Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Call for Entries: Landscape Artist of the Year Series Ten

This is about the Call for Entries for Landscape Artist of the Year (series 10)

  • First some basics about how the Landscape Artist of the Year (LAOTY) competition and how this television series works
  • Then the details for entries for the heats which will be filmed this summer and broadcast at this time next year
  • Finally - at the end - are all my previous blogs are listed providing access to all the Themes, Learning Points and Tips I've written about in past series. This advice is perennial!
Given there was a celebration of ten years of PAOTY, it's reasonable to expect the same thing may well happen for LAOTY.

The Basics of Landscape Artist of the Year

This is a televised competition. Artists enter with a landscape artwork created within the last 5 years. They are selected on merit by our panel of expert judges. At the heats they are given four hours to paint a particular, stunning landscape somewhere in the UK (locations announced closer to the time). Six heat winners get to compete at the Semi-Final. Three Semi-Finalists are selected for the Final. Just one Finalist is selected as the overall winner.

For the winner

  • a prize of a commission valued at £10,000
  • the title Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year - for either portrait or landscape

For all participants

  • LOTS of publicity for you and your art
  • traffic to your website and social media sites - so long as you remember to create then and publicise them!
  • looks good on your CV

Basic of the Entry Process

  • Amateur and professional artists aged 16 or over can enter IF they are:
    • in good health
    • have been resident in have been resident in the UK, Gibraltar, Falkland Islands, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and Republic of Ireland since 11th October 2022
  • All media allowed except sculpture and photographic or digital elements.
  • You must complete an online form
  • You need to submit a landscape of your choice - made within the last five years and limited in size (both in reality and as a file size)
The work may be abstract or expressive as long as it is recognisably a representation of a landscape that has been produced within the last five years. It should be a maximum of 1220mm [height] x 914 mm [width].

Basics of the Heat Process

The landscape vista may be rural or urban, or in any environment chosen by the Producer
  • paint a landscape within 4 hours (with a lunch break in the middle)
  • you have no choice about the location or which pod you occupy
  • you will be interrupted by cameras and people getting in front of you
  • those who don't mind talking to camera AND are articulate will get a LOT more air-time than those who don't like talking and/or cannot talk intelligibly (i.e. never ever forget this is actually a TV programme first and a competition second)
  • those who don't like talking to camera are unlikely to progress because this is after all a television programme!
  • lots of people will talk about you and your art online - and some will be very opinionated and public i.e. this is NOT a competition for those with thin skins who don't like unasked for critiques. If you put your art out there in an art competition people will comment - it's what happens.
The following is NOT a new condition - but I have wondered why they include it if they like setting up pods in a line. Then last year I got the answer when they took all three Finalists to Dungeness for the day - and allocated each a different view to paint!
The Producer may ask all of the Shortlisted Artists in each Heat to depict the same landscape vista, or the Shortlisted Artists may be divided into groups to paint the same landscape vista per group, or each Shortlisted Artist may be required to depict different vistas. 

Basics of the Wildcard Process

  • people who are unsuccessful in an application to be in a pod may still participate as wildcard artists - who are also selected to participate near to where pod artists are painting
  • you cannot be a wildcard unless you apply to the main competition
  • see ‘Wild Card’ CompetitionTerms and Conditions for Entrants

Basics if you progress

  • if you win a heat you will compete with other heat winners in the semi-finals
  • three artists from the semi-finals will go forward to the Final
  • all three need to produce a commissioned landscape between semis and Final
  • the winner will need to produce the commissioned painting to a specific timetable

Key Features and Dates of LAOTY Series 9 

You are highly recommended to read the full Terms and Conditions carefully before submitting an application.

Deadline for Entries

The deadline for submission of your digital entry is NOON on Friday 3rd May 2024 - and entries are now being accepted online.

You MUST respond within 48 hours if contacted by competition organisers or you will be disqualified.

You'll be notified whether or not you have been successful on or soon after 20th May 2024.

Your submission

Only one entry can be submitted per person. Entries on behalf of another person will NOT be accepted.

Your entry comprises 
  • a completed application form 
  • a digital JPEG file  (no less than 800KB and no more than 5MB) of images of:
    • your main landscape submission made in the last 5 years - EXCLUDING the frame and surroundings
    • an additional landscape
    • an optional third image of art from your portfolio (which does not have to be a landscape)
    • one headshot photo of yourself (passport style)
The judges will view artists’ submissions on a screen so we’re keen for all photos to have the maximum impact and do the paintings justice. Follow these simple steps to take the best photograph of your landscape artwork.
Further details on how to upload the correct size photograph can be found on the competition website.

The Heats, Semi Final and Final

The first stage of the Competition will consist of six heats (the “Heats”) which take place in locations which can be anywhere in the UK and Ireland.

