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Before the Fire - by Carol Marine |
- Carol's blog - Before the Fire in which she tells us what she chose to grab as she left her home and studio fast
- Karin Jurick's blog - Help for Our Good Friends which points us all to
- this post by Jennifer (David's ex-wife and Carol's co-author) which highlights that Carol and David lost their home - a fundraiser - and which also recounts what happened as Jennifer was there when the alarm was raised
When we stood in the front street, we could see huge clouds of billowing smoke. There wasn’t even enough time for them to take more than their computers. I backed my car through their front yard and up to Carol’s studio, but we didn’t take anything more than a few small paintings of Carol’s. They lost all her art that filled their house.
Carol commented
The good news is, we have fire insurance. I'm trying to think of more good news, but that's all I got.Just the day before the fire I had an email from Carol's husband David asking if I would be kind enough to highlight another appeal - this time a Help the Children of Africa Challenge on Daily Paintworks - which is aiming to tackle the needs of those caught up in the current famine
The UN has said up to 400,000 children in the Horn of Africa could die without aid and up to 11 million people require food assistance.He commented (ironically given what happened the next day)
I hope you are doing well. Carol and I are enjoying our 75th day of over 100 degree (38 C) here in central Texas!Notwithstanding what's happened to David and Carol - the auction is still up and running on the website that David built for Daily Paintworks. I'm sure they will be very happy if you choose to participate/contribute to either this appeal for support or the one highlighted on Jennifer's blog.
Why not send them a message too maybe?
This post is also late I've been on "community" duty over the weekend as the Olympic Borough I live in had a very large and very contentious demonstration and counter-demonstration on Saturday - with all Marches banned by the Home Secretary and 3,000 riot police on local streets to cope with the so-called "static demonstrations" which were anything but in the latter part of the day.
Hence some considerable dislocation in my normal routine - not helped by helicopters hovering overhead, emergency vehicle sirens blaring on and off and on and riot police actively enforcing civil order in our local park - all of which added to the anxiety levels of local residents!
I've taken to staring at house details in rural areas!
Anyway - on to what caught my eye in respect of art last week. (I'm afraid I'm image light this week - I now need dinner but will try and do something about this later)
Artists, Art Blogs and Articles
After the earthquake came Hurricane Irene......Yet more posts about crises and disasters! Now you know why I was asking about Ides!
- Connecticut: This is Jan Blencowe's (The Poetic Landscape) account in A New England Seascape Painting
- New York State: Here's James Gurney's post about In the Wake of Irene on Gurney Journey
- Vermont:
- Susan Abbott posted Sunday Sketchbook: Vermont and talked about a picture of Wallingford in better times
- Susan is also having a Vermont Flood Relief sale - which you can also see on Flickr
- Robin Kent's (Robin Kent Art) home town of Brandon had a starring role in the Vermont floods. However he reported in Quite a Sight that theexhibition by the Brandon Artists Guild opened on time as per usual!
- North Carolina: Lin Frye (View from the Oak) painted
- Marsh Finds - a picture of one of the many abandoned boats which litter the coast
- a simply splendid painting of Hurricane Irene over the Marshlands on Nature Sketching
Botanical Art
- Leaves of Pacific Northwest Natives is an assignment completed by Janene Walkky (Eden Sketcher) for the SBA's Leaves assignment for the Diploma in Botanical Art
- Kew Gardens is now selling prints of Rachel Pedder-Smith's amazing Bean Painting: Specimens from the Leguminosae Family which was recently exhibited in the Watercolour Exhibition at Tate Britain. That painting has really had an impact in so many different ways. Click the link on her name to see more of the painting up close.
Drawing and Sketching
- These are links to to Liz Steel's current activities (Liz and Borromini)
- new Issuu book about her recent trip to Portugal - it contains all her journal entries and sketches
- while over on her regular sketching blog Liz and Borromini, Liz has started to write up her trip for her blog - which should please those who live in the north east!
- Trip 2011: The 30 hour Journey Sydney to Newcastle
- Trip 2011 Day 2 - First Full day in Newcastle
- Trip 2011 Day 3 - Socialising with friends in Newcastle
- at the same time as starting a brand new blog - one that I think will become seminal to those interested in this field - all about Sketching Architecture. This is the first post Welcome to my new blog!!! which explains how it came about - and it includes some initial responses - but Liz would love to have even more feedback.
- Kiah Kiean (KiahKiean) also does wonderful loose architecture sketches too - do take a look.
- The Telegraph had an interesting article which is an interview with Dryden Goodwin about Drawing Projects - a new book about drawing which was published last month - which I have now got on order!
- USA: The Drawing Projects: An Exploration of the Language of Drawing
- UK: Drawing Projects: An Exploration of the Language of Drawing
- Kate Johnson's interviews with artists continue. This is Artists' Journal Workshop: Interview # 14--Meet Nina Khashchina!
First one of those "good news/bad news" posts about the Colored Pencil Society of America (CPSA)
Art Society
Art Supplies
Last week I posted
- The good news
- CPSA has published its prospectus for its annual mixed media exhibition Explore This! 8 which I will be reviewing later this week,
- There's a NEW definition for colored pencils - which I'll also be reviewing in the near future
- the CPSA website http://www.cpsa.org/ has a brand new look!
- The bad news
- the new website retains its top level domain name. However, based on my current exploration it looks like every bookmark you may ever have made to information below that level is now likely to default to a 404 page (ie URL not found). The new website had a brand new set of URLs its new structure and new look
- which presumably means it has just lost the SEO value of all the links made in the past to the sub-domain level. I know I have a big job to get all my links changed to the new ones!
