8" x 10", pen and sepia ink and coloured pencils in Moleskine sketchbook
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
On Easter Sunday we visited Knole House near Sevenoaks in Kent. We went for a stroll in the ancient parkland which is one of the few deer parks to survive over the last 500 years and the only one in Kent. Then we both sat on a fallen tree trunk in the parkland on the hill overlooking the house while "He who must not be bored while I sketch" read the Sunday Times and I sketched Knole House - in pen and ink finished with coloured pencil.copyright Katherine Tyrrell
A longer post detailing something of the history of the house and its association with archbishops, kings, queens, the Sackville family, the novel 'Orlando' by Virginia Woolf and the Raphael cartoons in the Victoria and Albert Museum and relevant links can be found on my "Travels with a sketchbook" blog here. I also describe a really excellent cream tea!
Technorati tags: art, coloured pencils, drawing,
I LOVE this sketch! It's beautifully drawn with wonderful colors and such personality! One of my favorites of yours.