Current plans are that heats will take place in the weeks detailed below
  • Heats One and Two: in the week commencing 10th June 2024. 
  • Heats Three and Four: in the week commencing 17th June 2024 
  • Heats Five and Six: in the week commencing 24th June 2024
The Semi Final is intended to take place at a location to be decided in July 2024.

The Finalists will be asked to complete a further two landscape artworks
  • The first will be an artwork of a landscape vista at a location chosen by the Producer
  • The second will be an artwork created and filmed at a location to be decided in July 2024  

The Commission

The winner must attend the location of the Commission between the date of the Final and the end of September 2024.


Themes, Learning Points and TIPS!

BELOW you can find
  • the link to my reviews in previous series
  • THEMES identified in each of my reviews are highlighted under the link for each review of the episode
  • links to blog posts written by the participants - always very helpful!

2023: SERIES 8

Review: Episode 1 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2023 - Blackpool Beach and Pier

  • Different perspectives on composition
  • ...and then the weather changes.....
  • Big structures and how to tackle them
  • The Sea as a subject
Once you know the location, if it's on the coast / tidal area, you NEED TO KNOW the tides.
  • Tracking the eye

Review: Episode 2 of Landscape Artist of the Year - Royal Ascot

  • What a ridiculous idea!
  • Is this a landscape competition?
This is a SERIOUS question. All I'm seeing are massive complicated man-made CONSTRUCTIONS e.g. Blackpool pier last week and the Grandstand at Ascot this week....Where is the land?
TIP: for people applying for next year
Given the programme makers love for complex buildings, it might be a good idea to spend some time studying architectural drawing and painting complex buildings and mastering perspective construction!
  • Why perspective in landscapes is important
  • Painting Horses and Movement
  • Painting lots and lots of very small people
The interesting thing is that very many people who paint plein air never ever paint people!
  • Planning a big picture - and delivering within time allowed

Review: Episode 3 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2023 - Castle Ward

  • Why didn't they turn the pods round?
  • This is a "landscape artist" competition
A competition to find the landscape artist of the year has got to find an artist who has both:
  • experience of landscape art and
  • the calibre to produce the required commission.
Otherwise you won't attract entries from good landscape artists. Simple as....
  • How small to make the building
  • How to paint windows
  • The temptation to do too much

Review: Episode 4 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2023 - Blackpool Rollercoasters

  • Dress appropriately - bad weather can be really bad news
TIP for wildcards: There is no such thing as bad weather - only inappropriate clothing!
  • Verticals and Horizontals - lots of straight lines
  • Getting the format right for the view

Review: Episode 5 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2023 - Ascot

  • A very BAD location/programme for a country in economic crisis
  • Get a pair of binoculars and take them with you
  • "It's very undone"
  • Very hot days and media don't mix!
For those not used to plein air painting, it's worth remembering that ALL art media behaves differently when it's blisteringly hot.

Review: Episode 6 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2023: Strangford Lough

  • Skies are important: what to do about a grey sky which keeps on changing
Being good at skies gives you a head start on everybody else. One can expect at any venue, wherever that might be, you will get a sky. - and that this sky might well be challenging.
  • Painting next to water
Unless the water is landlocked, there is one absolute dead cert - it will have a tide. 
  • Persevere or Start Again?
  • Things to avoid

Review: Semi Finals of Landscape Artist of the Year 2023

  • We need to see more than before
  • Where were the skies?
  • When gritted determination is sometimes not the right answer
TIP Your first thought is not always your best
There are various other ways to tackle a composition and avoid making mistakes. Great artists make loads of mistakes. The clever ones know when it's time to stop - and start again!

Finn Campbell-Notman wins Landscape Artist of the Year 2023

Review: £10,000 Commission for Landscape Artist of the Year 2023 (9 March 2023)

2022: SERIES 7

Review: Episode 1 Landscape Artist of the Year 2022 - Eden Project Biomes

  • Playing around at the beginning
  • Orientation
  • Formats and Multiple Panels
  • Amateurs and Professionals - and a defined amount of time
The ones who do best are those who plan their use of time well - and know very well how long it takes to do things.
  • Your usual focus - You need to work out a strategy for how you will deal with a subject you may not like and a view or location you don't want to be in.
  • The Challenge of the Biomes
  • Printmakers should enter!

Review: Episode 2 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2022 - Compton Verney Grounds

  • Different ways to identify who will win
  • Constructed landscapes
almost all the landscapes selected for this competition are "constructed" i.e. they are not 'proper landscape' as determined by nature.
  • Drawing / painting bridges and arches
  • Drawing / painting trees
TIPS: Think about how you're going to treat the trees and don't just jump in.