- The definition of colored pencils clarifies some aspects and confuses others and seems to have some internal contradictions! More comments to follow in my review.
- Further to my comment last week, unfortunately I think I must stop referencing posts to Richard McKinley's blog Pastel Pointers as it's now impossible to retrieve past posts via a browser. If I post a link I assume it's going to be easily accessible for some time after I post.
- This is an interesting post about The Two Plein Air Artists on the FineArtViews Blog
- 33 Unique Career Paths You Can Take With a Master of Arts Degree is an excellent thought-provoking post for all recent (and not so recent) graduates in Fine Art. Some of the suggestions are a little "off the wall"!
- The Art Newspaper has a couple of articles about Damien Hirst
- Decision on Hirsts leaves owners in a spin marks a change in policy about how Hirst's artwork should be sold. I'm wondering what does to values of works already sold as singletons and the suits they were originally a part of.
- Seeing Spots announces that The Gagosian Gallery has announced that it is to publish a catalogue of every spot painting produced to date by Damien Hirst. I think they'll need to make sure they're not running foul of the trade description legislation if they use the words "by Damien Hirst".
- National Portrait Gallery director Sandy Nairne had a sensitive, secret role in recovering the Tate’s stolen Turners and has now written a book about it. This is an Art Newspaper article by him which highlights My life as an undercover negotiator
- The Art Curator is a bit different to the normal online gallery sites - it's curated and has a small number of selected artists. The pieces include originals selling for thousands. It also has a blog incorporated into the site which includes these posts
Art Society
- The Sage Creek Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico is playing host to the 6th International Annual Exhibition by the International Guild of Realism which is based in Scottsdale Arizona. Click the link to see the images. Click the image to see a larger image.
- My posts this week
- reviewed Society of Feline artists - Annual Exhibition 2011
- highlighted the Special Loan Exhibition of Royal Portrait Miniatures in October
- On Friday I'm attending Florum 2011 in Sevenoaks in Kent - where a number of floral and botanical artists will be exhibiting their art
- Graffiti was sprayed on a £1.5million Damien Hirst statue at the Charity Exhibition at the The Royal West of England Academy.
- Alex Zonis (Pencil Scribbles) wrote to me to
- remind me about her graphite portraits, one of which was nominated in the MAM Awards 2010: Nominations for Best Portrait/ Figure Painting 2010
- tell me about her upcoming exhibition at Le Gallery Thorndale (1106 West Thorndale Ave, Chicago IL 60660). It opened last Friday and coninues until the end of the month. The work for this show is all new: new media – oil, new genre – still life.
- Here's a link to a post about how one of the works being exhibited was painted - see Sentries
- Michael Chesley Johnson has written about Workshop Junkies and More Thoughts on Plein Air Painting Workshops.
Art Studios
- Tina Mammoser (The Cycling Artist) highlights Why I don't clean my studio at the end of the day - makes sense to me!
- We had fun on Monday trying to work out the answer to A pigment conundrum for you! I'm very grateful for Judy's very full response - which has now been added into and updates the post (for those who haven't already read it)
- This morning, I finally got round to posting Product Review: Pilot G-Tec C4 Microtip 0.4mm Rollerball Pen on Making A Mark Reviews. This is my sketching pen of choice for use with coloured pencils on smooth/HP surfaces. One of the reasons I like it is because I can get it in brown ink. Not always easy - hence I tend to buy a lot at once!
- Parka of Parka Blogs posted a Review: Pentel Waterbrush

Last week I posted
- the results of last month's poll - What's the MAIN way you have sold art in the last 12 months? (Poll results)
- POLL: What makes somebody buy a painting? - You can find the poll in the right hand column. It looks intersting so far. Comments are always appreciated as to your views.
- For those of you who need more time working at your computer rather than being distracted by your computer - this is Anti-Social - an application for Macs which turns off the social parts of the Internet. Now - do I need to do a call-out to those of you who I know hav e struggled with this aspect in the past....? ;)
- Blogger’s fresh new look - on The Official Google Blog - is now being opened to everybody. I'm went back to the old look until they sort out some of the functionality.
- I'm not sure I'm inclined to wish Chrome Happy Third Birthday as the Google blog does - it's just locked me out of Reader. It's decided I've got some malware on a blog that I've linked to in Reader but refuses to provide a solution! However the post highlights developments in the last 12 months.
- 10 Ways to Use Google+ For Promoting Your Blog
- Just in case anybody else has not yet considered how they would cope if they had a crisis like Carol and David - try reading Using technology in crisis preparedness which highlights some of the things you may need to know how to do in order to communicate.
and finally.....
From another place that has suffered severe traumas in the last year - just to show that you can't keep an artist from karing art, there's a spin on street art in Christchurch New Zealand. The City is still experiencing after shocks and is working its way through demolishing buildings which are too unsafe to be left standing.
So this is what street art in Christchurch looks like......
So this is what street art in Christchurch looks like......
So sorry about Carol's news! But she and husband are safe and that's the important thing. It unfortunately hits home two things we covered in Alyson Stanfield's organisation class this week. Having a computer backup in a second location and having a list of business info (emails, website log-ins) in case of emergency. Some of us on the class were affected by the hurricane and riots, so a fire is just adding to the disasters lately! So I hope you're right and it's just some weird end of summer thing.
ReplyDeleteGood points Tina
ReplyDeleteThe list of business info also applies if Computers blow up!
That's why all my info is now in the ether!