I've picked an item from each week and the week they featured in is listed at the end of each item.
It's really interesting to see how many of the good links are still there two years later. However, this exercise has certainly taught me which websites don't maintain their links over time(!). That's certainly going to influence which sources I use for links I include in future!
Artists' work
Well I have to start with the man who has probably influenced the start of more art blogs than any other! What better way to start than with one of his favourite subjects?
- A dozen eggs: Duane Keiser (A Painting a Day) posted the egg painting to end all egg paintings. Read some of the reasons why he started painting eggs. (17th June 2007)
Tracy Helgeson has a post Cape Cod Redux (see right) which really demonstrates just how powerful a body of work in a consistent style can look when presented in an exhibition at a gallery. Read the gallery's description of her landscapes inspired by upstate New York and Tracy's own comment on her solo exhibition (in the comments to her own blog post) to see just how powerful it can be for sales as well. (15th July 2007)
- This week I'm featuring Walt Taylor and the drawings which he does for the Norfolk Virginian Pilot. We all know him as Wally or that elusive character Sparky Donatello (and he's in this picture somewhere!) who writes and draws for CrackSkullBob - the name of his blog. His wonderful annotated drawings document scenes of life as it is lived, culture as it is observed and the architectural heritage in and around Norfolk Virginia, Hampton Roads and Virginia Beach. Walt says in words and images some of the things other people only think. You can see all his images here and the rest of his images here . (5th August 2009)
Vivien Blackburn - on the publication of an article about her art in "Leicestershire and Rutland Life" (see right). This is an established and exclusive magazine whose readers are characterised as aspirational high achievers who want to "buy the very best for themselves, their homes and their loved ones".....You can read more about the nerve-wracking process of having an article published about you on her blog here. (22nd July 2007)
- Henry Moore is beginning to make quite a mark on Kew Gardens which I visited yesterday. His large reclining figure lay prone on the grass next to the Palm House, lake and others enjoying the last rays in the early evening yesterday. This is the first of a number of pieces which are being craned into position at Kew ready for the exhibition of his work at Kew Gardens which starts in September. (12th August 2007)
Congratulations to Nicole Caulfield who is very definitely "on a roll" at the moment! She's got coloured pencil works accepted into five juried exhibitions - including two which are international! Last week Nicole got news that her work "Night's Agents" (see right) has been juried into the Winter 2008 Juried Exhibition of the International Guild of Realism. "Light Vanity" (the 'partner' to Night's Agents) has been juried into the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club 111th Annual Open Exhibition at the National Arts Club, New York, NY. "Fiesta Orange" is one of the 60 exhibits accepted for the sixth annual exhibition of the United Kingdom Coloured Pencil Society 6th International Annual International Open Exhibition (2nd September 2007)
- Laura's (Laurelines) report on the 2007 Biennale du carnets des voyages Clermant Ferrand that she went to - At Clermont Ferrand and after. Lots of links to other sketchbook travellers. (9th December 2007)
- Copyright: Thanks to Lorelle Van Fossen (Lorelle on Wordpress) for alerting me to the most amazing compilation of links to websites and articles and definitive statements about copyright available on the internet. Smashing Magazine's blog has an article called Copyright Explained: I May Copy It, Right?. Definitely recommended reading. (8th July 2007)
- an interview with Jack Vettriano in Times Online highlights how he got started and his attitude to the art establishment. (9th September 2007)
Congratulations to......Gayle Mason (Fur in the Paint) who had a very successful day yesterday with her new stand at the 31st Supreme Show ("Crufts" for cats) of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (the feline equivalent of the Kennel Club) at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.... Gayle's latest cat "Shred" (a red Norwegian Forest cat - coloured pencil on pastelbord) kept stopping the traffic at the show. I lost count of the number of times people gaped and announced that he was just like their cat. The rest of her cats also impressed and we came away with a very clear idea about which images people liked the most and which breeds people are most interested in seeing developed for her portfolio. (18th November 2007)
- I was asked a question about value and went looking for websites which provides good graphic explanations and came across the discourse about value and colour on Handprint's excellent website - and guide to watercolour painting
- this is his discussion of tonal value - it gets VERY technical, but take a deep breath and read very slowly! If you get stuck, just skip that bit and keep reading......
- and this is his colour wheel of colours matched to a value scale.
- He's got a printer friendly (Adobe Acrobat PDF) version of the artist's value wheel (size 220K). (1st July 2007)
- The essentials I spotted that one of Carol Marine's blog posts contained this very wise tip. Just goes to to show that even good painters need reminders! (5th August 2009)
I have 2 words tacked to my wall beside my easel. One is "squint," and the other is "interpret."
- The Big Drawing Book Review - October is the month of The Big Drawing Book Review. Below is a list of reviews done so far. The list is in date order and includes name of blogger (name of their blog + link) and then the title of the book being reviewed + link to blog post reviewing it and name of author - plus the 'pencils' rating given by the reviewer. (21st October 2007)
- Dave in Oxford/Mothsailor (Dave's Blog) - Drawing by Daniel M Mendelowitz (This is a really excellent book review!)