  • Coming equipped for the Weather
Review: Episode 3 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2022 - Whitstable Harbour

  • Which view? 
those who were shortlisted were those who made some intelligent decisions and made the most of what was on offer.
  • The challenge of indecision
  • You need to get the drawing / proportions / colour right at the beginning
  • Painting places with people
  • Painting Boats
  • Equipment needed for painting on a sunny hot day
One of the interesting things about looking at wildcard artists painting in the heats is you can always tell those who know what weather can do to you and your artwork!

Review: Episode 4 Landscape Artist of the Year 2022 - Eden Project Gardens

  • The "green wall is pure landscape"
  • A wall of green - different ways of treating / painting green
  • Literal versus Selective
There are two different ways of painting landscapes when working plein air
  • EITHER painting what's there in front of you - with some careful editing for detail and certain objects
  • OR selecting items within the landscape and choosing where you want them to be - so judicious moving them around
  • JUST the way the artist lays paint down / makes marks?
  • A Sense of Place
One of my tests of a good landscape is whether you can hang a landscape on a wall - and, if you knew the place, would you be able to recognise it as "of the place"? For me it's an absolute given. Otherwise one may as well stay at home in a studio and make it all up.

Review: Episode 5 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2022 - Compton Verney House and Grounds

  • Bring your own Studio / Pod etc!
  • Fantastical images
  • Finding "the right view"
The major challenge - for every pod artist and wildcard artist in every episode - is to find "the right view".
  • The Long View
  • How to apply and remove paint
  • Things that can trip you up

Review: Semi Finals of Landscape Artist of the Year 2022 - Forth Bridge

  • Choice of the Wildcard Artist
  • The challenge for the Composition
  • What was missing? Accurate Reflections!
One issue was more or less common across the artists - which reflected either a lack of knowledge, observation or experience of plein air painting.

  • Spot the Finalists
Elisha Enfield wins Landscape Artist of the Year 2022
Review: Elisha Enfield LAOTY 2022 - The Winner's Commission


2021: SERIES 6

Filmed in 2020 after the first lockdown - and the production company were not travelling far from London!

EPISODE 1: Review: Episode 1 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2021 at Chartwell + themes

  • Artist profiles
  • Composition and completion
  • Simplification and what to leave in and what to leave out
  • The importance of shadows
  • Highly Coloured Grounds
PLUS participant blog posts:

EPISODE 2: Review: Episode 2 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2021 at West Wycombe Park + themes

  • Interpretation - producing something different
  • Things Tai-Shan Schierenberg does not like
  • Shifting conditions / "The water keeps changing"
  • Practice beforehand
PLUS Participants blog posts: 
  • How best to combine nature and urban landscapes
  • More of what Tai-Shan does not like
  • No scope for walking away to work out what to do next
  • Young painters
  • Sometimes the second paintings are better

EPISODE 4: Review: Episode 4 of Landscape Artist of the Year at Chartwell (the gardens)

  • Green, green and more green
  • A blue sky with nothing happening
  • VERY big views with a lot in the distance
  • Golden ratio and rule of thirds
  • Knowing how big to go for the time allotted
  • More about Tai's phobias

EPISODE 5: Review: Episode 5 of Landscape Artist of the Year at West Wycombe House

  • Working in different media - silkscreen printing and marker pens
  • Give the artists a proper chance to do well (one for the production team!)
  • How to use a frame to find a picture
  • Coping with the weather
  • What the artist likes to paint - and what happens if you avoid aspects you don't like
  • The darkest darks and the lightest lights

EPISODE 6: Review: Episode 6 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2021 at West Reservoir, Stoke Newington (again!)

  • What is a landscape?
  • Location: Do your research before the day
  • Why you need a hat and umbrella to cope with extreme heat
  • Having a strong base colour
  • How to capture time as well as a landscape
  • UPDATE: The need to train to generate your best result
“I had been called by the production company at the end of June to tell me that I had been selected. I knew I would only have four hours to paint something on the day, so set about training myself on days in July to create something acceptable in my style in four hours, I took some days off work and went off on my bike to paint for four hours in the open, so that on the day I would be used to sitting and painting for that time. It meant that on the day I was able to focus and not panic. In the end I think I did the best I could, but everyone can judge when they watch the programme." Stephen Jordan - Lecturer displays artistic talent on Sky Arts - who produced one of my favourite landscape entries for the competition (which had taken a while to paint).

