You are invited to nominate for the awards summarised below. Instructions on how to nominate for these and other awards are also set out below.
You can see all the previous winners of the Making A Mark Awards here.
Nominations sought for:
The Painting Plein Air Plus Prize
This award is for excellence in plein air painting plus a strong commitment to sharing information.Previous winners are:
- 2006 - Ed Terpening (Life Plein Air)
- 2007 - William Wray (Urban painter William Wray)
- 2008 - shared by: Michael Chesley Johnson (A Plein Air Painter's Blog) and Linda Blondheim (Linda Blondheim Art Notes)
- 2009 - nominations please
This award goes to the most intrepid and/or industrious artist travelling with a sketchbook.
- 2006 - Laura Frankstone (Laurelines)
- 2006 - Julie Oakley (One Mile from Home) - winner of the 'Get Off Your Blogging Bottom and Sketch' Brass Plate
- 2007 - Martha (Trumpetvine Travels)
- 2008 - Cindy Woods. (Learning Daily)
- 2009 - nominations please
This award is for the art blog which I've found most stimulating in relation to getting us in touch with nature and the environment. It encompasses those who blog about animals, birds, flowers and plants. Blogs are not required in any way to limit themselves to just those topics but they do need to have a feel for being green and sustainable about them. They also get extra points for getting out and about and drawing from life!Previous winners are:
- 2007 - Richard Bell (Wild West Yorkshire)
- 2008 - Shared by: Irene Brady (Nature Drawing and Journaling Workshops) and Debbie Kotter Caspari (Drawing the Motmot)
- 2009 - nominations please
Although I already have some blogs in mind as contenders for these awards I'm very interested to hear what you all think too.
What you need to do to nominate - it's very simple!That's it!
- Leave a comment on this blog - BEFORE 24th December
- Identify the title of the Making A Mark Award that you want your nominee to be considered for
- Identify the name of the blog, its URL (eg The Art Blog http://theartblog.blogspot.com) and the name of the blogger
- Say why you think this blog should be considered for a Making A Mark Award.
I'll collate all your nominations and comments in relation to each award and consider alongside those blogs which I have in mind as being worthy of consideration.
The Making A Mark Awards will be announced on the 29th and 30th December.
See my Making A Mark website for a list of previous award winners and an outline of the reasons why they won
Links: The Making A Mark Awards 2010 for blogging about art - Making A Mark: End of Year Review
- Best artwork
- NEW!!! Nominate the Best Art (Place) on a Blog 2009
- NEW!!! Nominate the Best Art (Still Life) on a Blog 2009
- Nominate the Best Art (Portrait/Figures) on a Blog 2009
- Generating art
- Nominate - The Painting a Day Stickability Shield
- Nominate - The Best Art Blog Project Virtual Challenge Cup
- Getting out of the Studio
- Nominate - The Painting Plein Air Plus Prize
- Nominate The Travels with a Sketchbook Trophy
- Nominate - The Going Greener Gong
- Learning about art and the art business
- Nominate - The FAQs and Answers Really Useful Medal
- Nominate - The Make Me Think Gong
- NEW!!! Nominate The Best Book by an Art Blogger Blue Ribbon
- The Home Front
I would like to nominate Rob Ijbema, Painting Wales Diary for the painting Plein Air Plus Prize,
His latest painti9ng is a brilliant example of why I think he should get this prize. He manages to portray ordinary things, misty mornings, lights on cars, roads, fields,etc so beautifully, capturing nuancies of light and mood perfectly, infusing the everyday with a tougch of heaven. Which is what art is all about. Plus he seems to go out in ALL weathers, so he needs a big fat prize. I have asked him and have already awarded him the prize, from me anyway!
This blog doesn't fit any of the categories, specifically, but thought it should be mentioned.
ReplyDeleteBill Guffey's Virtual Paintout
brings artists together to paint or draw "on location" utilizing Google Maps Street View function.
I have enjoyed this blog and the monthly challenges and hope you pop over and take a look.
Leslie - that one has already been nominated under the art project category (yesterday's post) and that's probably where it best belongs
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate Susan Abbott for her "Let Me Show You Vermont" blot and art project, here is the link: http://letmeshowyouvt.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteThis blog is full of her sketches, some paintings in progress and finished paintings. It is a lovely testiment to the state she lives in.
