Sketches of early evening on Cape Cod - copyright Katherine Tyrrell
My other blog, Travels with my Sketchbook in....... has got some new additions.
Travels with my sketchbook in New England
I've started posting the sketches I completed while in New England last month - some of which you can see above. There's going to be quite a few........
- here's a provisional summary of what I will be writing about and illustrating with sketches completed on the trip.........and here are links to the first four
- Friday 8th September "A different mode of transport"
- Saturday 9th September "Concord and Caulfield"
- Sunday 10th September "Cape Cod National Seashore"
- w/c 11 September "More Cape Cod seashore"
Jan Allsopp lives in in Australia but is currently traveling around Europe until November
Our itinerary goes something like - Paris, Avignon, various places in Provence, Florence, Sienna, various places in Tuscany, Venice and Rome. This will be my last post until November when I hope to have something to show from my sketchbooks.As preparation she has developed her own guide to Paris which you can see here. She finds the information she wants to have her (from a guidebook), creates a series of small maps in her sketchbook and then annotates them, using teeny tiny handwriting and different coloured inks.
A link to Jan's personal guidebook is being added to the travel sketchbook blogroll on "Travels with a sketchbook in.......". Jan's blog is called "...in my spare time"
Shirley sketches London........again!
Shirley Levine (www.papersandthreads.com) is still sketching London. She was back again in September while I was away and will back again towards the end of this month. This is a link to her September archive of travel sketches of London - I think they're great! Do take a look.
- Travels with a Sketchbook in.......
- Jan Allsopp - In my spare time.....
- Shirley Levine - Paper and Threads
I happened to come across this blog and was so pleasantly surprised to see what a fantastic artist you are. I will definatly visit again and I am excited to see what is to come.