I've not yet seen it as yet but have received a wonderful packet of images from the nice people at the Museum - and it looks stunning! The one below I see on a regular basis in its normal home at the National Gallery - however it often succeeds in making me feel slightly sea-sick in empathy for those waiting on Calais Pier to get into the boats!
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Calais Pier, with French Poissards Preparing for Sea: An English Packet arriving
by J.M.W. Turner, oil on canvas, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1803
© The National Gallery, London |
Here are the reviews to date:
- Turner and the Sea, The National Maritime Museum, review - The Telegraph rates it 4****
- Jackie Wullschlager reviews Turner’s sea paintings at the National Maritime Museum for the Financial Times
- The Guardian has two articles:
Artists and Art Blogs
- Lisa Jardine last week commented on Grayson Perry and the 'national treasure' problem in The Guardian
The 'national treasure' label may suit our more cuddly public figures, but Perry is a powerful, discomfiting artist
- The Telegraph gave us Frank Auerbach: An interview with one of our greatest living painters last week. This is a slideshow of the paintings in the current exhibition Raw Truth: Auerbach-Rembrandt, runs October 4 to December 1 at Ordovas, London W1 (ordovasart.com) then December 12 to March 16 at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (rijksmuseum.nl)
Botanical Art
- Shevaun Docherty (Botanical Sketches and Other Stories) demonstrates how she gets to know a plant before she begins to paint a plant properly - in Getting to know you
- Botanical Artist Anna Mason has been interviewed by Jacksons Art for their blog - see Getting to know…Anna Mason, Botanical Watercolourist with added ‘Wow’ Factor
Drawing and sketching
- The Art Newspaper gave us In pictures: The drawings by Leonardo that haven't been shown together in thirty years
- Adebanji Alade (Adebanji Alade: My art, my passion for sketching) is Featured in The Artist Magazine December Issue
- This week's "Ask the Art Professor" column in the Huffington Post is Ask the Art Professor: Is Drawing an Innate Talent or a Craft? She finishes with a very powerful thought
Remember though, that even the greatest talent and drawing skills will only take you so far. In the end, it's the creativity, innovation, and ideas that matter. Artists need to think, make choices, and express opinions in their work. This critical thinking process is what distinguishes an artist from someone who is simply technically adept in drawing.
- Liz Steel (Sketching architecture) has been continuing with her workshops on sketching architecture - this week she's been doing Sketching Perspective with her class - and brings a fresh and invigorating approach to the topic.
Getting too technical, getting caught up in positioning all the lines perfectly, doing too much measuring and/or using a ruler kills the JOY of sketching for me.
- This was the Johor Bahru sketchwalk (23rd November 2013) organised by Buz. Johor Bahru is the city at the southern tip of Malyasia across the straits which separate Singaopore from Malaysia and I've been there - a very long time ago while on a field trip to Singapore! The photos and sketches took me back!
- This is Luiz Ruiz (luisruiz.es) sketching paradise lost
Art Societies
- The President of the Royal West of England Academy has a blog which I've not come across before - see RWA President.
- On the upside it's great to see photos of a selection process
- On the downside - words and links are also good! The blog is missing out on a big opportunity to send traffic to the website and the exhibition! A few links to the RWA website and their exhibition - in both blog posts and the side column - certainly wouldn't go amiss!
- Discovering The City of York ( Part 3- The paintings and sketches complete is a great post by Adebanji Alade which documents a number of places he painted recently in York - prior to an exhibition! You get:
- a photograph of the scene
- a photo of the artist at work
- the image produced as a result
- Susan Abbott has some great pics in Painting Notes: Into the Wild with Tom Thomson
Who painted this?
- Again we had only one person who got the correct answer for Who painted this #52?. Nor surprise - it was Bernadette Madden. I think I need to pick some less obscure paintings!. You can find this week's challenge in Who Painted This #53 - there's a clue - which David has figured out.....
Art Business & Marketing
Licensing Art
- Art Licensing Info - FAQ: How long does it take to make money in Art Licensing? -From Art.licensing.blog.com
- Alyson Stanfield (ArtBizBlog) has:
- started to discuss branding! See Branding Your Art Business
- a checklist for all those sending out invites - see The Artist's Invitation Checklist
- Karen Margulis (Painting my World) has A Quick and Easy Way to Make Greeting Cards of your Paintings
Time management
- One thing is an interesting rumination by Lisa Call on how to live in the moment and plan one's time. Plus she gives early notice of some online classes she's planning for 2014. (Don't miss the last photo - I guarantee you won't have seen this before!)
Art Collectors and the Art Economy
- Bonhams:
- 20 Nov 2013, Modern British and Irish Art Steps at Wick' painted by L.S. Lowry in the 1930s during a holiday in Scotland was sold for £890,000 at Bonhams Modern British and Irish art sale in London. In total works by Lowry make over £1,760,000
- 19 Nov 2013 London, Knightsbridge Modern British, Irish and East Anglian Art. Check out some of the prices paid and how the paintings and the prices compare to those charged by those selling contemporary art today.
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River scene at dusk by Sir Alfred Munnings PRA, RWS (1878 - 1959) Sold for £21,250 inc. premium |
Collecting Art
- Axisweb provides Collecting contemporary art: a beginner's guide
Go to private views, meet artists and, above all, talk to them. The conversations you have with artists are the key to finding out about their motivations, influences, ambitions and working methods. And once you have that knowledge at your fingertips, you’re well on the way to acquiring a frame of reference that will inform your judgements about what to buy.
