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Quilts by Kaffe Fassett |
In 1988 Kaffe became the first living textile artists to have a one man show at the Victoria & Albert Museum. The exhibition attracted such crowds that the Museum doubled attendance figures during the run and has since visited Finland, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Canada, USA and Iceland (where 5% of the total population attended.)Back in the days before tenosynovitis set in, when I could still grip and hold knitting needles, I loved to knit his designs. If you are in any way interested in colour and/or textiles and/or patchwork/quilts then you should definitely take a peek at his website.
Anyway - his quilts were my main reason for going to the RHS London Autumn Shades show at the RHS Halls in Westminster last week - as there were to be a number of Kaffe Fassett quilts on display.
I walked in and was absolutely amazed to find they'd hung the quilts in mid-air so both sides could be seen and you could get a close look without there being any danger of them being damaged in any way.
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Kaffe Fassett Quilts hanging in mid air at the RHS London Autumn Shades Exhibition - also reproduced below as images in the rest of this post |
Going to the exhibition also meant that I got to meet two more RHS Gold Medal winners - this time for botanical photography - see RHS Gold Medal winning Botanical Photography for the images of the photographs.
Coming out of that is a post next week about Juan Sánchez Cotán (1560 - 1627) the artist whose style influenced Clay Perry's work when photographing heritage fruit and vegetables.
I was intrigued to find when I got home that Clay Perry used to photograph the avant garde art scene in the 1960s - including Robert Rauschenberg and Yoko Ono - this is a link to Clay's photos of Yoko Ono and her Half-a-Room installation in 1967. I also discovered that he also photographed R&B bands in the 1960s who subsequently became rather famous! Cue moody photos of Eric.
So I dug a bit further and found out that he had been a pupil of Ifor Thomas who was a pioneer teacher of photography as fine art (from this interview). That to me came over very clearly in the photographs in display at the exhibition. I always say that I have no difficulty identifying Gold Medal work as it always stands out.
Artists and Art Blogs
Art History
On Friday I tried an experiment - which seemed to get an enthusiastic reception. Who painted this? #1 is a new and occasional challenge on this blog for all of you who like art history. It generated a lot of guesses - most of which were correct. However one person got there first with all the required answers - and that was Vivienne St Clair (A Painted Postcard).
Watch out for more of the same in this new occasional series of posts!
Drawing and Sketching
- This is the Moleskine Community's Artworks Gallery - 7,423 artworks have already been posted to the gallery
- I went to Sheffield Park but only tackled a small sketch of the autumn colours - Birch, Witch Hazel, Acer Palmatum, Fir - at Sheffield Park
Landscape Art
Painting- Two Autumn Landscapes this week on The Art of the Landscape
- "October" - Limbourg Brothers (Autumn Landscape #11) This one is of peasants sowing grain in the centre of Paris in the early 1400s. In the background is the Louvre Palace - and I think I've discovered three reasons why it's included.
- Breugal "The Return of the Herd" (Autumn Landscape #12)
- Jane Gardiner (Glasgow Painter) would have been the first person to win my challenge on Friday - if she'd found the right art book fast enough! Anyway - I got to look at her blog and I liked what I saw. Here's one of her posts The joy of painting squares
- This is the blog of the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour - although they neglect to tell us that on the front page! It also seems to have started and stopped - more's the pity. I'm sure there must be somebody up in Scotland who could get it up and running again. I know I;d love to see more watercolours by Scottish painters.
- Oil Color Palettes is a blog by Aaron B Miller which is entirely devoted to the palettes of colour chosen by different artists when painting in oils. If you;d like to share your palette you just need to contact the author. In the meantime, here's
- So who's doing Pumpkin Paintings for the great Halloween Spendfest?
- The Guardian has:
- developed a new "hub" for all its photography - and now has a photography blog
- published an article which asks Photography: is it art?. It relates to a new exhibition at London's National Gallery
- On Monday I posted a commission to the USA and wrote a blog post about Exporting Art (Part 1): The Invoice. You can download a proforma export invoice from my website for free
- Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox for October 22: Mobile Email Newsletters
Art Economy
- MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS ONE: One of the Guardian's most popular posts this week was this one about Dave Hickey - Doyen of American critics turns his back on the 'nasty, stupid' world of modern art. Back in 2009 The Daily Beast characterised him as the "bad boy" of art criticism in a Newsweek article Reenter the Dragon
Dave Hickey condemns world he says has become calcified by too much money, celebrity and self-reverence
Art Competitions
Pastel Society of America
There seems to have been a lot of attention given over the last 12 months to digital and social media development of the websites, blogs and Facebook pages of the Scottish Art Societies
- Two posts about Call for Entries to become Wildlife Artist of the Year - run by different organisations! See
- Wildlife Artist of the Year 2013 - Call for Entries #2: BBC which features Heather Irvine's winning picture The Last Winter for the 2011 exhibition which portrayed an old moose.
