Saturday, November 07, 2020

Making A Mark is a Top 10 UK Art Blog - again!

I got a nice note from Vuelio this week saying they'd run their algorithm to update their Top Ten Listing of Art Blogs in the UK for 2020 and my blog Making A Mark had made the top 10 yet again.

Currently at #4 in the Top 10, this is the write up Making A Mark got.

A big mover, up five places, MAKING A MARK is for artists and art lovers, and contains news about major art competitions and exhibitions, interviews with artists, techniques and tips for art and business. With a live pageview and visitor count, you know you’re in good company alongside the millions of other readers who have visited the blog since it was created by Katherine Tyrrell back in 2006.
Vuelio have been ranking blogs since 2008. The ranking is calculated according to an ever-evolving algorithm - you can see an explanation in this post
The methodology takes into consideration a vast number of factors including social sharing, topic-related content, post frequency, engagement, social media influence, traffic and interactivity.
The benefits of the rankings are various - for Vuelio, their clients and bloggers at large in that they
  • set a benchmark for the blogging industry 
  • serve as a resource for Vuelio's clients who are primarily in the PR and communications sector.
  • allow Vuelio to demonstrate the power, strength and reach of its blogger database and research facilities 
  • strengthens their relationship with bloggers. 
  • generate traffic for the Vuelio website.

The Top Ten Art Blogs

For the record, the top ten art blogs are listed below:
  1. StreetArtNews - which has been around since 2009. 
  2. Jackson's Art Blog - which I highly recommend for all those interested in art materials and techniques with art materials. Its most regular writers are Julie Caves, Clare McNamara and Lisa Takahashi. Some of you may remember the latter as the wildcard winner in the Landscape Artist of the Year semi-final in 2018.
  3. We Make Money Not Art written (somewhat irregularly) by Régine Debatty - and which seems to have been around forever. 
  4. MAKING A MARK - enough said! ;) Except I started it in 2006, and since then it has received over 5.2 million visitors and 16 million page views - from visitors from all over the world. I'm always absolutely amazed at the number of people it reaches. Almost as much as the number of people who recognise me when I'm walking to and from an art exhibition in London - given I post very few pics of myself!!
  5. Art Plugged (new entry) - a contemporary creative gallery with a blog which I think will appeal to the younger emerging artist. 
  6. Hookedblog - Created by Mark Rigney in 2005 and focused on the street art scene
  7. ArtWeb Blog - a blog which is related to an online website for artists. The blog has been around for some time and contains useful content. 
  8. Inspiring City - another covering the urban / street art scene set up by Stuart Holdsworth in 2012.
  9. The Primary Art Class - I think Emily Gopaul's blog is a wonderful idea and will doubtless be invaluable to all primary school art teachers - and parents!
  10. Scribblah - Rose Davies describes herself as: ‘artist, printmaker, scribbler, ageing headbanger, feminist, activist, mad-cat-woman, cake-maker, accidental-archaeologist, mud-wrangler, wild, Welsh and opinionated’ - so more than just about art!
A number of these have been in the top ten for a long time. I get that's the payoff for being persistent in our blogging!


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