Exporting Art
- The Art Newspaper - Labour party’s tough talk on export licences and access to art New shadow minister says more works should stay in Britain—and be seen by the public
- The Art Newspaper - More victims of Abstract Expressionist fakes scandal revealed
- Fake drawings and paintings turn up all time at auctions - complete with fake signatures. In Fakers, Fakes, & Fake Fakers on artnews.com, Well-known forgers reveal the creative methods they use to copy the masters
What Sells Art
- What REALLY determines the value of paintings and what they sell for at auction? In The Guardian's What sells art? auctioneer Philip Hook reveals what really sells in the world of fine art. Is it the artist as a 'brand', the availability/rarity or condition of an artwork, or maybe its romantic baggage or "pulling power"? Plus is it actually a better painting because it costs more?
Art Competition
- The Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2014 is converting to totally digital entry. There's also a cap of 12,000 entries on a "first come, first served basis". Bottom line - be ready to enter when the submission website opens on 6th January because digital entry means there will be a lot more than usual. My post RA Summer Exhibition 2014 goes totally digital! reviews the process - but starts with some tips for entering open exhibitions/ art competitions and this competition in particular.
Art Exhibitions
Art Exhibitions in London
- The Shirley Sherwood Gallery at Kew Gardens has two exhibitions which would make an excellent place to visit for all those interested in botanical art before they close in January 2014
- 'Black and White in Colour' at Kew Gardens - a review is the review of the exhibition of art for sale at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery. I wonder who will be the next artists with work for sale in the Shirley Sherwood Gallery at Kew Gardens? The exhibition continues until 5 January 2014.
- Botanicals - Environmental Expressions in Art - a review is about an exhibition of some of the paintings from what is probably the leading private collection of botanical art in the USA - the Alisa and Isaac M. Sutton Collection. You can see them at the Gallery at Kew Gardens until 19 January 2014.
- ING Discerning Eye Exhibition 2013 - a review - includes views of the six different exhibitions.
- The Annual Exhibition of the New English Art Club is at the Mall Galleries between 29 November - 8 December.
- They've opened their website to online sales - for 280 paintings - in advance of the opening of the exhibition in the Galleries.
- There are a series of workshops during the exhibition with painters Tom Coates PPNEAC RP (Portrait drawing), Melissa Scott-Miller NEAC (Sketching For Painting), Paul Newland NEAC (Townscapes in Watercolour), Julie Jackson NEAC (Paintings Old And New)
- The paintings being exhibited by members and associate members in the upcoming Annual Exhibition of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters (11 - 21 December 2013) can be seen online at Paintings by ROI members. I'm booked in for the Art Event evening on the evening of Tuesday 17 December.
Art Exhibitions in the USA
- New York: The Morgan Library & Museum - Leonardo da Vinci: Treasures from the Biblioteca Reale, Turin October 25, 2013 through February 2, 2014. This is an ArtNews article about the exhibition Rare Leonardos Visit New York for First Time
Art Museums
- Louvre Abu Dhabi to open on 2 December 2015
- Tate Britain has finished its refurb!
- Six things to know about the new Tate Britain
- Room with a view tops off Tate Britain’s revamp, completed this week. Penelope Curtis, the gallery’s director, aims to accentuate the strengths of the collection and the building
The Grand Saloon, a large room under the museum’s portico, has been closed to the public since the flood of January 1928, when the river broke through at Millbank and water swept into the Tate. The room with a view is no longer subdivided into offices. It has been restored and rechristened the River Room and will host seminars and events.Art History
- Good question - Was Michelangelo a better artist than Leonardo da Vinci?
Art Materials
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Colour mixes by Sue J Williams |
- Robert Genn talking About True Colours
- I love the big pictures of pastels which Unison Colour keep serving up on their Facebook Page
- Kremer Pigmente now has an Instagram account which they keep filling with images about colour
- More about red - and information from Winsor & Newton. Madder root is a natural substance used to make a deep red pigment used in paint. Known for its capacity to create a wide range of rich purples and browns, Alizarin Crimson is a deep red pigment with a blue undertone.
- For the colour junkies - colour mixes for painting darks and blacks - as seen in "Black and White in Colour" at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery in Kew Gardens (with permission of the artist Sue Williams). Click the image to read the mixes.
Oil Paint
- Websites: When was the last time you thought about whether or not your website was keeping up with the amount of technological change we've seen in the last few years. If you have thought, have you acted on it? The Making A Mark Poll this month is about looking at the last time your updated your website to take account of the big changes in operating systems, devices used, browers used etc. POLL: When was the last time you updated your website? Read my summary of the technological change which has been affecting our websites. Plus a request for some help from you.
- How to transfer files securely? The National Maritime Museum use Big Filebox to transfer files for press purposes. I can confirm it's very fast and very simple however pricing makes it more appropriate for small business and corporate organisations which need to transfer files on a regular basis to a number of clients. However it could be
- The Google Search widget on Blogger has stopped working on my blogs. I use it all the time which makes this really irritating. Has anybody else had the same experience?
- I've implemented the AddThis Smart Layers code which generates the buttons you can see on the left and top right. If anybody wants to do the same and wants to know how pipe up and I'll do a blog post when I've got a spare minute (which might not be right away!). Or you could try clicking the link above! :)
and finally......
- The Art-Lovers’ Crowdfunding Gift Guide. Well it's different!
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