
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

How to photograph art

This is about a page for artists which tells you how to photograph your art - on my Art Business Information for Artists website

Its target audience is artists who want to prepare images of their art for:

  • their website and social media - to promote their art
  • to enter open exhibitions and art competitions
  • for exhibition catalogues and other publications
  • for presentations and online teaching.

I wish I'd completed it a long time ago - but it's finally been published and I'm sure it will continue to be improved over time.

Digital image files are now the standard way images are recorded.
It's ESSENTIAL that artists need to know how to capture a digital file - via photography or scanning,
how to process a digital file and the best ways to backup your inventory of images of your art.

How to photograph your art

How to photograph your art - for artists

You can find it as follows 


Image Management for Artists

Photography of Art for Artists

On this page about you can find:
  • Introduction to how to photograph your art
  • BASICS for photographing art
    • Image Selection and Preparation
    • Guidelines and videos about how to photograph art
    • How to photograph behind glass
    • ​Checking digital accuracy and correcting colour
  • Guidelines on photographing art for major art competitions
  • ​Digital File Formats and Image Resolution
  • Introduction to professional photography
  • Glossary: Digital File Terminology
  • Photographing artists - for marketing purposes (to follow)

How to scan art and back up image files

On two other pages in the Image Management section, you can also learn about

  • How to scan artwork This section looks at:
    • Why scanning is the best alternative to photography
    • Different types of scanner 
    • DIY: how to scan artwork
    • Professional digital imaging services
    • Glossary of scanning terminology
  • How to backup image files - how to create and store archives of your images

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