere.
I've been mulling on how to profile what I've written and seen and today I'm going to start a trial of a NEW MONTHLY SUMMARY of
- posts on my blogs and website updates
- coupled with some of the posts to three of my Facebook pages
Making A Mark in August 2018
For those who missed my posts because you were on holiday or life intervened...
All posts are from Making A Mark except
- ABI = Art Business Info. for Artists
- BBA = Botanical Art and Artists
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Image of Wyeth's Studio, © Phil Bradshaw, FreshFly |
- The Andrew Wyeth Movie - a hugely popular blog post. - an extended trailer for the new documentary film about Andrew Wyeth, originally planned for a 2012 release - but due to launch this month!
- BBA - Video Interview with Kathy Pickles - Between 1991 and 1996, Kathy Pickles exhibited every year at the RHS Botanical Art Show. Each year she won a Gold Medal for her exhibit. In 2015, after nearly 20 years, she returned for a sixth time - and won a sixth Gold Medal.... and I've just found the video interview I did with her at the time!
- Lucian Freud - paintings of plants and gardens - following the exhibition at the Tate I did a an inventory - in a timeline - of all his paintings of plants with:
- notes about their context and location
- links to where you can see them and
- quotes by people - including Freud himself - about his paintings of plants and why he did them.
"The subject matter has always been dictated by the way my life has gone. I noticed that when I was under particular strain, I didn't feel so like staring at people or bodies all day." It was at times like these that the palm, the Egyptian Book, thistles, cyclamens, buttercups, substituted for sitters. Seeing through the skin
- Ken Howard gets the brush-off from police in Venice - Police tell Ken Howard to stop painting in St Mark's Square in Venice - where he has a home and has painted for the last 60 years!
- BAA - Notable Botanical Artists of the 20th Century - lists the famous and/or notable botanical artists who did most of their work in the 20th century and are now dead and who get brief or more detailed bios on my website
- Ruskin the radical: why the Victorian thinker is back with a vengeance | The Guardian - For those interested in the wide-ranging interests of John Ruskin
- Drawings by Feliks Topolski of the workers who print the money for the Bank of England are going on display at the Bank of England Museum for the first time in 60 years! (Drawing money: images of Bank print workers go on display | The Guardian)
Calling All Artists - Art Competitions and Open Exhibitions
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Explore the artworks of the Summer Exhibition by Gallery |
- RA Summer Exhibition - a curious exercise in pricing and sales - which proved to be a very popular post! If you want to know what art sold at the Summer Exhibition you can skip the explanation and go straight to my overview of what sort and size of artwork sold for what range of prices. (Update / TIP: If you want to review what sold you need to ensure the listing for all artworks online is not limited to those still available for sale. If it doesn't say "buy online now" then it probably sold or is too expensive to sell online))
- Call for Entries: ING Discerning Eye Drawing Bursary 2018 - The Call for Entries for the ING Discerning Eye Drawing Bursary - worth £1,500 to the winner - closes in just over a month - on 17th September at 5pm.
- Pastel Society - Call for Entries for 120th Annual Exhibition - If you work in pastels, oil pastels, charcoal, pencil, conte, sanguine, or any other dry media you can submit your artwork to the 120th Annual Exhibition of The Pastel Society. This is a summary of the Call for Entries - the deadline for entries is 12 noon on Friday 2 November 2018
- Call for entries: £10,000 Evening Standard Art Prize 2018 - This is an overview of the Call for Entries for the second year of the £10,000 Evening Standard Art Prize in association with Hiscox. The deadline for entries is 23:59 on Sunday 30 September 2018
- Sunday Times Watercolour Competition 2018: Prizewinners and Selected Artists - This is about
- the artists who have won the prizes in the Sunday Times Watercolour Competition 2018
- the artists whose work has been selected for the exhibition later this month at the Mall Galleries. MANY Congratulations to Victoria Braithwaite for breaking the duck in relation to botanical artists.
- ABI - How to create a hinged window mat and backboard - highlighting a comprehensive and well-illustrated article about how to create a hinged mat for your artwork on paper - plus provides alternative suppliers for required materials in the UK
- Watercolourists who'd like to exhibit with the The Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour need to check out their call for entries for their 138th Annual Exhibition - entries are digital/online. Entry Deadline: 30 September 2018 Midnight
- Impressive? This is the Jerwood replacement Drawing Prize.
69 drawings by 67 artists have been shortlisted for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2018, the annual open exhibition for drawing in the UK— a-n News (@an_artnews) 15 August 2018
- Apparently the deadline for online entry is not the deadline for entry for the ING Discerning Eye - despite what the tweets upto and including yesterday were saying... I'm confused!
