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Artwork in the 65th Annual Exhibition of the Royal Society of Marine Artists at the Mall Galleries |
So it was this week when I met up with Sarah Wimperis (The Red Shoes) and her husband Dave at the Mall Galleries (which is incidentally a great piece to meet up given that you can sit in amongst the pictures having a cup of tea and a bite to eat). We spent some time pointing at pictures at saying which ones we liked from afar for doing a complete tour together - with added insight into the world of marine art from "Big Dave" - the long-time boater and man-about-Cornwall with a boat - who found he had a much closer relationship with this exhibition than he had realised. See the links below for more on marine art
Sarah and I commented on how frames seem to vary between different places. I might do a blog post on this at some point but for now the typology we came up with is:
- Cornwall - white frames (ivory or ice white)
- Cotswolds - gilt frames
- London - neutral frames (any colour of neutral so long as it's recessive)
- USA - solid wide black
Art Blogs
Drawing and sketching
New York Times - Line by Line: This is the new blog about drawing By James McMullan. Here are links to the first few posts.
- Getting Back to the Phantom Skill
- The Frisbee of Art
- Hatching the Pot
- The Beagle Vanishes
- Mother Nature Decoded
- The Shadow Knows
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The Ledges, October In Old Lyme, Connecticut, 1907 by Frederick Childe Hassam (1859-1935); Oil on canvas; 18 x 18 inches |
There is one season when the American forest surpasses all the world in gorgeousness—that is the autumnal… every hue is there...from the most golden yellow to the intensest crimson….I've been out and about on blogs looking for evidence of people painting the Autumn/Fall. Here's some of what I found:
Thomas Cole - Essay on American Scenery (1835)
- Jan Blencowe's Persephone's Farewell, Tonalist Landscape on her blog Jan Blencowe The Poetic Landscape
- Nigel Fletcher's (The Cotswold Sketchbook) painting of Autumn along Temple Mill Lane
- Ronell van Wyk's (African Tapestry) demonstrates you don't have to go for everything! She's been focusing on her plants and leaves ; here's one of her posts - Autumn sketches II..leaves
- Susan Abbott (A Painter's Year) has a colourful watercolour painting of Pond Autumn morning plus Pond, Late Afternoon, Orchard in October and Pond and Maple
- For Linda Blondheim (Linda Blondheim Art Journal) Fall means being able to go back to being a plein air painter as the temperature hs cooled see It's plein air season again
- Plus Charley Parker (Lines and Colors) posted Paintbox Leaves back at the beginning of the month in relation to past painters painting Autumn.
- A nice post by Stapleton Kearns on landscape painting and Simplicity which includes a couple of good quotes
The root skill in landscape painting, (and probably all other sorts as well ) is drawing. Almost invariably my experience with workshop students leads me ton believe virtually all of them haven't suffiicient drawing chops to deal with the complexity of nature.Continuing my 'places to paint' theme, here are a couple of my posts last week about:
Design is that part of a painting which is neither color or drawing
- Burlington House Courtyard - and sketching locations provides details of places to sketch around and about the RA in London's Piccadilly - whatever the weather!
- Places to Paint - Marine Scenes which are mainly links to places around the UK coastline which you can see on my on The Art of the Landscape blog. I made the list after noticing that same places kept cropping up as I progressed round the RSMA exhibition at the Mall Galleries.
- Bill Guffy's Virtual Paintout October - in Mexico
Art Practice
- Never satisfied - this is a great post by Robert Genn (The Painters Keys) about the four main types of creative dissatisfaction and their antidotes.
Art Business and Marketing
- For those UK artists thinking about pitching their work to the major repro houses, it may be a good idea to take a peek at the details just released of the Spring Fair International which will take place between 6-10 February 2011 at the NEC Birmingham, UK. The fallout from the comhensive spending review will doubtless have a knock-on effect as indeed the recession did a couple of years ago. This is the page about Art and Framing.
- Charley Parker (Lines and Colors) reviews Southwest Art Magazine
- For any artist who is blogging and also thinking about their business income and future income streams, here is Darren Rowse's (Problogger) take on 5 Ways to Monetize Your Blog Without Selling Out. I like Darren's value based approach to blogging and the advice he offers is invariably sensible.
Art and the Economy / Art Collectors
The big event in the UK last week was the announcement of the government's spending (and budget reduction) plans following the comprehensive spending review.
- In What the comprehensive spending review means for art I've tried to summarise the key messages arising from the details published on Wednesday. There are going to be big cuts in the funding of the arts - however admission to museums will remain free and the planned extensions to Tate Modern and the British Museum will go ahead (based on recognition of the value of these museums to the economy - see Top 10 Art Galleries and Museums).
