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Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant by David Pilgrim AROI 8x16in, oil on board |
I knew the BBC had planned to have some artists painting on a bridge - and I was contacted by Haidee-Jo Summers (Haide-Jo Summers Artist - ma vie en couleurs) one of the artists who was painting on the Millennium Bridge - and who managed to produce two paintings. As the weather deteriorated I kept wondering how they were getting on. Well Paintings for the Diamond Jubilee answers that question. Oil paint does not stick to canvas which got wet in the rain - official!
Kudos to Haidee-Jo and David Pilgrim (David Pilgrim AROI) and the others who stuck it out as long as they could in the strong wind and torrential rain. I think they should get a medal!
Congrats also to those who responded to my post about The Big Diamond Jubilee Art Challenge
Artists and Art Blogs
The Guardian has a Readers Art series - a series inviting readers to share their art with the Guardian and other readers on a given subject These were readers pictures of Britain last month.
Drawing and sketching
Overheard in the Art World - on Hyperallergic is what you would have heard if you'd forked out $5,000 for a seat at a table at a function held at MOMA.
Artists and Art Blogs
The Guardian has a Readers Art series - a series inviting readers to share their art with the Guardian and other readers on a given subject These were readers pictures of Britain last month.
Drawing and sketching
- I've been doing a few sketches of late - here are some links:
- Fleet Street and Temple Church on Urban Sketchers London
- Avenue of Sail: Thames Sailing Barges & The Shard - I went to see the sailing ships in the pageant the day before - when it was sunny and dry!
- Sir Joshua Reynolds gets a garland - again! at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition - more about this below
- Croissant and cupcake at Gail's, Fulham Road Chelsea - after I went to see an exhibition in Chelsea. Have a visual tea break!
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Tea at Gail's Artisan Bakery, Fulham Road, Chelsea pen and sepia ink and coloured pencils in Moleskine Skertchbook copyright Katherine Tyrrell - all rights reserved |
Coloured Pencils and Pastels
- Congrats to Ranjini VenkataChari (Ranjini's Colored Pencil Diary) who has been a featured artist in Professional Artist Magazine(formerly Art Calendar). Ranjini is currently Vice President of the Seattle Chapter of CPSA.
- Gayle Mason (Fur in the Paint) explains about an experiment she's been doing - creating a graphite drawing on one side of drafting film and then turning it over and working with coloured pencils on the reverse side. See Graphite and Coloured Pencil on Drafting Film (Polydraw)
- Sigrid Frensen (Sigrid Frensen) shows in White Rose how it's possible to create white flowers using coloured pencils
Miniature Art- Following the focus on the Thames at the weekend, I've been following up with posts about artists who have painted the Thames at different places along its length
- Painting the Thames: Jan Siberechts - realism which isn't quite what it seems
- View of the Thames by Childe Hassam - yellow sky and yellow water!
- John Constable - Somerset House Terrace from Waterloo Bridge - a small oil sketch study
- Thomas Rowlandson - Kew Palace and the River Thames - topographical watercolour paintings
- The Hilliard Society of Miniaturists - 30th Annual Exhibition happened in Wells in Somerset - and this year you can see the artwork online.
- Have you seen the iPhone Rothkos?
- Thanks to James Gurney (Gurney Journey) for highlighting this video of Andrew Wyeth talking about around about the time of his 80th birthday talking about the Helga paintings and why he never painted a portrait of his father - the famous artist NC Wyeth.
It was the great tragedy of my life that he killed and I hadn't done it. It changed my whole approach to painting
Andrew Wyeth
- Queen's Diamond Jubilee interview: The royal portrait painter is a Telegraph video interview with June Mendoza, a prominent member of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters. She explains what it's like to paint the Queen - who she has posted five times.
- This is a video in which Freud's sitters talk about being drawn
- see also the how to paint a portrait in oil post in the section on Art Education
Wildlife Art
- The Wildlife Artist of the Year - Karen Laurence-Rowe won with a painting of giraffes
Art Business & Marketing
- Newslettters: I highly recommend that all those sending out newsletter should read Alyson Stanfield's post Why Most Artist Newsletters Stink (and What To Do About It) on artbizblog. Then print it out and pin it up and reread it before you do your next one!
- Interviews: Some great Interview Tips for Artists from Carolyn Edlund writing on Artsy Shark
- Grants: Alan Bamberger has written an article for Professional Artist on Applying for Grants, Residencies, Funding and Other Assistance
- I did a reviw of Art in Transit: Handbook for Packing and Transporting Paintings
- Check out the Guardian Art and Design on Tumblr - they have regular projects to which
- This was rather odd - Social Media Popularity Contest: Cindy Sherman v Damien Hirst - who got the most tweets and who got the most positive tweets. Have a guess before you click the link for a read
Art Competitions
- We now know the BP Portrait Award 2012 - 55 Selected Artists - and the week after next we'll know who's won.
Art Exhibitions
London Exhibitions
- RA Summer Exhibition: My Review: 244th Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy. The Guardian referred to it as "The dark heart of the Home Counties laid bare" but I think that's a bit much - there are weird artists who submit things from further afield! My review contains links to reviews by the major newspapers.
