
Friday, May 16, 2014

"Mr Turner" - a new film about JMW Turner

'Turner on Vanishing Day' by William Parrott
See a trailer and watch a review of Mike Leigh's new film "Mr Turner" - about the life and career of JMW Turner - and see some small excerpts. It's getting rave reviews:
Timothy Spall – a veteran of Leigh's films – plays this eccentric, determined London bohemian like a bronchial, cantankerous, randy old toad with backache. He grunts and grimaces and gropes his way through life. He talks like a market trader after a crash course in the classics.
This is the official trailer

and this is a video of the Guardian reviewers - who have to do their review sitting on a beach in Cannes! The review of the film finishes round about 4 minutes 30 seconds.

Apparently Margate was 'spurned' for filming purposes - despite Turner's long association with the town (and a museum named after him!) in favour of the west country

The film will be released in the UK on October 31st and in the uSA on 19 December 2014. At the moment it looks like it might well get a prize at Cannes!


  1. Brilliant news. Three of the most talented Englishmen ever combine. Can't wait. Penny German

  2. Thanks for the heads up,looking forward to seeing it when it arrives in Oz.


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