a watercolour sketch done on the 15th Worldwide Sketchcrawl
copyright Enrico Casarosa
The Sketchcrawl Forum for the 16th Sketchcrawl provides all the details as to where and when. I think I detect standards being raised in relation to organisation with a few locations offering including really good details of venues and really excellent maps.
Now knowing that this blog gets a fairly international readership I'm going to post the current venues and hope this may stimulate more people into participating! At the time of writing it looks like there will be sketchcrawls in the following places around the globe.
North America
- California
- San Francisco - always very active; two crawls currently proposed
- Los Angeles - meeting 10:30am, at Farmer's Market by 3rd and Fairfax; Meeting place: at the clock tower
- Healdsburg - excellent information and maps. They've even got a webcam looking on where they are due to meet up!
- San Diego - active sketchcrawl group planning crawls about once a month. Further information at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SanDiegoSketchCrawlers/
- Washington - Seattle: getting off the ground
- Arizona
- Tucson: proposed venue is Dust Town meeting at 9.30am
- Phoenix: around the Japanese Friendship garden
- Massachusetts - Cambridge: Noon at the Miracle of Science (http://dinesite.com/info/rstrnt-91340). Visiting many spots in between, the crawl ends at Grendel's Den (http://www.grendelsden.com).
- New York
- New York: meet Enrico CasaRosa (founder of the Sketchcrawl) and Ronnie at 11.00am outside the entrance to the Metropolitan Museum; some people think they may have a go at sketching the Marathon and in Central park
- Rochester: Javas cafe on Gibbs Street at 1:30
- Saratogo: details to be fixed
- Hawaii - Waikiki: 10:00 am, Saturday, November 3rd, in the heart of Waikiki at Duke’s Statue, in front of Waikiki Beach
- Ontario - Hamilton: meet at the art shop 174 James St. N.
- Brazil - Sau Paulo: an 'on the road' travelling sketchcrawl
- Belgium - Antwerp, 11 am at the Voetgangerstunnel (St Annatunnel), city side
- England
- Bristol - Leigh Woods/Suspension Bridge -ish area.
- London (that'll be me - I've no idea where or when as yet!)
- Hong Kong - very well organised - meeting places, times and maps all supplied (anybody thinking of going to Hong Kong anytime might want to take a look at the excellent maps!)
- Tasmania - Wynyard: 1 - 4 pm Meeting at the wharf by the fish shop. Afterwards Whitedogs for coffee.
- Brisbane - firming up on details
You can see work posted (or links to work) in the 'results' posts in the previous sketchcrawl forums. Please admire Enrico's absolutely wonderful watercolour which he completed on the 15th Sketchcrawl in August.
I'm looking forward to seeing the sketches on blogs next week. Leave a comment if you think you'll be participating tomorrow.
- Sketchcrawl website
- Sketchcrawl Forum for 16th Sketchcrawl
- Sketchcrawl Blog - announcement
- Sketchawhat? - for those of you who have not done one before
- Enrico Casarosa's Blog
I plan on doing something even if it is around my house. My surgery was put off for a week (next Tues) so I am not getting out much. Have a great day sketching Katherine.
ReplyDeleteKatherine, Sacramento was left off your California sketchcrawl list... we had about 11 people, most of them either teachers or students of animation, definitely a different crowd than I'm used to being around! We had a fantastic day. I hope some of the students post their work on the forum soon because it was outstanding, some of it. I think we managed to convert some ordinary zoo-goers, as well...
ReplyDeleteAli - Sorry for leaving Sacromento off the list. I had it in at one point and then had a glitch with my connection and I guess it may have got lost.
ReplyDeleteI've now been over to the Sketchcrawl forum - what a nice looking bunch of people you all are. 11 is a nice size for a group. Big enough and not too big.
For those who have not seen the results but like sketching, I suggest you get on over to the Sketchcrawl forum and read any of the threads with 'results' in the title. There's a few coming that were not art of the original listing.
Mine is there - and is also posted along with an incredibly tedious story about a puncture on my travel sketchbook blog.