Art Blogs
Drawing and sketching
- Sketching has the scope to transport you to different parts of the world - as in Four days in Varanasi, India by Suhita Shirodkar (Sketch Away: Travels with my sketchbook) who lives in San Jose in California. Great sketches full of life, animation and colour. You can see 80+ drawings from her trip to India in this flickr set. What's very interesting is that Suhita, as a sketchblogger is also selling prints of her sketches on Etsy. Which is something I've had in mind for a while.......
- Cathy Gatland (A Sketch in Time) in South Africa says Joburg sketchers are growing. Cathy has been invited to go to to go to the Urban Sketchers Symposium in Lisbon, as one of the international instructors.
- It wasn't until I came to write my article about The Times for my sketchbook blog "Travels with a Sketchbook" recommended by "The Times" that it dawned on me that the reviewer had highlighted my advice on sketching (see below)
- On Tuesday, Derwent published my article 10 reasons to sketch with coloured pencils on the Lovepencils blog.
- Great advice from Stapleton Kearns (Stapleton Kearns) about Finding subjects in the landscape
- I'm also continuing to enjoy Phillip Koch (Philip Koch Paintings) and his posts about landscape painting - particularly this one Fighting the Headwinds which includes a photograph of Edward Hopper's Truro, Massachusetts studio and a sketch by Hopper of the same view
- Bridget has just bought one of ArchieSutter's paintings at a group exhibition she is in () Archie Sutter Watt RSW lived in Dumfries and Galloway and was a well known artist. He died aged 90 in April 2005 - but his website lives on.
- Chris Beck (Brush - Paper - Water) has started a series on American Watercolor Masters. Here's the first post American Watercolor Masters - John Salminen. This is John Salminen's website - from which I learned that he will be the chairman of the American Watercolor Society 2011 award jury this spring. His website of urban landscapes shows great tonal control and some wonderful glazing techniques.
- You just know that Stapleton Kearns (Stapleton Kearns) has a sense of humous when you see a title for a blog post which reads 100 paintings an artist should know, Ingres management edition
- Dan, at Empty Easel, this week identified some of its all time popular blog posts. This was one of them - 9 Very Common Figure Drawing Mistakes, And How to Avoid Them
- Adam Cope (Dordogne Painting Days) has a blog post whch invites you to identify the elements in the portrait drawing of a child which indicates the age
Art Business and Marketing
- Alyson B Stanfield (ArtBizBlog) tackles email marketing - and why the subject line counts in Mastering Subject Lines in 49 Characters or Less
- In The Limits of Evidence Based Marketing Seth Godin highlight's why the tide turned for Apple and why the evidence of a word from the people we trust when telling stories about the products they use counts for a whole lot more than any adverts or research studies. So do you write about the products you use for your art?
- Karen Middleton (Karen Middleton ~ Art and Illustration) has an interesting post of interest to all those who work from home - Working from home - how to stay disciplined
Art Competitions and Art Societies
- Pastel Society of America: Call for Entries - 39th Annual Exhibition summarises who can enter and what you have to do
- The UKCPS has a Call for Entries - 'World of Coloured Pencil however this relates to members only. An update World of Coloured Pencils - amendment indicates that the deadline for entries has now been put back to 23 April to allow time for members to receive their Entry Forms
Art Exhibitions and art fairs
- A new exhibition honors architecture’s sketchbook traditions comments on the The Architecture of Drawing which is an exhibition at the Arts Centre in South Florida
- The Watteau exhibition opens at the Royal Academy of Arts on Saturday 12th. I'm going to see if my foot will alow me to get to the preview on Wednesday (I've been more or less housebound now for too long!)
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Jean-Antoine Watteau Three Studies of a Young Girl Wearing a Hat, c. 1716 Red and black chalk, graphite on paper 138 x 246 mm Collection of Ann and Gordon Getty |
Art Education / workshops / Tips and techniques
tips and techniques
- James Gurney (Gurney Journey) analyses Eye Highlights - it's amazing how something so small can make a huge difference to believability
- Martin Stankewitz (How to draw a tree) writes about Blurb books with hardcover – a mixed experience where he has some very graphic experience of ordering different types of book and some very specific recommendations.
- Thanks to Martin I also now know that Blurb is gearing up to deliver ebooks which are capable of being read with ease on the iPad - see An Open Letter from Blurb’s CEO on the Blurberati blog.
- Don't get killed in the rush - but......
- Last week James Gurney made a Painting Workshop Announcement
- Carol Marine (Carol Marine's Painting a Day ) has added four new workshops to her schedule for 2011. Don't get killed in the rush!
