Wednesday, January 08, 2025

How to submit art to the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art

RA Summer Exhibition 2025 Call for Entries

Yesterday, the Royal Academy of Art opened for registration and submissions to the Summer Exhibition 2025.

The submission deadline is 23:59 (GMT) on Tuesday 11 February. However read the first "need to know" item below - because it's might actually be much earlier than that!

The RA Summer Exhibition is the largest open exhibition in the UK - with well over 1,000 exhibits - so you need to take the statistics around selection into account before deciding whether or not enter.

This is about
  • key things you need to know about the Call for Entries
  • aspects worth bearing in mind if you're thinking about submitting

IMPORTANT Things You Need to Know

How many people enter?

The cap on the number of submission entries is 18,000. Once that limit has been reached you cannot enter. So you need to register and pay your entry fee - to access an entry form - quickly if you want to be sure of being able to enter. (In 2024 it was 16,500).

In effect this means the deadline for entries is not as stated, the ACTUAL deadline for entries is when all the forms for 18,000 entries have been purchased!

You can 
  • enter one or two works, 
  • for a fee of £40 per work and 
  • you can pay online by credit or debit card.
Once the 18,000 digital entries have been reviewed, 4,000 will be asked to submit their artwork for the final selection in front of the team of selectors.

However most people do not get selected!

Basically a LOT of people do NOT get selected for the Summer Exhibition.
  • 18,000 entries reduces to
  • 4,000 shortlisted - and need to submit the actual artwork for further judging
  • BUT ?? from the open entry get exhibited. I'd guess maybe 1,000?

Many people overprice their artwork - including RA members!

Eight years ago I wrote a post about how pricing and sales were related for different categories and price ranges. This is it RA Summer Exhibition - a curious exercise in pricing and salesIt provides very clear guidance on pricing for all those submitting artwork via the open entry. Regular readers may be able to guess what it says! ;)

I might have another go at last year's exhibition which is still online

How do I know what I need to know?

The overall process - from beginning to end - is MUCH MORE COMPLICATED than anything else you apply for so you need to get it right.

The RA have been doing this for a long time and have LOTS of information for you - and you do need to read it. 

So if you're not a fan of reading get a friend who is picky about details to do it for you. 

The RA provides some 
  • helpful guides (see below) plus 
  • lots of answers to the very many FAQS (see next item)

How to Enter - The Basics

You must first register and buy your entry form. Next you complete it before the deadline for entries. 
  • Terms and Conditions of Entry - Why they can't make this a PDF I do not know. I recommend you "print to PDF" and save it as it's something you'll be wanting to use as a checklist. Do NOT rely on reading it just once!
  • Instructions for Entering Work - Ditto, this also needs to be a PDF
  • Exhibition Schedule - this lists all the dates for what happens when
  • Suggested Transport Agents - list of recommended art couriers. None list their prices - which will vary depending on how far they are transporting. Remember their prices will include the time for packing and unpacking.

Very Useful Things to Know 

You're more likely to be selected if you submit an excellent image of your artwork - so view/read these to make sure you don't irritate the selectors
TIP: Don't forget to get your artwork photographed BEFORE it is framed!

ESSENTIAL NEED TO KNOW: Selling your Artwork

Sales are handled very differently than those for other open exhibitions and you must make sure you understand what's involved before you submit your entry.
  • VAT Information - International Artists This is a MUST READ FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS. It's not something to sort out later.
  • Guide to Selling - the way sales work is like this:
    • YOU are the seller
    • The RA introduces you to a buyer - and take a commission for so doing
    • it's a distance sale if the person buys via a phone/online - and all relevant distance sales regulations need to be observed (see the T&Cs)
    • the seller pays the RA a deposit - which is retained by the RA as the commission
    • Additional checks are now required by the RA on sellers if the sale exceeds £7k via the RA in the space of 12 months. This is because they MUST comply with the new money laundering legislation. (see my Art Business Info for Artists page about Momey Laundering)
Customer Due Diligence The government has introduced new legislation that affects all art dealers, galleries and buyers. If a buyer purchases over £7000 worth of artwork at the Summer Exhibition over the course of 12 months, we are obliged to perform identity checks, similar to those made when an individual opens a bank account. For more information, please visit
    • your end of the sale is completed when you present an invoice the the seller and they then pay you the balance due. 
    • what you must state in your sale agreement and invoice is stipulated in the Guide to Selling. Do not mess about with this and cause hassle for the RA if you ever want to exhibit again in future!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

A SAMPLE ONLY of some of the things said in the FAQs is indicated below each line for some of the items.
They are by no means comprehensive.
Once You have purchased an Entry Form, You must submit the details and digital photographs of Your Work(s) online by the deadline given in the exhibition schedule. Entries cannot be submitted after the deadline.
You should decide what you want to receive from the sale once our commission of 35% of the net price plus VAT is taken into consideration. If your work is an editioned print, you should also factor in the cost of inland (UK) postage and packaging for unframed prints and the cost of framing the work intended for display.
  • Commission on Artwork Sales - interestingly they no longer allege that funds from the Summer Exhibtion support the RA Schools. It's now very clear that funds generated by the exhibition support the RA as a whole
If your work is for sale, you must supply us with a UK VAT number or register with a UK address. Please see the VAT Information – International Artists document under Helpful Links on the homepage. If your work is not for sale, you do not need to supply us with a UK VAT number.
After the first round of judging the status of your entry will change to Shortlisted or Not Selected on your artist account. You will also receive an email notification.
Can I enter an AI work?
    If your work is generated, partially or entirely, using artificial intelligence, then you must declare it on your artwork form by adding ‘AI’ to the medium field.
    If the buyer resides outside the United Kingdom, they should bear the transportation costs, but you are the seller and the final arrangement is between you and the buyer.
  • Booking delivery and collection slots If you get selected you will be asked via email to book a delivery slot. I guess that reduces queuing.
  • NEW New HMRC reporting requirements. From 1st January 2024, UK legislation came into effect requiring organisations operating ‘digital platforms’ to report sales over defined thresholds to HMRC. The thresholds are:
    • sellers who sell more than 14 works of art,
    • or those who sell work(s) with a value of £750 or more

The Selectors

The selectors are this year called The Exhibition Committee and they are 
  • Exhibition Co-ordinator Farshid Moussavi OBE RA
  • Royal Academicians Tom Emerson and Stephanie Macdonald, Vanessa Jackson, Christopher Le Brun, Sikelela Owen, Helen Sear, Caragh Thuring and Richard Wilson. (I must be getting old - I've only heard of one of them so most must be very new!)

The Exhibition

The exhibition opens to the public on Tuesday 17th June and continues until Sunday 17th August. So basically it's open for two months.

Reviews of past Summer Exhibitions 

I've stopped reviewing the Summer Exhibition in recent years, mainly because I let my Friends of the RA membership lapse because the expense way exceeded the value. Besides which I can see what got in from the comfort of my own sofa!

2021 - which became a winter exhibition because of Covid!
2020: Another exhibition badly affected by Covid

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