Sunday, May 20, 2012

20th May 2012 - Who's made a mark this week?

Yesterday we had the London launch of The Art of Sketching at Cass Art in Islington.  The founder members of Urban Sketchers London ran a whole afternoon of hour long sessions with each of taking the lead for an hour on specific topics to do with the way we sketch and answer questions about urban sketching.

Cass Art Islington - London Launch of The Art of Urban Sketching
Zhenia Vasiliev and Barry Jackson start the first session of the afternoon at 12.30
Zhenia is demonstrating the use of waterbrushes with ink.
It was very interesting to hear the topics which came up from those who attended - how to crop an urban scene, how to cope with perspective on buildings and what to do about shadows were ones which kept coming up.

I also found out yesterday that the second reprint has now sold out in the USA.  That'll mean it's now on its way to its third print since publication on 1st February!  That's got to make it one of the most popular sketching books ever - and just goes to show what can happen when a group of people get together and make things happen.

(This is going to be a very short Who's made a mark this week for various reasons)

Artists and Art Blogs

Drawing and Sketching

Fantastic art
Landscape Painting
Psychological approach
  • It's very odd.  I was only thinking this week what one would have to do to adapt well known theories around human behaviour to the behaviour of artists.  Then I read that Lori Signori gt there first!  Read maslow's triangle of need as it relates to plein air
Art Business and Marketing
Art Competitions

This is a reminder that
Art Exhibitions

Two unusual places for exhibitions associated with art this week - both are botanical gardens - one in London and one in New York

Art Exhibitions - UK major venues
In a career spanning 40 years, David Nash has created an extensive body of work. His sculptures are sometimes carved or partially burned to produce a charred surface. His main tools are a chainsaw and an axe to carve the wood, and fire to char it.

Crane lowers one part of Three Butts
Crane lowers one part of Three Butts
Install Three Butts by David Nash near the Princess of Wales Conservatory.

Constructing Cork Dome
Constructing Cork Dome
Sculptor David Nash is constructing Cork Dome at Kew Gardens
Art Exhibitions - USA major venues

Monet's Garden opened at the New York Botanical Garden on 19th May and runs until 21 October and might be called "installation art". The aim is to recreate part of Monet's Garden within the glasshouse - and the link includes access to three videos which shows how they are doing this.

  • In May and June the inside of the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory, Garden’s landmark Victorian style glasshouse, will have vistas of irises, poppies, roses, delphiniums, and foxgloves. The exhibition focuses on a couple of set pieces depicting Monet’s Grand Allée in the Clos Norman and the iconic Japanese footbridge in the Water Garden.  I July the emphasis switches to the water lilies and nasturtiums.
  • The Artist in the Garden at the Rondina Gallery at The New York Botanical Garden includes two rarely seen paintings by Monet plus his paint-encrusted wooden palette and a series of historical photographs that show the artist creating and enjoying his garden.
  • For more about Monet's Garden at Giverny - including my videos of the real garden - see my website Giverny - a great garden

Exhibitions by Art Societies and Art Groups

Art History


I've had my time wasted this week by a very stupid person called Paul S*mmons who has posted nearly 200 spam comments to my blog.  Despite being marked as spam - he appears to be still in operation, although Google finally acknowledged my report today.  Usual problem - content of the comments are unrelated to the content of the blog, are duplicated and every single comments all repeat the URL to one website.  You won't find a single one published - but that's not stopped him given that he obviously fails to check to see if any of his comments have been published!  The problem relates to the spam coming from one person - so you need to be able to report a blogger account rather than a blog or an external website - and you can't do that easily in Blogger!

So I started looking at how to improve spam control.  I'm not sure I'll do anything as this is the first problem I've had of any significance in 6+ years.  However some research did unearth the following
Other technical matters
and finally......

I'm not quite sure whether people are trying to cash in on The Scream (see ) but I did come across these posts this week
This is how they did it


  1. a belated thanks for the Blogger search tips. I had, unknowingly, turned on the search description for my blog but helped another artist get it set up too. :)

  2. Thank you for mentioning my film last week.


COMMENTS HAVE BEEN CLOSED AGAIN because of too much spam.
My blog posts are always posted to my Making A Mark Facebook Page and you can comment there if you wish.

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.