It pleases me to nominate Loriann Signori's blog for the Plein Air Plus award.
ReplyDeleteloriann signori's painting-a-day
Loriann, of Silver Springs, Maryland (USA) paints outdoors every single day, with few exceptions, and posts the rich results for our enjoyment. Her dedication is matched by few, and her process is illuminating and a joy to observe. I love her color-rich river scenes, and she also favored her readers with a series from the Richard McKinley workshop this past fall.
Thank you to everybody who has been nominating
ReplyDeleteCan I just remind people to remember to identify the title of the Making A Mark Award that you want your nominee to be considered for
Hi, For Susan Abbott's nomination I was thinking that her Vermont blog would fit well with the "travels with a sketchbook" nomination. If that does not really work, maybe the blog project category.
ReplyDeleteThe Painting a Day Stickability Shield
ReplyDeleteHow about Karin Jurick's A Painting Today blog?
I saw her other blot won previously but this one I find myself checking back on a lot, not only for the beautiful painting, but for the added element of hoping she's accidentally captured my backside while looking at a painting! The honor it would be to be featured, even if only from behind!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought about Loriann, too.But Casey was faster to nominate her blog:-)
Loriann plein air paintings and working habits are such an inspiration.If you go back to the blog beginnings and compare it with her latest work you can see, that all her dedication, effort and love for her environment has paid off.
Astrid - it's always good to get support for a nomination!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment and the suggestion to look back. I do find that looking through a blog provides a lot of useful information in the event of a "tie-break" situation! :)
I would like to nominate "Just around the corner" by Debbie Drechsler for the Going Greener Gong award (url:http://debdrex-drawing.blogspot.com/).
ReplyDeleteAha - I came across that blog just the other day for the very first time!
ReplyDeleteGreat mushrooms!
I'd like to nominate Lynne Chapman of An Illustrator's Life for Me
for the Travels With a Sketchbook Trophy. She travelled to Costa Rica this year and brought back some beautiful sketches but I think she really deserves it for the sketches she does as she travels around the country. She's a children's book illustrator and obviously has a very busy time promoting her work but she carries her sketchbook everywhere and even the awful British rail system doesn't stop her sketching at every opportunity she can! Not only that but she does it all with her characteristic good humour and makes it sound like fun! A real inspiration to us lazy lumps who claim to have no time! ;)
I would like to nominate Marc R. Hanson, Painting My Way Through Life,
for the Painting Plein Air Plus award.
He paints plein air daily when he is not teaching or traveling, but usually gets something posted. Last April he had his Painting Marathon and painted 4 plein air paintings a day for the month of April. They are not three strokes, one for sky, one for tree and one for land. These are beautiful paintings with composition, theory and all included. He also wrote about the paintings each day. Amazing.
He is generous and sharing with his comments.
My first comment from this week doesn't seem to have come through, so I'll try again.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to nominate Lynne Chapman of An Illustrator's Life For Me!
for the Travels With a Sketchbook Trophy. She is a children's book illustrator and obviusly leads a very busy live promoting her work, but even so she carries her sketchbook with her everywhere. She brought back some beautiful sketches from her trip to Costa Rica this year but I think she deserves the award for the sketching she does as she travels around the UK by train. Despite the frequent delays and the tiring work schedule she never misses an opportunity to sketch. To top it all she does it with her characteric good humour and makes it sound like fun - she's a real inspiration!
I would like to nominate Martin Aveling for the Going Green Gong. http://www.avelingartworks.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteIt's the variety I enjoy - from the flight of an eagle owl to his current project of an elephant installation. His "getting out and about" ranges from sketching orang utans in Indonesia to illustrating sparrow identification posters for London. Main reason for nomination though is that he finds every which way of giving something back, so the orang utans, rhinos, lemurs and the charities that protect them, benefit too. Art with a heart!
I would like to nominate Joan Tavolott for the Travels with a Sketchbook Trophy. http://watercolorsbyjoan.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteShe is consistant and does wonderful watercolor sketches on her travels and sketches/paints daily. Great person and very active on wetcanvas, too, besides keeping her blog up to date.