- Thanks also to Felicity Grace for highlighting this article from yesterday's Telegraph - Spending Review: Is austerity the mother of creativity?
As the Comprehensive Spending Review spells cuts for the world of culture, Mark Hudson asks if hard times better inspire the arts.
- For example: Last week’s auctions fetched more than double the amount achieved last year. See £94 million of art sold at Frieze auctions
Art Competitions and Art Societies
- Here's my reviews of recent national art society exhibitions
- REVIEW: Miniature Art Society - Annual Exhibition
- REVIEW: Royal Society of Marine Artists - 65th Annual Exhibition 2010
- The Colored Pencil Society of America News blog has an October Update for CPSA. This covers the signature showcase book and submission to Explore This 7
- At the New English Art Club Exhibition (Mall Galleries: 25 November - 5 December 2010) Society President Jason Bowyer, will lead a sketchbook symposium on how to use one's sketches to create a painting back in the studio. Dates and times tbc.
Art Exhibitions and art fairs
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part of the painting of Queen Charlotte oil painting by Thomas Lawrence |
- I went to a preview of the new exhibition about Thomas Lawrence: Regency Power And Brilliance at the National Portrait Gallery last week - and it's a brilliant exhibition. It opened on Thursday. My review coming very soon - probably tomorrow.
- Pioneering Painters: The Glasgow Boys 1880 – 1900 opens next Saturday 30 October 2010 and runs until 23 January 2011 in the Sackler Wing of Galleries, of the Royal Academy of Arts. I'm going to a preview this week and am really looking forward to it.
- The exhibition Paintbox Leaves: Autumnal Inspiration from Cole to Wyeth at the Hudson River Museum in Yonkers, NY features some prime examples of American landscape painting from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Art Galleries and Museums
- Jerwood Visual Arts (JVA) - the contemporary gallery programme of awards, exhibitions and events at Jerwood Space - now has a brand new website
- The Beside the Wave Gallery in Falmouth, Cornwall has a new art blog called Beside the Wave Gallery! We need to see more blogs by galleries featuring their gallery artists!
Art Education / workshops / Tips and techniques
Tips and techniques
- I know it's a basic question - but it's neatly answered by Marion Boddy-Evans (Marion's Painting Blog) in How Do You Make the Color White Using Watercolor Paint?
- Richard McKinley (Pastel Pointers) suggests we try Pastel Possibilities | Creating Foundation Darks with Fixative
- Stacy Rowan (Stop and draw the roses) has been holding a virtual open studio - the only thing she'd forgotten from what I can see is how to post the nibbles to us watching online - I mean just look at all those cupcakes she's made! Here are her posts. Has anybody else done this recently?
Art Supplies
- Apparently the Take-it- easel (is) returning! I shall be investigating!
- Many coloured pencil artists will be familiar with the use of Zest-It as a solvent for getting speedy coverage of paper as an underpainting for artwork. This post on Making A Mark reviews looks at the Zest-it Blending Sponge. Make sure you read the comments!
Book reviews
- My reviews of books about drawing figures and portraiture has taken a major knock this month due to a major distraction which I could have well done without. However that's not stopped other people. Here's a review of The Big Book of Drawing and Painting the Figure on the Renaissance Gallery Art blog
- David Hockney explains why the iPhone and iPad inspire him in - David Hockney's iPad art.
Websites, webware and blogging
- Various news sources have reported on the latest Google cock-up. This is the Telegraph on the topic - Google spied on British emails and computer passwords. You need to be aware that Google Streetview collected passwords used on wireless networks in May of this year when it cruised UK streets. If you've not changed your password(s) since May now is the time to do because Google have still not deleted the data where the information was captured! In the meantime I think Google could start contributing to the UK deficit by paying an almighty great big fine for having such scant regard for privacy.
The company archived all the material it had gathered, which included emails being sent by private individuals, the web pages they were viewing and passwords they may have entered as the Street View vehicle passed their homes........The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the privacy watchdog, said it would be looking into Google's admission.
- Change passwords twice a year, says Google - a checklist offers safety tips for web users
- The new improved Yahoo groups - or is it? It looks like a sub-standard facebook/Flickr to me.
- You work hard at networking - but how do you know what Facebook does with it all? Check out a truly fascinating and eye-opening article How Facebook Decides What To Put In Your News Feed – These 10 Secrets Reveal All
- CompareCaffeine.com offers side by side comparisons of new Google + old Google - similar to the recent blind search service which compared Google, Yahoo!, & Bing results.
and finally........
Sarah showed me how her ipad can help her with marketing her art and art business - and we will be revealing all in an interview on this blog very soon. Ive already got the photos!
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