Details of the The One Show Summer Art Competition have been published. This year, if selected, your work could be hung in an exhibition in the Reynolds Room at the Royal Academy at the same time as the 246th Summer Exhibition i.e. between 16 June – 9 August 2014.
Over 700 people entered this competition last year.
12 shortlisted artists in each category (13-17 years old and over 18s) will have their work exhibited at the RA and six finalists in each category will be filmed for The One Show on BBC1.
There are two prizes
- one for adults i.e. over 18 on 16th April 2014 and
- one for teenagers aged between 13 and 17.
Selection criteria
This is the criteria for how entries will be judged.
Works will be judged on the following criteria:Please also note
- Originality
- Composition
- Control and use of the chosen medium
- Ability to follow the guidelines as set out in the Terms and Conditions
Following standard industry practice, the BBC may undertake background checks of the shortlisted finalists. The parents or guardians of entrants may be asked questions regarding the entrants and may be asked to sign a declaration on their behalf. Information discovered or that may have been disclosed in this process will inform the decision as to the selection of the finalists.
Who can enter
Only amateur artists can enter this competition. Here's the definitive statement of who is an amateur artist - because the BBC says so!
The competition is not open to professional artists or artists who have already won prizes and awards for their work – only amateurs. To qualify as an amateur, individuals should not earn more than 50% of their annual income from their artworks. The BBC’s decision as to whether an entrant is amateur or professional is final.You can enter if over 13 on 16th April 2014.
Terms and Conditions
These are:- the terms and conditions for adults (ie over 18 year olds) (on 16th April 2014)
- the terms and conditions for 13-17 year olds
How to enter
Here's how to enter. Note entry is by post and is NOT digital and entries are NOT returned.
What to send with your entry form
Complete an entry form and send with image of the artwork by post to The One Show Art Competition 2014, BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay, Glasgow G51 1DA- DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS. Send either a photo(s) or a scanned reproduction of your artwork
- Download the entry forms for 18+ year olds Word version (34 KB) or PDF version (186 KB)
- Download the entry forms for 13-17year olds Word version (36 KB) or PDF version (189 KB)
Type and Size of artwork
- Work should be on paper or or canvas.
- Works should be no bigger thanA1, 84cm x 59cm / 33 inches x 23 inches
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