We hopped on the Tube to the City of London, avoided the long queues to see the inside of the Bank of England and visited the artwork known as the Lloyds Building instead - for some absolutely fantastic views from the 11th floor. We also visited the Guildhall and Guildhall Art Gallery - which just happens to have a Roman amphitheatre in the basement - PLUS for this weekend only one of the 13th century copies of Magna Carta AND an exhibition about Atkinson Grimshaw which opens tomorrow. Atkinson Grimshaw - Painter of Moonlight is on display until January.
I came home with the catalogue and will be returning for a visit to the exhibition. That's how I found out a night sky is a pale shade of chromium green!
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Liverpool from Wapping (1875) by Atkinson Grimshaw |
Now for the rest of what I noticed last week....
Art Blogs and Artists
Drawing and sketching
- Some more architecture for you. Eduardo Bazjek is one of the architectural perspective sketchers on Urban Sketchers. This is his blog Perspectivas E Sketches / Prospects and Sketch (in English) (maybe it should be Perspectives?) - which actually starts with a commission about sketching beaches - see Aquarelas para Cia Marítima Beachwear. It's in Portuguese but Google does a pretty good job of translating it if you set up your browser to prompt you for a translation
- Danny Gregory (Danny Gregory) has been making videos about illustrated journaling - see
- A new drawing film: Red Hook on Vimeo - which is about Tommy Kane (Thanks to Astrid for the tip). Great music too!
- I then found Tommy Kane (Tommy Kane) in Tommy Kane draws France - also on Vimeo - you can really tell he's made television commercials! I've only just come across this video of him sketching while on holiday on Britanny although it's 11 months old. Makes me want to hand somebody a video camera for when I'm sketching! (Thinks - send newly retired person on course about making films maybe?)
- I've finally got round to starting off my account on my own Travels with a Sketchbook blog of my recent holiday in Provence. Two posts last week - this time with all the photographs and other graphics which I couldn't do back in June
- On the Road to Provence (+ the checklist!) - London to Epernay and how I got to Provence
- Épernay and The Grillade Gourmande - and what sort of champagne I had when I stopped off in Epernay. Plus the start of some epic sketching of French meals........
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Menu du Terroir Champenois, La Grillade Gourmande see the post for the full menu in French and English! |
- Stapleton Kearns (Stapleton Kearns) had A few pointers on painting skies
It is the warm yellows and reds in a sky that make it have light, besides its value. You can pound all the blue in the world into a sky and it won't light up.
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Island in the Attersee (1902) by Gustav Klimt |
- I posted a couple of paintings by Gustav Klimt on Watermarks - see
- one of my favourite paintings - Klimt - Island in the Attersee
- Klimt: Park of Schönbrunn which I found I stared at until I worked out this puzzle of a painting
- Then over on The Art of the Landscape I posted the third in my mini-series of posts about David Hockney - a link to various videos made about Hockney painting the Yorkshire landscape - see Videos of David Hockney painting landscapes
- Carol Carter (Paintings) - who won the Making A Mark Award for Best Painting on a Blog in 2007 is pleased to announce that Watercolour Magazine has chosen her as one of the 25 watercolour painters to watch. Carol also has a blog called Paintings under $400
- Tracy Helgeson (Works by Tracy Helgeson) finally gets around to telling us all what it's like to have exhibited with Wolf Kahn - see The One with Wolf Kahn. I suggested she frame the invite!
- Here's a different type of art blog Paulina Little (sportsportraitartist) paints sports people - doing sports! She's planning to do paintings of the Olympic events.
- Another artists - this time Larry Moore (Larry Moore Studios) - discovers the iPad and ArtRage in a new way to painting and the scope it offers to produce digital paintings which look a whole lot like the real thing
- An excellent post my Joanne Mattera (Joanne Mattera Art Blog) summarising the nub of the issues in relation to five queries about What's the deal?
- The Gallup Management Journal published a summary of a report which focuses on Social Media: Three Big Myths. Gallup suggest that social media should be used to promote messages to loyalists - who might then recommend your product/brand - rather than prospects
Myth: Social media initiatives drive customer loyalty and acquisition.Fact: Engagement with a brand drives social engagement.
- The Problem with Visible Digital Watermarking , Right-Click Disabled Websites and Art Marketing by Brian Sherwin on Fine Art Views. It's a good summary of the issues that these approaches raise.
- Apparently Google Wallet, Google's mobile payment and daily deals service, will officially launch tomorrow, according to TechCrunch.
Art Competitions
I had posts about two very popular art competitions this week.
- First up - we found which artist got most People's Choice votes in the BP Portrait Award Exhibition see BP Portrait Award 2011: People's Favourite & Statistics. I'm pleased to see my "pick a winner" faculties are still in good order! Plus I had some fun doing some charts for the stats - this is one of them
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Selected artists by age group statistics supplied by National Portrait Gallery / chart by Katherine Tyrrell |
- I then had two posts about the Sunday Times Watercolour Competition and its exhibition last week at the Mall Galleries (it closed today)
- John Hunt wins Sunday Times Watercolour Competition 2011 - in which I identified the award winners.
