
Saturday, May 15, 2021

After 17 million pageviews!!!

I missed the moment this week when the counter ticked over and Making A Mark got its 17 millionth page view


17 million pageviews means that this art blog - Making A Mark - which I started on 13th December 2005 (see below), and then went public, after 4 "try out" posts, in January 2006 -  is now averaging over a million pageviews a year.

My very first blog post on Tuesday 13th December 2005

It's also been repeatedly recognised as one of the best art blogs around. That might be partly due to the fact it's one of the few which have kept going for the last 15 years!  So much content has moved to other media channels - especially if they are picture oriented with very little text. It's almost as if blogging has died - and yet it remains popular with a lot of readers.

Suffice to say, I still enjoy writing and doing rather more in-depth pieces which won't fit in a tweet or an Instagram post or whatever.

While I write fewer posts (I stopped my habit of regularly writing one blog post a day a while back), I'm still keen to keep the blog going even though it's now a teenager.

However, I am thinking of whether I want to change it and, if so, how.....

Tomorrow - I'm writing about a possible successor to Feedburner

One change I have to make is deal with the upcoming major changes to Feedburner - which I use for email subscriptions

Given the imminent demise of the Feedburner email service in July 2021, tomorrow I'm going to be writing about WHAT NEXT? for those 

  • who are currently Feedburner EMAIL subscribers
  • fellow bloggers also using Feedburner for their email subscriptions.

I think I've found a viable option which won't break the bank and has a viable free option.....

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