Missed the online registration deadline for the #INGDiscEye Exhibition 2018? Don't panic! You can still bring your works to your nearest submission centre and pay by either cheque or cash when you arrive. Find out which centre is closest to you here:— Parker Harris (@ParkerHarrisCo) 29 August 2018
Art Exhibitions
- The Great Grayson Perry Lost Works Treasure Hunt - this is about crowdsourcing a new Grayson Perry exhibition. Have you got one of Grayson Perry's early pots?
- All Too Human - Diversity at Tate Britain - what struck me about the All Too Human - Bacon Freud and a Century of Painting Life exhibition at Tate Britain was the diversity of artists within the exhibition - which in turn highlighted some interesting deficits of the exhibition and prompted some interesting comments on Facebook
Botanical Art (BBA)
All the following posts can be found this month on my news blog (about Botanical Art and for Botanical Artists) on Botanical Art and Artists website.
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View of part of Down Under II at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery, Kew Gardens |
- Four new botanical art exhibitions at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery - Opening to the public on 6th October are:
- Mark Frith: A Legacy of Ancient Oaks
- Trees: Delight in the Detail
- Rankafu: Masterpieces of Japanese Woodblock Prints of Orchids
- Botanical Theatre: The Art of Pandora Sellars (1936-2017)
- List of artists exhibited in "Down Under II: Works from the Shirley Sherwood Collection" - which continues until 16th September at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery at Kew Gardens
- Illustrated College Herbal Exhibition at the Royal College of Physicians - is now over, but was a very unusual exhibition of paintings of plants from a medicinal garden in the centre of London.
- Iceni Botanical Artists Exhibition + Nature in Art - the exhibition by the Iceni Botanical Artists group continues until 9th September at The Apex, Bury St. Edmunds.
- Marianne Hazlewood - first solo exhibition - The occasion of a first solo exhibition for a botanical artist is very special - and I like to try and highlight those who are trying to make a career as a professional artist.
- TOP TIPS from RHS Gold Medal Winners 2018 - My annual and very popular TOP TIPS post - based on advice from some of the RGS Gold Medallists in July - for those who would like to exhibit at the RHS Botanical Art Show in future. It's a LONG one - and you may need a notebook..
- TOP TIPS from RHS Gold Medal Winners 2017 - my very belated post about the top tips from the RHS Gold Medallists in 2017 - which I started last year but forgot to complete - and it's now completed!
- Pics of Georgia O'Keeffe's botanical paintings in Hawaii can be seen at the New York Botanical Garden until 28th October 2018
- Tulipa Tulipae - the exhibition catalogue for the SBA exhibition of tulips at the at the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid is now available in the UK.
- Details of how to get a copy on the SBA Facebook Page .
- This was my BOOK REVIEW Book Review: Tulipa Tulipae - El tulipan ilustrado
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Art on Television
- The Andrew Wyeth Movie - see Artists above
- Art on Television #1: Fake or Fortune returns - Series 7 of Fake or Fortune returned on 12th August - with a humdinger of a programme - hence my next post!
- William Nicholson: Lilian Browse vs Patricia Reed and my opinion on that glass jug - The outcome of the Fake and Fortune programme past week almost caused a Twitter meltdown. I did some extensive picture research for comparisons for this post - something not seen in the programme... Plus I provide a review of the rationale for the painting not being by Nicholson
- Art on Television #2: Bendor Grosvenor and Britain's Lost Masterpieces - the third series of Britain's Lost Masterpieces returns. I could do with more art history and rather less social history (i.e. it should do "what it says on the can")
Art Business
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The new image for my Art Business Info website and Facebook Page - about what you can find on my website at |
All these articles except those marked MAM are from Art Business Info for Artists
- What happens when your "tech guy" disappears? - What happens if your website's "tech guy"
- stops communicating?
- disappears?
- unplugs for the last time - and dies suddenly?
- Want to know how to pack pastel paintings for travel or shipping?
- MAM: RA Summer Exhibition - a curious exercise in pricing and sales (see calling all artists above
- TIPS: Business Cards for Artists What's the best way of an artist creating a good impression with a business card? What size should it be and what do you need on a business card?
Subscribe to Art Business Info. for Artists - NEWS by Email
and receive every post via email.
(Your subscription is only activated after you verify the link in the email you will receive)
and receive every post via email.
(Your subscription is only activated after you verify the link in the email you will receive)
plus articles highlighted on my Facebook Page
- 4 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Generating Sales "there are four errors you should correct immediately if you would like more sales and opportunities" RECOMMENDED READ - an excellent post by Alyson Stanfield
- A Short Guide to Making Money on Instagram with Your Art is for those wanting to use Instagram to generate sales
- The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Starting and Sustaining an Artist-Run Gallery | Artsy -
- Required reading for all those artists and art co-ops thinking of running their own galleries?
