10" x 14" coloured pencil on Arches HP paper
copyright Gayle Mason
Last year, Gayle Mason and I exhibited at the 2006 Exhibition of the Society of Feline Artists and round about this time of year we're beginning to think about work which needs to be finished before the end of April if it is to have a chance of being in the very fine brochure produced by exhibition hosts - the Llewellyn Alexander Gallery.
As usual Gayle is way ahead of me in identifying and executing potential work for the exhibition. Her latest cat drawing has just been posted on her blog in a splendid post - From First Marks to Giclee Print - which shows images of all the progress stages - right through to giclee print. This particular drawing has been done using Prismacolor French Grey coloured pencils in French Grey, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% and Black. I think it's excellent and we (at fine Line Artists) think Gayle has probably got another best seller on her hands.
Gayle sells most of her work through fine art prints. Her distributor will be showing this particular print for the first time at the Spring Fair at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. This is an international trade fair which is targeted at buyers from retail outlets which focus on the wider aspects of 'lifestyle'.
The Gallery Hall is the largest art (print) and framing show in the UK. It's not primarily for artists who mainly sell originals but for those interested in marketing their work through giclee prints and who want to do some market research it's an extremly interesting show to go to. The website provides further details for anybody interested in visiting.

The exhibition is always eagerly awaited by all cat enthusiasts - the Private View is always packs out the gallery and last year they sold very nearly 100 paintings during its 3 week run.

(PS This is the third time I've attempted to post this - the Blogger servers appear to be falling over. As it's taking about 3 or 4 attempts to save a draft because the word verification is playing up - so I've switched it off for comments and will switch it back on again when things get back to normal)
- Gayle Mason's blog - "Fur in the Paint"
- Society of Feline Artists
- Llewellyn Alexander Gallery, SE1 8LN (opposite the Old Vic Theatre)
- The Spring Fair 2007
- Gayle Mason Fine Art
- Gayle Mason Fine Art - cat galleries: cat art, cat 2, cat 3
- Katherine Tyrrell: catnapping gallery
- Making a Mark: Society of Feline Artists Annual Exhibition
Thank you for featuring my cat on your blog Katherine, I feel quite famous.