- This is my Review: Rosie Sanders "Against the Light" - recommended for all botanical artists wanting to look at what pushing the boundaries looks like
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Parrot Tulip Fantasy © Rosie Sanders watercolour |
- Grayson Perry is becoming a bit of a media darling - he's on the television again this week (Tuesday 12th June at 22:00 on Channel 4) with a programme generated by his latest project - tapestries which reflect the classes in Britain today. See
- the exhibition: Grayson Perry - The Vanity of Small Differences at Victoria Miro opened on 7th June and continues until 11 Aug 2012
- the Telegraph article Grayson Perry: What class am I? All three!
- the Independent article Grace ent: All in the Best Possible Taste with Grayson Perry, Channel 4
- What Grayson Perry's new 'middle class' tapestries look like - Hogarth revisited: Grayson Perry uses tapestries to tackle taste and class
- Grayson Perry on being George Osborne's favourite artist: 'It's got a radical chic cool to it' – video
- David Nash is now at Kew Gardens - and I'd have been by now but for the rain! Here's a couple of items from the Guardian
- For those who love drawings Mantegna to Matisse: Master Drawings from the Courtauld Gallery opens on 14 June and runs until 9 September
- At Dulwich Picture Gallery we have Andy Warhol: The Portfolios, Bank of America Collection 20 June – 16 September 2012
- At Tate Liverpool - Turner Monet Twombly: Later Paintings opens on 22 June to 28 October. This is the Independent Review
- Damien Hirst manages to be at the White Cube as well as Tate Modern and Jonthan Jones has reviewed his exhibition - Two Weeks One Summer, at White Cube Bermondsey, London and given it a one star rating
The last time I saw paintings as deluded as Damien Hirst's latest works, the artist's name was Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
- Calling all fans of Richard Long! An exhibition in the Artist's Room series opens at The Hepworth Wakefield, opening on 23 June
Art Education
- If you live in or near Leeds, there's a lecture on Wednesday, 27 June 2012, 5.15-6.15pm by Dr Andrew Bamji at the The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery, University of Leeds which focuses on Henry Tonks and the Portraiture of Disfigurement.
- Will Kemp (Will Kemp Art School) is an art teacher and has a series of posts about how to paint a portrait in oil
- How to Paint a Portrait in Oil – Part 1
- How to Paint a Portrait in Oil – Part 2
- How to Paint a Portrait in Oil – Part 3
- How to Paint a Portrait in Oil – Part 4
- How to Paint a Portrait in Oil – Part 5
- Plus The 3 reasons why you can’t draw, (and what to do about it)
Tips and Techniques
- Stapleton Kearns (Stapleton Kearns) has written blog posts which:
- recommend what to do when Restarting a stuck painting. His highlighted tip is
A hard edge happens automatically. A soft edge requires intent
- and what to do to create unity within a painting Premix the color of your light
When I paint outside I have a pile of paint that is the color of my lights, I use it for underpainting the sky to get light in that, and I use it to more easily and swiftly create the color of things in the light.
- Richard McKinley has recommendations for Keeping the Pastel Surface Flat | Techniques for Stretching and Mounting Paper
- Mitchell Albala outlines the Framing Options for Paintings on Unstretched Canvas or Paper
Art Studio and Art Supplies
- Apparently this is The Year of the Sketchbook
A person stopping by the Stillman & Birn booth said, "This is the year of the sketchbook, I half expect the easel manufacturers to introduce a new line of sketchbooks."
- Strathmore have a new Hardbound Art Journal - which will be available to all those attending the Urban Sketchers Symposium in the Dominican Republic. I like the idea of the toned sketch paper in a sketchbook - there's not too many of those on offer.
- Roz Stendahl (Rozwoundup) is very excited - she's seen the new sketchbooks! See Great Hardbound Art Journals New from Strathmore—Perfect for Visual Journaling
I have never been this excited about a commercially bound sketchbook. They are beautifully made and contain great Strathmore papers.
- Apparently Canson have a new sketchbook coming out soon too
- Cathy Johnson has some detailed Ink Pen Comparisons which i'm going to be adding into my site Pen and Ink - Resources for Artists
- For all those wanting something better to store all their art paper and artwork on paper, this is my Review: IKEA Alex Drawer Unit for paper storage
In the ongoing schenanigans which is the copyright debate about what you can and cannot do with other people's images Techdirt says that AOL Threatens Blogger With Copyright Infringement Charge... For Doing The Exact Same Thing AOL Has Done On A Large Scale
Opinion Poll
- At the end of May, Art that keeps you coming back again and again presented the results of the May Opinion Poll Making A Mark Poll "How long do you spend looking at a painting you like?"
- At the beginning of this week, I posed the question for June POLL: How do you decide the size of your artwork?. You can find the poll in the right hand column - it finishes on the last day of June. It's generating lots of comments as people explain why they ticked the "something else" option/ Vivien Blackburn has even written a post containg her comments - How do you decide which size to work
- The Information Commissioner in the UK has updated advice and guidance on changes to the EU cookie law. This is the change which now has every website asking you whether you want the site to store its cookies.
- Which do you think helps your profile more - Facebook or Twitter? Media Week examined the data and found that both Facebook and Twitter activity found to improve Google rankings
- http://www.cathyjohnson.info/tips.html
and finally
Overheard in the Art World - on Hyperallergic is what you would have heard if you'd forked out $5,000 for a seat at a table at a function held at MOMA.
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