- Alternative venues for exhibitions - with a comparison of Vanity Gallery vs Artists' Co-operative vs Rental Space and an overview of Pop-up Art Shows
- Better read this if you've ever felt insulted when somebody wants to buy your art and asks for a discount - The Strategies Art Dealers Use to Discount Artists’ Work
- Alyson B. Stanfield has rebranded her coaching business - it's now Art Biz Success
- Anyone still having "issues" re. writing the required "Privacy Policy" for their website - I suggest you take a look at the one used by ArtRabbit for a style of language and organisation of information which provides a good practice standard for "accessibility" - How Forgers and Grifters Have Conned the Art World for Generations | Artsy - The other way people make money in the art market
- For those selling art online in the USA or to consumers in the USA - there are few things more COMPLETELY OPAQUE than the US Government's NEW Electronic Code of Federal Regulations - which assumes you know what you want and which part of government passed it - in their language not simple terms! Somebody forgot to do the consumer test! Just try finding the Federal Regulations relating to ecommerce!!
Art Materials / Suppliers
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The Basement of 251 Kings Road - it's got stock which needs a better location |
- Paul Riley's New Lightweight Travelling Studio - for painting in watercolour when travelling by air
- The Stockholm II Stool - as seen in major art galleries and museums across London (and elsewhere)
- Green and Stone art shop is moving to..... Major news for the loyal fans of the art materials shop Green and Stone. They have to move fast.... and they need help! Find out where they are moving to - and how you can help.
- BBA - Facebook Live Video: Shevaun Doherty & Jess Shepherd talk paints, palettes and brushes - This is the first Facebook Live Video I've ever seen of a live non-scripted conversation between two botanical artists talking about: their preference for paints and colours, which are their preferred palettes and brushes and their painting processes Jess Shepherd and Shevaun Dohertywere broadcasting LIVE on Facebook! (UPDATE: now a 57 minute video!) Shevaun is currently botanical art teaching in Spain and Jess lives just up the road.
- Angus McEwen highlighted (on FB) the bespoke brass palette given to him by his wife - see for more information
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Angus McEwen's personalised petite palette |
- Now I know you ALWAYS mix your greens! However should you ever be persuaded to try a green from a tube here is the COMPLETE AND COMPREHENSIVE Guide to Greens made by Daniel Smith - including ratings for Transparency; Granulation; Staining and Pigment analysis - and how to download their colour charts
Art Instruction Books and Courses
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Three new botanical art instruction books |
Near the beginning of August, three new botanical art art instruction books arrived and I spent a few days reading different perspectives on guidance and instruction for those interested in botanical art, painting and illustration - and then writing three book reviews. These are the reviews of botanical art instruction books
- REVIEW: Botanical Illustration - The Complete Guide by Leigh Ann Gale - RECOMMENDED: Botanical Illustration - the Complete Guide by Leigh Ann Gale is a very thorough and well-structured manual of information about the process for producing botanical illustrations of a high quality.
- REVIEW: Botanical Art with Scientific Illustration by Sarah Jane Humphrey - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Botanical Art with Scientific Illustration by botanical artist/illustrator and tutor Sarah Jane Humphrey is PACKED full of content relevant to the artist and illustrator who aspires to a professional career in botanical art and illustration - a lot of which is not covered in other books.
- REVIEW: Botanical Painting by Margaret Stevens & the SBA - It contains my book review of "Botanical Painting" and my conclusions after three reviews of three Books and Three Reviews: A Conclusion
- BBA: Diploma and Certificate Courses in Botanical Art and Illustration - I've updated and developed my page of information about these courses offered and you can now find out about:
- info. about the course listings - and how to help me update them
- what Diploma and Certificate Courses cost in the UK
- what sort of guidance is available e.g. what questions you should ask before handing over the money!
Plus on Facebook
- Jackie Isard has written a long and detailed post about her preparation for painting an RHS Exhibit about wild flowers and their pollinators in different habitats. As I always say to everybody, there's ALWAYS a lot of work BEFORE you even start painting the paintings for the exhibition - which is demonstrated well in this article.
Odd art posts
- Comments are suspended on Making A Mark - because of rampant spammers who are too thick to realise what "all comments are moderated" means and that leaving a comment does not given them link juice
- Ban Pony Painting Parties got a very high profile in August. and has now attracted over 193,000 signatures - and is still going.
- How a ginger cat with attitude makes Fat Cat Art - how a very "fat ginger cat with attitude" could contribute to some interesting derivations of some serious art.
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Flaming June by Sir Frederick Leighton with a fat cat addition |
Remember you don't have to wait until the end of the month to find out what I've been highlighting on my blogs and Facebook Pages!
- Making A Mark on Facebook
- Art Business Info for Artists on Facebook
- Botanical Art and Artists on Facebook - which achieved 6,000 followers in August!
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