Wednesday, June 05, 2024

How to subscribe to "Making A Mark" - and get an email in your inbox

Would you like to get an email to your inbox every time a post is published on Making A Mark?

Earlier this year, I wrote about how the changes in the rules by Google regarding bulk emails sent by gmail were going to have a major impact on my blogging. I speculated at the time about giving up blogging altogether - as I originally built my audience entirely via the RSS feed.

See ALERT ALL SUBSCRIBERS: Blogging Service may be interrupted OR subscription mailing service changed

To cut a long story short since I only use gmail and have done for the last two decades, I wasn't about to give up on my very reliable, very efficient gmail service.

  • I gave up on Mailerlite which said I could no longer use a gmail address for my RSS Feed to Email sent to subscriber inboxes.
  • I also continued to post regularly to my Making A Mark Facebook Page when a post was published - and all the conversations which used to take place in comments now take place there.
  • ...and looked around for alternative arrangements - and was absolutely horrified at the prices being charged for people with as many subscribers as I have!
In the end I've settled on using - which is not perfect. Mainly because it's got adverts which I dislike intensely but I have no choice about these for a free service. I may well upgrade - but this in part depends on how many subscribers I get. Believe me offering a subscription service does not come cheap for the more sophisticated versions!

However Follow.It works - and that's the main thing.
  • I'm using it for my botanical art and artists website news blog - and have had no reports of any problems.
  • it's been set up in the side column of this blog for a few days - and it seems as if people are starting to subscribing without any prompting and without any problems
So if you want to subscribe - or even resubscribe - to Making A Mark can I suggest you complete the form below (or the one in the side column to the right). 

What you have to do to subscribe follows....


Your email subscription to this blog is ONLY activated IF you verify the link you will receive.

You can unsubscribe at any time

Your email will NOT be used for anything else and will NEVER be given to anybody else.

and finally....

I'll leave you with the pic from the first ever blog post I wrote about setting up a subscription feed - Blog feeds - and how to set up a Feedburner subscription facility on your blog in March 2008 - of my two cats (now long deceased) which reminds me of just how long I've been blogging. It's two decades next year!

Polly says "A girl can never have enough feeds"
Cosmo says "I want a feed too!"

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