- REVIEW: Sunday Times Watercolour Exhibition 2011 - in which identified some of the works I liked and made some observations about what seemed to be important to this art competition
- The National Portrait Gallery has also announced the shortlisted photographers for the 2011 Taylor Wessing Prize
- The Threadneedle Prize 2011 Exhibition opens on Thursday 22nd September and continues until 8th October. I'm going to the Preview on Wednesday and am looking forward to seeing what the artwork chosen by this year's judges looks like in the gallery - and will be selecting my personal shortlist! You can see the works being exhibited on the website.
Art Exhibitions
National Museums and Art Galleries
- On Tuesday I went to the preview of the new exhibition about Degas at the the Royal Academy of Arts - which generated two posts about the exhibition (below). If you're a Degas fan try this quiz Edgar Degas - painting in motion: Quiz - I got 9/10 and dispute the accuracy of one of the answers! :)
- REVIEW: Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Movement - which is very long and not altogether in agreement with the propositions re the relationship between photography and his artwork
- The Degas Exhibition - notes for pastellists - Casey Klahn (Pastel) has recommended the video I included!
- Thanks to new Twitter follower Rosie McClelland (Rosie McClelland Art) for alerting me to the 2011 Annual Exhibition of the Royal Ulster Academy of Arts - Rosie's artwork has been selected for the exhibition. I also read her post about intrepid plein air sketching in Donegal
- Plymouth Arts Centre has reopened after a major refurbishment. It's showing the British Art Show until 4th December- which is organised by Hayward Touring, takes place every five years and tours to four different cities across the UK - Nottingham, Glasgow and Plymouth and at the Hayward Gallery in London.
- I went to pick up my wood engraving this morning and found out that last week's exhibition by Florum managed to attract a lot of buyers and to double its sales! Not bad given that it looks like we're entering into a double dip recession! I know I had a lot of traffic for the blog post about the exhibition which I guess means there's still lots of people interested in botanical art.
- The 10th Annual Exhibition of the United Kingdom Coloured Pencil Society opens at Methodist Central Hall tomorrow. The Exhibition runs from 19th September to 1st October 2011 and is open Monday-Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm and Sundays 12.00 - 5.00pm. There's a programme of workshops - although the one run by botanical artist Ann Swan has sold out.
- Neil Hollingsworth's (Paintings in Oil) Coca Cola paintings are in an exhibition at the Mason Maurer Gallery - in a special section - see the Coca Cola Show at Mason Murer
- Tina Mammoser (The Cycling Artist) will be at the Blackheath Gallery Autumn Exhibition on the afternoon of Saturday 24th September at 34a Tranquil Vale, Blackheath London SE3 0AX. The exhibition runs from 24 September - 28 October. This is also an opportunity for people in the UK to see paintings by Deborah Paris
- Paulina Little (sportsportraitartist) is a professional artist who will be taking part in the Merton Arts Trail Open Studios in October 2011 (Here's a link to more artists taking part)
Tips and techniques
- Stapleton Kearns (Stapleton Kearns) teaches us all how to pour from a gallon can of solvent without getting it all over our shoes
- Mike Theur has a page about How to Hold a Pencil which illustrates different drawings grips and suggests their different uses.
- For budding art historians: Did you know they do rankings of places where you can do a doctoral degree in Art History. I found out about it on vis this post NRC Rankings Revised - which provides a list - by Jon Lackman on the Art History Newsletter. This is the article in The Chronicle of Higher Education (USA) which it references
- This is the Pencils.com blog by the people who make the Blackwing pencils. Besides announcing matters relating to its products it also features pencil artists
- I'm not quite sure when Prismacolor developed its own blog - but this is it Art Unihibited. They've made it past the three month mark as entries, although not frequent, date back to March of this year.
- The posts are fairly typical of art manufacturers. Here's an example of a post about Sheila Theor
- Not sure I'm too impressed by their Terms of Use - I can't think of a single blog I've ever read which has anything like that. I wonder who advised them?
- This article on legal zoom reviews the legal use of the The State of the “Fair Use” Defense in the Art World. You can also review more articles about intellectual property rights including Protecting Your Digital Assets in the Afterlife
On the East Coast, a New York federal court ordered the destruction of millions of (potential) dollars worth of artwork created by Richard Prince because, the court held, he “unfairly” used copyrighted photographs by French photographer Patrick Cariou in his artwork without permission.
- However Richard Prince has been allowed to appeal the Court decision
- Jakob Nielsen provides a very useful article for all website owners and bloggers. How Long Do Users Stay on Web Pages? was published in his Alertbox Newsletter which he has published on the Internet ever since 1995. His website which focuses on web usability indicates that this fortnightly publication and its much-used archive currently gets 12 million page views per year.
- Not to be confused with the Neilsen Company(in English) which is a very important global marketing and advertising research company. Its blog is called neilsenwire. They recently published the Nielsen: Social Media Report hich focused on the current state of social media - social media networks and blogs - and what people ACTUALLY do - and how that varies according to demographics and use of technology used for social media sites. Did you know the 55+ age groups use of the mobile internet use doubled in the last year?
I was at a total loss at one point as to what to share with you in this spot this week as the candidates kept on coming! In the end this one won out....
The Art Cops: Art School Confidential by John Perreault - the source of the art glut is exposed!
Art Cops rocks! :D Thanks again for a great post and for all the BP Portrait posts, I just caught up with them last night. Nice to see who won the people's choice.