A little bit of history - as this chimes rather well with Whistler Month! The RBA had its first meeting on 22 May 1823 and received a royal charter in 1887 when Whistler was the President. Eminent past exhibitors include James McNeill Whistler, Walter Sickert and Phillip de Laszlo.
Ever since its inaugural exhibition in 1823, the Annual Exhibition of the Royal Society of British Artists has apparently been the place to see and buy both innovative and traditional painting, sculpture and printmaking.
"From Whistler, Sickert, L.S Lowry, Henry Moore and Carel Weight to the current outstanding membership, the RBA continues to be a forum for excellence." the current President of the RBS, Romeo Di GirolamoYou can see who the current members of the RBA are here. You are invited to click on the name to find out more information - but nothing happened when I clicked.
You can view images in the exhibition on a dedicated exhibition website.
The 290th exhibition features the work of John Martin, winner of the 2006 de Laszlo medal. The image at the top of this post is by John Martin. (Note: The image is 'Homage to Bonnard' copyright John Martin RBA)
I must confess to wishing that the Society had sorted their years out and had got rather more slick website arrangements as the current arrangements make the display of art by and information about RBA members somewhat difficult to access plus the links need an overhaul. I'm also slightly bemused as to how this can be characterised as the "290th annual exhibition" for a society which was founded in 1823.......
- The Royal Society of British Artists
- The RBE exhibition website
- Mall Galleries The Mall Galleries, The Mall (near Trafalgar Square) London SW1
Public Enquiries: 020 7930 6844 info@mallgalleries.com, www.mallgalleries.org.uk - The Royal Society of British Artists' annual exhibition 17th-27th May 2007 (Entry £2.50, £1.50 concessions. Open 10am-5pm daily including weekends. Closes 1pm on final day.)
- Red Rag Gallery - more work by John Martin
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