
Friday, October 16, 2009

82 works selected for Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize

The names of the Artists selected for the exhibition associated with the Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize - and consideration for the substantial cash prizes which are on offer - can be found below. Those artists with a number after their name have more than work in the exhibition. There are some very familiar names in the list and others who are rather less well known.

All are contenders for the rather nice prizes which are
  • The Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize - £15,000 plus an engraved Gold Medal
  • 5 Runner-Up Prizes each at £1,000
  • Young Artist Award - £2,500 - to be awarded to an artist who is 25 years of age or under on 20 September 2009
One of the key aspects of the exhibition this year is that there are rather more works this year than have previously been included. Which makes me wonder whether artists are painting smaller this year or whether the competition has become a lot more popular in its fifth year.

Jennifer Anderson
Victoria Arney (2)

Ingrid by Victor Arney
oil on canvas, 98 x 98 cm

copyright the artist / used with permission

Ben Ashton
Maryanne Aytoun-Ellis
Warren Baldwin
Jennifer Beresford
Michael G Bilton
Sasha Bowles
Ron Boyd
Paul Brason
Peter Brown
Janet Buckle
Patricia Buckley
Rebecca Cains
Guocheng Chen
Tessa Coleman
Jeffery Courtney
Paul Critchley
Gus Cummins
Saied Dai
Michael de Bono
Thomas Doran (2)
Clara Drummond

Melanie and the circus horse by Clara Drummond
oil on canvas, 74 x 56 cm

Leo du Feu (2)
Bella Easton
Graham Flack
Peter Fleming
David Forster
Dick French
Anna Gardiner
David Paul Gleeson
Brian Gorst
Noreen Grant
Judith Green
Marcelle Hanselaar
C E Hardaker
Emma Haworth
Eileen Hogan
Janet Kenyon
James Lloyd
Jennifer McRae
Peter Messer
Melanie Miller
Wladyslaw Mirecki
Julian Gorden Mitchell
Rebecca Molloy
Simon Monk
William Packer
Terence Pearce
David Pearce (2)
Georgia Peskett
David Piddock
Stephen Read
Ilaria Rosselli del Turco
Alan Salisbury
Marcus Sandeman
Eric Seeley
Daniel Shadbolt (2)
Maurice Sheppard (2)
Nessie Spruce
Charlotte Steel
Bonita Tandy (2)
Liz Thomson
Yanko Tihov
Simon Turvey
Lorna Vahey
Alan Welsford
Neville Weston
David V Wheeler
Toby Wiggins (3)
Charles Williams (2)
Lisa Wright

The exhibition is being held at the usual place - The Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers, The Painters’ Hall, Little Trinity Lane, London, EC1 between 13 November - 30 November 2009 (10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday) On Saturday 14 the exhibition will be open 12 - 4pm due to the Lord Mayors Show. Admission is free

During the exhibition a series of Master Classes have been organised on the art of still life and portrait drawing. All classes are free, but booking is essential. Further information will be available shortly.

Thanks to Parker Harris for permission to use a couple of images of works in the exhibition.



  1. Hi Katherine. Looking at the selected works, one was numbered 1195: it looks as there were at least 1200 entries this year, compared to 800 in 2008 ( I am sure I read this about last year's show).
    Submission day made me think to the Ark at the end of the first Indiana Jones. It must be very difficult for the judges to look carefully at each work. I wonder if next year I will still submit considering chances are so slim.

  2. Ilaria - entries to any of the major competitions regularly exceed 1,000. The chances of getting selected have always been very slim. I do wish the art competitions would provide better feedback about this - I've done my best to start filling the gap but it's not always easy.

    The advantage of this competition for some artists is it hasn't been so well known in the past and I think increased publicity - such as it's had on this blog - will inevitably have helped its profile and hence increased in the number of entrants. I think that can only be to the good at the end of the day.

    In my view, better information about the number/type and origins of entrants would have two main benefits.

    First it would make for more informed decision-making (or better research) about whether or not to enter.

    Second the kudos of getting selected would be that much better for those that do. :)

    Congrats on getting selected!

    One final comment - you have but a very few seconds to impress a judge in very many competitions. There's nothing new or different about that - it's just the way it is.

    To my mind it's very akin to whether or not an artist can produce the piece which attracts the eye whenever anybody walks into a gallery and looks around.

  3. Katherine, your posts on the selection process in other competitions have been a huge help for me. Looking at the judging panel might also be beneficial, for example I thought that this year portraits might be looked at with more attention.
    On a personal level I am wondering if attracting the eye in a few second is a characteristic that I would want my work to have.

  4. I can understand that last comment Ilaria

    However a simple multiplication of the number of works by the time you would like judges to spend on EACH work tells you very quickly why the time allotted can be so short.

    For example, 1,000 enties multiplied by 1 minute per entry = 16.6 hours. Now add in time for short 'tea' breaks and meal breaks and you're easily looking at three days spent on 'jury service'.

    Simply put the longer the time required of the jurors the less likely you are to get good calibre jurors and/or the more likely you are going to have to pay them a 'decent whack' to get them to serve! That's three days of earnings foregone if you don't - and I don't think that many jurors are that altruistic!

    I think it's maybe a lot easier for artists to come to terms with the fact that not a lot of time is spent on looking at each work - whether in front of a jury or in a gallery.

    I know we'd all like people to spend longer but the chances are they won't!


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