- Katherine Tyrrell (Making A Mark) - Keys to Drawing with Imagination (Bert Dodson) - 5 pencils for artists wanting to enhance their creativity and work more from their imagination.
- Katherine Tyrrell (Making A Mark) - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Betty Edwards) 5 pencils
- Katherine Tyrrell (Making A Mark) - Keys to Drawing (Bert Dodson) - 5 pencils (review completed May 2006)
- Alyson Stanfield (ArtBizBlog) has an excellent post about 5 ways to be a better artist - in summary: Practice / Experiment / Listen to the critics / Read / Look at a lot of art. I totally endorse everything she says and wish I'd written that post! (28th October 2007)
- Karen Jurick (A Painting Today) posted her first imovie - about her palette yesterday. (I don't even know what an imovie is!) follow the link to see this on You Tube (4th November 2007)
- Bruce Newman has a really nice overview of the week long painting workshop by Albert Handell and Richard Schmid in Putney, Vermont last month on his website.(11th November 2007)
- Jerry at sixty minute artist has a riveting blog post about colour and Joseph Albers - Color - do you see what I see? (25th November 2007)
- I've only just discovered The Art Newspaper's Exhibitions Guide to exhibitions all over the world. You can drill down by country or category of art. It provides information about upcoming exhibitions - before they've hit gallery websites. It's a neat way of planning any trips you might be thinking of. (16th September 2007)
The SOFA exhibition has been another big success for feline artists and both Gayle Mason and I sold work. Gayle sold "Out of Sight" twice - read her blog post to find out how! The one I sold was "Pause" which is a drawing of my abyssinian cat Polly enjoying the sunlight - with ear cocked for sounds behind her as I walked up and found her there. (23rd September 2007)
- I discovered a neat trick this week. Go to Compete.com and then insert 'artist forum' into the search box and it produces a list of forums for artists. It comes out as an alphabetical listing AND it provides you with information about them in terms of ranking, people counts in relation to traffic and any other information collected about them from the internet. (7th October 2009)
- Two excellent articles about two of the Masters of Drawing are available online by American Artist. as part of their Learning from the Masters series. (30th September 2009)
- an excellent interactive digital explanation of Japanese print making and the art of producing a wood cut print - produced by Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. (24th June 2007)
- (2nd December 2007) Enrique Flores (acuarelista) has two new sketchbook videos on YouTube (making 38 in total!) for:
- Paris November 07
- Midori Clermant Ferrand November 07 (which includes lots of sketches of fellow travel sketchers)
- I only realised this week that John Ward CBE, RP, NEAC died aged 89 on 14th June - planning an exhibition for his 90th birthday. This is what The Independent had to say in its obituary......Do read what John Doyle MBE PPRWS had to say about how he was taught to paint by John Ward in an equally informative obituary in The Guardian.....John Ward's work emphasised drawing and he did quite a bit of work in pastel. I always really enjoyed seeing his work in a show and would always make a point of locating it early so I could also come back to it again at the end. In fact, I drew the wall on which his work hung at the recent exhibition of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters. (29th July 2007)
John Ward meets Boris Johnson at the Mall Galleries
8" x 10", pen and sepia ink and coloured pencils in moleskine sketchbook
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
- Charley Parker(of the excellent and popular art/illustration blog Lines and Colors) has (followed up) his excellent post on How NOT to display your work on your website which generated many comments......(with) his excellent and very helpful posts about How to Display Your Art on the Web. I'm listing them all below for anybody who may have missed the first ones I posted. As charley says his posts are intended as a rough guide for illustrators, gallery artists, cartoonists, comics artists, concept artists and other visual artists who want to present a professional representation of their work on the web.
- Part 1: Finding a web hosting provider
- Part 2: Registering a domain name
- Part 3: Building your web site
- Part 4: Planning your web site
- Part 5: Designing your web site (19th August 2007 and 9th September 2007)
- Kirsty Hall - artist and curator ("Up all night again") is developing a VERY nice set of articles about the online aspect of being and artist and available tools (26th August 2007)
Congratulations to.... "He who must not be bored while I sketch" - who got a letter this week saying he's been awarded a Distinction in his Master's Degree in Education and Development. Not bad for somebody who won't see 50 again! I know this isn't anything to do with blog posts, websites or even art but he's definitely "made a mark" and we're both very pleased! It also means I get him back at weekends and I'm looking forward to more sketching trips with him - if this monsoon rain ever stops! (22nd July 2007 - and we all remember the rain in the summer of 2007 when we experienced the wettest summer on record!)
Congratulations to your husband! What a wonderful mark HE has made! It's fun to look back on the two years of WMAMTW. I still don't know how you manage to keep up with the art world and do your own work, not to mention managing two group blogs and this one, with its various subblogs. You make me tired, Katherine. But in a good way ;D. Thanks for the mention, as well.