This is the fifth year and the Prize is now a well established feature within the fraternity of the UK figurative artists.
- Artwork starts being collected from regional collection points next Thursday 3rd September.
- Those who can get to the London Hand In Centre at St Mary Abbots Centre, Vicarage Gate, London W8 4HN have until 20th-21st September 2009 to submit their work

To give you an idea about numbers, in 2008, the Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize attracted nearly 800 entries from all over the UK. From these the selectors chose just 64 paintings for an exhibition held at Painters’ Hall, City of London in November 2008.
Images from the first five years of the Prize
That means there's less than 10% chance of getting work accepted - but this is a prestigious exhibition so you're in very good company if you do.
This art competition is administered by Parker Harris. Entry forms, further information and labels are available on their website to download as follows:
- LPS Leaflet - this provides guidance on the entry and details dates for regional collection of submissions
- LPS Entry Form
- LPS Labels
- To enter you must be over 18 on 20 September 2009 and resident in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
- You may only submit original, two dimensional works in any painting media which have been completed in the last three years and have never been been previously exhibited.
- All works submitted must be available for exhibition until the 31 December 2009
- You can submit up to four works which must not exceed 72 inches (183 cms) in their largest dimension including frame.
- Specific requirements regarding framing and/or cross-bearers for canvases. There must with no projections are the rear of the frame.
- All works must be for sale, except commissioned portraits.
- All work needs to be fully labelled (artist’s name, address, title of work, price)
- All work must be submitted unpacked (ie no support for unpacking/packing) with a fully completed Entry Form and an entry fee of £15 (per work) to a collection point
- Final deadline for receipt of entries in London: 21st September 2009. The guidance provides details of receiving dates for 16 towns and cities (and motorwat service stations) throughout the UK besides London. The earliest receiving date (in Birmingham) is 3rd September
- Unselected works to be collected from London on 25-26 September
- Commission of 40% +VAT will be levied on works sold during or as a result of the exhibition, or by means of the website,
- Unsold works to be collected 27th November
- The judges’ decision will be final and binding.
The 2009 panel will include the following judges:
- Angela Flowers, Director, Flowers Gallery
- Mick Rooney RA, artist
- Daphne Todd OBE PPRP NEAC, artist
- Susan Wilson, artist
- Andrew Wilton, Visiting Research Fellow at Tate Britain
The prizes are
- The Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize - £15,000 plus an engraved Gold Medal
- 5 Runner-Up Prizes each at £1,000
- Young Artist Award - £2,500 - to be awarded to an artist who is 25 years of age or under on 20 September 2009
The 2009 Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize Exhibition will be held at The Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers at The Painters’ Hall in Little Trinity Lane, London EC1 on 19 November to 30 November 2009 10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday. Admission is free
During the exhibition a series of Master Classes have been organised on the art of still life and portrait drawing. All classes are free, but booking is essential. Further information will be available shortly.

(Four fish out of water)
14" x 18", coloured pencils
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
I attended one of these last year and had fun drawing these fish while sitting in the magnificent Livery Hall hall of Painters' Hall - the home of the Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers in the City of London - with magnificant chandeliers overhead!
REMINDER: The final deadline for receipt of entries (in London) for the ING Discerning Eye is 5th September 2009!
Links to previous posts on Making A Mark about the Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize - which include images of previous exhibitions
- Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize 2008 - deadline 15th September
- Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize - selected artists announced
- Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize 2008 and Exhibition
- Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize and exhibition (November 2007)
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