Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Mall Galleries Art Society Exhibitions are back!

The Mall Galleries will reopen on the 1st September after being closed for five and half months.

BELOW you can find the list of the Art Gallery Exhibitions which will be taking place at the Mall Galleries in September, October and November 2020. 
  • all exhibitions will be following the government's health and safety covid-19 guidelines (see below)
  • All exhibitions are from 11am to 5pm unless otherwise indicated (note the later start time in the morning)
Click on the exhibition link to see the paintings already selected for the exhibition and posted on the Mall Galleries website.

The Mall Galleries have been closed for five and half months - but are reopening in SEPTEMBER

Covid-19 precautions

  • Note that bookings will be required and taken by the Mall Galleries. 
  • Further details regarding booking an appointment will be posted on Mall Galleries website and the society website (probably!) in due course
It looks to me as if there is only going to be one exhibition at a time and works will be spread across all three galleries to enable proper spacing of visitor.

I spotted this on the RP website - and assume it probably applies to every exhibition
  • Social distancing will apply. Please keep two metres apart from other visitors unless you are from the same household. (I'm thinking that probably needs to be changed to one metre)
  • You will be required to wear a face covering
  • There will be a one-way system in place
  • There will be sanitising points
  • Toilet facilities will be cleaned regularly
  • There will be no café or shop until 2021
  • Any payments will be by card
I'd like to know whether seats are going to be available! I can't attend without one (I have a walk/sit routine) and I'm sure a lot of the other older visitors will feel the same. 

One final point - there's no word on Private Views but I assume these will probably not be held (unless very small affairs for members only) as they're very probably close to a recipe for creating a hotspot!

Federation of British Artists Societies

Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours

Images in the RI 208th Annual Exhibition

Royal Society of Portrait Painters

The exhibition will include 200 portraits across all three galleries. 

See also my blog post back in January LAST CALL - Annual Open Exhibition 2020 of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters - which explains why this is a great exhibition for aspiring portrait artists

from the Annual exhibition in 2019

Royal Society of Marine Artists

The deadline for entries for this exhibition has been extended. Submission now closes on 7 August at 12 noon and all selections will be made from digital entries - so nothing to lose if you enter a work. It either get in or it doesn't - and it all it costs is the entry fee!

This exhibition celebrates all aspects of the sea with themed works in a broad range of styles and media and will be seen across all three gallery spaces.

from the RSMA annual exhibition 2019

Society of Wildlife Artists

Submissions close: Friday 4 September, 12 noon - see Call for Entries: Society of Wildlife Artists Annual Exhibition 2020

New English Art Club

from the NEAC website

The New English Art Club Annual Exhibition is a chance to experience the very best in figurative, observational and painterly work in the UK.

NOTE: Although there is an event notice for the Society of Women Artists on the Mall Galleries, it is apparent from the exhibition listing and the dates of the exhibitions that this is in fact a mistake.

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