Allium #4 (pencil)
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
I'm so mean - I'm not allowing you the option of multiple answers! That's so we can try and tease out the driving motivation behind series and see how it comes out.
The question is: What's your MAIN reason for working in a series?
With the emphasis being on the word MAIN. Having recognised there's lots of reasons why we work in series I want to try and pin it down a bit more and see if you can work out which is usually the dominant reason for you.
There is no right or wrong answer. The options are:
- I have to feed my obsession
- I have to paint in series
- I need to explore my subject
- I want to explore an idea
- I like to explore a technique
- I want to tell a story in stages
- I'm creating an identity for my work
- I'm creating work for an exhibition
- I want my work to be more collectible
You can find the poll in the side column just below the search facility and just above an example of one of my prints. You have four weeks to respond - the poll closes midday (GMT) on Friday 31st October 2008.
Please encourage other people to vote as well by forwarding this post or emailing it or copying this link to this post Making A Mark Poll: What's the main reason why you work in a series? - I think we'll all find this poll very interesting! :)
Silly question - where's the poll?
ReplyDeleteI realised I'd left that out of the original post and went back and added it in.
ReplyDeleteYou can find the poll in the side column just below the search facility and just above an example of one of my prints. You have four weeks to respond - the poll closes midday (GMT) on Friday 31st October 2008.
You do realise we were writing on each other's blogs at the same time! ;)
ReplyDeleteThe Allium drawings look great grouped together. What a wonderful series, hope we see more yet.
ReplyDeleteSo well, yes, I'm behind on blog reading. Interesting grouping of posts on working in series.
ReplyDeleteI look at that poll and the squidoo page on creating a series and I don't see the main reason I work in a series listed.
My main reason for working in a series is to become the best artist I can. By keeping my efforts narrowly focused I believe I accelerate my improvement.
Plus it just makes sense to my brain. I can't imagine not working in a series - one things leads to another not through planning but by doing.
I wrote a post about working in a series a few years ago. Back then I only have 50 pieces completed. Two years later I'm up to 100 textile paintings in my Structures series and another 15-20 in a second series, Markings.
The post (which talks about why I work this way and several images from the series): http://blog.lisacall.com/2006/08/structures-the-series-in-review.html
I will be completing #100 in the next few months and will be revisiting the whole why I work in a series stuff on my blog then.