Art Galleries and Museums / Art History
- Last year I wrote about The amazing Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource at the Birmingham Museum of Art. This year there is an exhibition called The Poetry of Drawing: Pre-Raphaelite Designs, Studies and Watercolours which continues until May 15th. Pre-Raphaelites: The Poetry of Drawing is a Telegraph slideshow which indicates the type of drawings on show. This is the review by the same paper - The Poetry of Drawing, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, review
This major exhibition is the largest survey of Pre-Raphaelite drawings and watercolours ever staged.
- Now I know I have problems with my ankles but what I didn't realise is that Michelangelo's david does too! Read this article in the Telegraph to find out more about why Michelangelo's David 'could collapse due to high-speed train building'
- I came across a story in The Guardian which suggests that Claude Monet's second wife Alice tried to obliterate the memory of his first wife Camille (who died age 32). See The jealous love rival who tried to erase all trace of Monet's muse. I've read a lot of books about Monet and this is the first time I've ever come across a theory of this sort. Rather too much drama and too little facts from a reporter who is not an art specialist methinks. Do others agree with him? Click here to see all of Monet's paintings of Camille
Art Supplies
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Arcobaleno Pigmenti de Nube Massimo, Venice (the pigment shop) photo copyright Katherine Tyrrell - all rights reserved |
- I've got a new website Art Supplies Around The World - Resources for Artists and already artists are beginning to send me notes about the art stores they want to recommend.
- Thanks to both Amie Roman and Terry Krysak who have helped to start filling the gap re the good Canadian art storesand who both highlighted Opus Framing & Art Supplies in Vancouver / British Columbia.
- Don't forget folks - in an age of online sales if we don't support the good art stores at a local level we'll lose them. So if you've got a good art store you don't want to lose do please let me know.
- Jana Bouc (JanasJournal) has highlighted the resources which can be found in the Amien Forums in Amazing Art/Materials Resource Site + How to Store Paintings
Art Videos
- I was really surprised to find this video and recommend you take a look Watch Andrew Wyeth paint Thomas Hoving
- I had an email recently about a live streaming broadcast of a demo. Now given the Internet works on a global basis there's a fair chance that somebody will be asleep while it's streaming. It would be so nice to see a link to a video replay loaded to YouTube when you click the link rather than just seeing a screen telling you the broadcast has finished!
Book reviews
- My two regular monthly updates re who's reading which art books are listed below.
- Makingamark's Top Ten Art Books in February 2011 What's becoming very apparent is that artists and authors with a strong online presence have a head start over other authors when it comes to marketing their books - and that pays off in terms of profile and consequently sales.
- The Best New Art Books in February 2011 in which I comment on how few new art books managed to transition to a second month in top new art books.
I have to announce as a result of writing my own post I ended up downloading Kindle for Mac to my iPad and then a new ebook! I am now reading Powerful Watercolor Landscapes: Tools for Painting with Impact by (Catherine Gill) on my iPad
- Guess what? There'll be a post about reading artbooks on iPads and Kindles coming up soon. I'd be very interested to hear from Kindle owners who have been reading art books.
- Alyson Stanfield also asked what her readers were reading and got this answer - What Artists Are Reading Now
Opinion Poll
- 'Fess up time has started - and it looks to me like people are being amazingly honest! Check out the new POLL: How much do you spend on your art habit annually? which you can find in the side column.
- Note please that there are two polls - on in US$ and one in GB£.
- Fascinating to see how many of you don't do tax forms!
- Monday's post was about the results of last month's poll. Which service do you trust when you post or ship artwork? (Results) - a low turnout but some interesting results and worth a read for anybody posting artwork.
Websites, webware and blogging
- Am I the only person totally fed up with the way the thumbnails have disappeared from the blogrolls of Blogger blogs? Or is it just me who can't see them anymore?
- I'm becoming an increasing fan of the iPad for digital sketching/art purposes. However this week we got the update - so if you want to know more try Learn about the new iPad 2. Apparently both laptops and netbooks are being hit very severely by the expansion in tablet type tools. I'd expect prices to start dropping very soon.
- Google Docs - just got a whole lot of new stuff under the bonnet
- see what's new (UK version)
- Image drag and drop: If you use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari you can now drag images from your desktop and drop them directly into a document. Learn more
and finally........
Don't forget I've started adding a page break to posts so that they load faster - but it does mean you have to click when you get to the bit where it says Read more >>
loving the postcard project, what a lovely collection already!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention and links Katherine! Ill be pouring over your How to Sketch page to pick up some tips to pass along...
ReplyDeleteit's just you I think - mine are still there (thumbnails)
ReplyDeleteI love the postcard project and the display. I'm also not seeing all of the thumbnails in the blogroll, just some. Go figure. But I'm not always good with the technology anyway!