- Wildlife Artist of the Year 2013 - Call for Entries #1: David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation which features Karen Lawrence-Rowe who won last year's £10,000 prize
- Richard Hamilton: The Late Works (10 October 2012 – 13 January 2013) at the Sunley room in the National Gallery in London
- Happy Birthday Edward Lear is on at The Ashmolean in Oxford and celebrates the 2ooth anniversary of the birth of Edward Lear - which in part also celebrates his work as an artist as well as an author. David Attenborough rates him as one of the greatest ever ornithological illustrators. His treasured collection of Lear's fine lithographic plates are to be reproduced in a facsimile limited edition book - read Attenborough's treasured Lear bird prints reproduced for Folio Society
- I was tipped off about a remarkable exhibition by Georgie Meadows at the Wellcome Collection of stitched drawings featuring elderly and demented people in Monmouth.
Art Societies
- The Natural Eye - the 49th Annual Exhibition of The Society of Wildlife Artists opens to the public on 1st November at the Mall Galleries
- This is the last week of the Autumn Exhibition of the Royal Watercolour Society at the Bankside Gallery which closes next Saturday. View the slideshow here.
Art Bloggers
- The Rochford Art Trail opened yesterday and runs until next Saturday. Read more about it on Paul Alcock's blog Paul Alcock - Paintings and Drawings
Art History
- It's such a pity that Art History News has neither a feed nor a way of leaving comments. Apparently the author likes it like that. http://www.arthistorynews.com/index.php - such a pity it doesn't seem to have a feed that works or any scope to leave comments. Here's an example of one of the posts 'Thought Out', and why art history needs to change
Art Materials
- http://blog.jacksonsart.co.uk/2012/10/17/the-golden-tint-glaze-poster-giveaway/
- Jackson's doing a giveaway via their Facebook Page
- Derwent very sensibly asked on the Derwent Facebook page what new products or marketing improvements people wanted to see - I had three suggestions!
Art Societies
Pastel Society of America
- This is a report from the Pastel Society of America about their recent exhibition and http://www.pastelsocietyofamerica.org/pdf/WrapUp_2012-Revised.pdf. This includes Observations on Frank Federico’s demo by Alice Laputka, PSA - which he started working from his reference upside down. I found this interesting
Here are some interesting statistics about this year’s juried exhibition:
- 467 artists, both members and non-members, submitted 937 images of
- paintings for consideration
- 196 paintings were juried into the show
- Of those who won awards, 18 were first time winners; 11 were nonmembers; 5 were associate members; 20 were signature members, and 19 were master pastelists.
- this is the PSA newsletter - Pastelgram for 2012
- this is the PSA October 2012 - November 2013 workshop brochure featuring workshops by PSA members
- This is the website of the Pre-Raphaelite Society - who picked up on my review of the exhibition at Tate Britain
There seems to have been a lot of attention given over the last 12 months to digital and social media development of the websites, blogs and Facebook pages of the Scottish Art Societies
- The new website of the Society of Scottish Artists goes live in November. This is their Society of Scottish Artists on Facebook. There's also a project to digitise their archives so all past catalogues can go online
- The Society has a Virtual Gallery so that all artwork in their exhibitions remains online.
Art Studios
- The Independent - In The Studio: Tacita Dean, artist "'I feel evicted – both from my studio and from my medium"
Art Videos
- "Work" by Ford Maddox Brown is one of my favourite paintings & one of the greatest paintings of the Victorian 19th century - there's just so much in it! This is a 3 minute video - Pre-Raphaelites: Curator's choice - Ford Maddox Brown's 'Work' - and his explanation of the work by one of the curators of the Pre-Raphaelite exhibition at Tate Britain
- This is a discussion of Artists Pigments 1780-1880: History and Uses by Mara F. Szalajda. There's six pages in total.
- The blog of the Citizen Media Law Project has posted a useful link about copyright in relation to Pinterest with particular reference to fair use (where case law is quoted) relating to the pinning of other people's images on Pinterest (ie does this infringe their copyright or not?). There's a very useful set of summary guidelines at the end - see Pinterest: Fair Use of Images, Building Communities, Fan Pages, Copyright.
A hypothetical “Company” has plans for its Pinterest “community”, and in particular, wonders about these situations:Techies
- Using Images of Identifiable People
- Fair Use and Images
- Trademarks: When is a “Fair Use” Argument Strongest?
- Why Attribution and Linking to Original Sources is Important
- How to Protect your Personal Data from Facebook Applications your Friends Use on the Facecrooks site is absolutely ESSEntial reading for anybody using Facebook - I managed to figure outmost of this for myself but there were one or two things which were excellent recommendations
and finally......
What else could it be but The 10 Best Scary Paintings - for Halloween!
I'm a huge Kaffe Fasset fan myself, and done a number of his designs in needlepoint (I'm not much of an accomplished knitter) - I wish I could have seen this installation, as it looks simply incredible! Thanks for the pics!!