Canary Wharf Sky - 4.52p.m. 18th November 2006
7" x 5" coloured pencil on Arches HP paper
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
7" x 5" coloured pencil on Arches HP paper
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
I rather enjoy when it gets to Autumn and the nights draw in because I get these great views of natural light and artificial lighting halfway between day and night. This drawing is of what Canary Wharf looks like to me when this happens. This view is from nearly three weeks ago - just before 5.00pm on the 18th of last month.
Each piece in the series will have a generic title: 'Canary Wharf Sky' and a time and date which then enables them to be displayed either by time of day or month of the year or season. I'm rather hoping that galleries and collectors will see the display potential!
One of the reasons I'm really enjoying the development of these views is because in drawing the skies I get to develop what I tend to think of as my own particular version of a 'colour field'. This is when I hatch with various colours to achieve an effect which looks as if it's just one colour to start with - and then as you look more closely you begin to see more and more nuances of colour.
Update on 'the drawing hand': Very painful along the back of the hand and up my forearm - even more so when I forget to put my brace on first thing as I did this morning! Thanks for all the good wishes for a speedy recovery - they're much appreciated.
Technorati tags: art, Canary Wharf, Canary Wharf sky, color , colour , coloured pencils, drawing , pencils , photograph, series, small works
Lovely - I know it's been said before, but I love being able to see the pencil marks in your work. So much depth in that sky and lovely reflected artificial light from the city.