SEMI-FINAL: Review: Semi Finals of Landscape Artist of the Year 2021 at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

  • What the Judges want to see
  • Who is most likely to do well?
  • Consistency versus Experimentation
  • Coping with changing light and challenging weather
  • Saying what you're painting
In my view those most likely to do well put very simply are
  • those who have a well developed method for painting i.e. they know what they're doing and they've done it lots of time before
  • those well used to painting plein air - and coping with all sorts of weather and variation of weather and light during the time you are painting
  • artists who focus on composition and how best to represent the view
  • those who produce the best paintings. It's not about style - it's about quality

FINAL: Ophelia Redpath wins Landscape Artist of the Year 2021 at Trinity Buoy Wharf

  • analysis of pod paintings and commission paintings

Commission and pod paintings respectively by:
(left to right) Shelagh Casebourne, Ophelia Redpath and Clare Lord

COMMISSION: The £10,000 Landscape Artist of the Year Commission


2020: SERIES 5

Below you can find the link to
  •  my review THEMES for each of my reviews are highlighted under the link for each review of the episode
  • links to blog posts written by the participants - always very helpful!

Review: Episode 1 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 at Smeaton Tower, Plymouth Hoe

  • A dominant vertical and a strong horizontal and an awful lot of water 
  • Being flexible with your formats
  • No game plan
  • Finding the beauty on the day - and avoiding the twee
  • and finally - don't arrive with a gimmick to market your normal artwork

Review: Episode 2 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 at Herstmonceux Observatory

  • Finding clothing / kit solutions for extremely challenging weather
  • Skies are important: what to do about a grey sky which keeps on changing
  • The value of a coloured support
  • Don't dodge the complexity (What to do when you don't like the subject)
  • Where have the tablets all gone?

Review: Episode 3 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 - Millenium Bridge Gateshead

  • How to crop a complicated view
  • Sketching as preparation
  • How to work out the wildcard winner before the announcement
  • Tools: masking tape and sharp edges
  • Game Plans and time management
  • Use the Heats to enhance your preparation
Plus posts by participating artists

Review: Episode 4 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 at Herstmonceux Castle

  • What to do when it's a grey day with bad lighting
  • Buildings versus nature
  • What to do about a very BIG building which is very full on?
  • Practical tips from a pod artist

Review: Episode 5 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 at the Tyne Bridge

  • Studio Artist vs Plein Air Painter
  • How many different ways can you paint the same view
  • Where is the sun?
  • To shadow or not to shadow
  • Don't be twee!
  • Different tools for different folks

Review: Episode 6 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 - Drake's Island

  • Submission paintings reflecting last year's venues
  • Which view to choose in bad weather?
  • Which medium to use in changing weather?
  • Lush oil and interesting brushwork
  • Hold back on the kitsch
  • Not a lot of tablets

Review: Semi-Final of Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 at Cromarty Firth

FINAL: Fujiko Rose won Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 in Final at Battersea Power Station


2018: SERIES 4

HEAT 1: Review: Episode 1 of Landscape Artist of the Year (Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire)

  • the importance of the submission piece to the outcome
  • why experienced plein air painters can paint to a deadline

HEAT 2: Review: Episode 2 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2018 (Viking Bay, Kent)

Learning points included:
  • Save yourself some guesswork and research the location
  • Practice painting plein air
  • Practice completing a painting in four hours - in changing weather
  • Have a PLAN!

HEAT 3: Review: Episode 3 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2018 at Loch Fyne (Loch Fyne, Scotland)

  • The themes which jumped out for me were
  • Dealing with a lot of landscape and changing weather
  • Knowing what format works best
  • Knowing what to leave out and when to stop
  • The importance of a sense of place

HEAT 4: Review: Episode 4 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2018 at Studley Royal Water Garden

Learning Points and themes were
be different
  • get out of your pod
  • what to do when you don't know what to do
  • visual trickery
  • when is a landscape a landscape
  • People in a landscape
  • Editing a complex scene / landscape
  • Of the now or of the past?
  • What you submit might be what you get
  • The importance of being true to YOU! 

HEAT 6 Review: Episode 6 of Landscape Artist of the Year 2018 - Inveraray Castle

The themes this week are:
  • Disney versus Dreich: a Scottish colour palette and flat light (a.k.a. or what to do when you can only see grey like Tai!)
  • How to stand out from the crowd - and avoid painting the obvious
  • Atmosphere versus Detail
  • The interesting technique tip 

SEMI-FINAL: Review: Semi-Finals of Landscape Artist of the Year 2018 - Felixstowe Docks

  • the heat; the view; the wind;
  • the interruptions from the camera crew, judges and presenters
  • - and moving ships which obliterate the scene!

FINAL & EXHIBITION: Landscape Artist of the Year 2018 - the Final


SUMMARY: Learning Points from Landscape Artist of the Year 2018 - a summary

The main learning point for me were
  • how demanding the location can be for a final
  • the importance of the Challenge Paintings (i.e. it's not just about the Heat Painting)
  • the fact that the Judges went back over ALL the paintings produced by the contestants during the ENTIRE COMPETITION in reaching their decision

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