
Friday, November 30, 2012

Who painted this? #6

This is the sixth "Who Painted This"?

This week I've had to remove the signature which was a tad too explicit about who in fact painted this!  I have some clues worked out for if people have difficulty identifying this painter.  See below for the rules for how to submit your answer.

Who painted this? #6
How to Participate in "Who Painted This? #6"

The sub-theme of this challenge is about finding out more about artists and artworks - so it's actually as much about your enjoyment of the process as it is about the answer.

PLEASE make sure you read the rules before posting a comment - and ONLY post what you think is the answer on this blog.

THE RULES for participating in this challenge are as follows:
  1. This is about using brains not technology - so please do not "cheat".  This is what you can and cannot do to search for the answer online
    • PLEASE do NOT use any of the "image matching" technology which exists(eg Chrome or Tineye) - that's just plain lazy and not the point of the challenge! My suspicions will be raised by those who appear to know the answer a bit too quickly and/or fail to identify themselves!
    • You can use search enquiries - using WORDS ONLY to search on Google or any other search engine or to interrogate databases of images
    • You can look at as many books as you like!
  2. Do NOT leave the answer as a comment on Facebook.  If you do I will delete the comment and you will NOT be declared the winner.
  3. Leave your answer as a comment on this blog. (IF CORRECT IT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED until just before the next challenge) 
    • You can leave a guess - and if I don't publish the name you know you're on the right lines even if you don't yet have all the details
    • Howls of frustration can also be left while you try and work it out....... 
  4. In your comment, for #5, you must tell me ALL of the following:
    • the title of the artwork
    • the name of the artist who painted this picture
    • the date it was created
    • the media used
    • where it lives now
    • how you know all this eg how did you do your search 
  5. The Winner! The first identifiable person (ie no anonymous guesses) who, in my judgement, is the first person to get to the answer by fair means will get a mention and a link to their website or blog (or both) in:
    • my very popular weekly blog post "Who's made a mark this week?"
    • the post with next week's challenge.

I will leave a clue - as a comment on the post - if you're not not getting anywhere in the first 24 hours.

Publication - and non-publication - of answers / comments 

Here's how the comments work: 
  • All comments are moderated and I read ALL the comments prior to publication 
  • I do NOT publish the correct answers (in full or part) until a week later - assuming somebody actually gets the answer!  Which means if your comment is not published you know you could be on the right lines.  Plus it also means others can have the enjoyment of the challenge even if they are probably too late to win.
  • The comments are also published in the order they were left not the order that I open them - which means you can all see who got the right answer first and provided all the details.
  • Hence AFTER publication of this post and BEFORE the day of the publication of the next post (i.e. next Friday) I ONLY publish all the incorrect answers and all the howls of frustration! 

    Who painted this? #5 - The Answer
      The person who posted the correct answer first to Who painted this? #5 is "Speedy" Sue Smith (Sue's Sketch Blog). (I've given Sue a prefix as she also won "Who Painted This #3" ! You need a subscription to this blog and to be up early to beat Sue!)

      Here are all the details I was after in the answer (except for those in brackets)
      1. Title of the artwork:  Portrait of Pablo Picasso
      2. Name of the artist:  Ramon Casas
      3. Date it was created c.1900
      4. Media used: Drawing - Charcoal and pastel on paper (69 x 44.5 cm)
      5. Current HomeMuseu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (Donated by the artist, 1909)
      1900 was the year that Picasso travelled to Paris - so well done those who worked it out from the profile of Montmartre!  He went for for the Universal Exhibition, and while there "was inspired by the avant garde works of Cezanne, Matisse, and the Fauvist movement which was taking place at the time."

      Congratulations to all those who got to the solution - you gave some great answers to how you got there.  I do hope people will go and read the comments as they demonstrate how much fun it is to track down a painting!

      Others (who have real names + blogs or websites) who also got the answer correct in all respects are: Rose Welty and Jane Gardiner (who took three goes having guessed the subject, then found the drawing and then found all the details!) and Fred Marsh.  

      I do wish people would get themselves a website or a blog or something which would stop them being virtually anonymous online.  Those who got all or part of the answer right are Raymond Bell and The Herb Lady.  

      I promised you I'd show you the other drawing - click the link in the title Ramon Casas (1900) by Picasso which is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's very small - just 4 1/4 x 4 1/8 in.  I must confess I prefer the portrait OF Picasso!

      More about Ramon Casas (1866 - 1932)

      Here are some links to more information about and paintings by Ramon Casas 


      1. This is beginners luck, and I have to be about the zillionth person to have identified the painting by now, as my knowledge of fine art would fit on the proverbial pin head. The light wasn't bright enough to have been European (unless it needs cleaning) and the clothing identified the Victorian period so I was stunned to find it so easily! There are not too many fine art paintings of cabbages, but loads of cabbage prints advertised on Google, and once I found the right print and its title, that led me to the Scottish National Gallery and Arthur Melville, the Cabbage Garden, 1877, and its provenance. Its painted in oils on canvas and a very scant 46 cms by 30.5 cms.
        Sadly, as an Aussie, I did not come close to the Streeton so now I am off to find out more about Arthur Melville. I enjoy this quiz!

      2. Katherine, I love this artist. It's Arthur Melville's 'A Cabbage Garden', oil on canvas (45.50 x 30.50 cm) and on display at the Scottish National Gallery. I got most of the info from Google (via an initial search on Bastien-Lepage) and most of the info was on this page ( Incidentally, I've long admired Arthur Melville's painting of the old Campanile in Venice -

        Really enjoying the 'Who painted this' series :)

      3. 1. A Cabbage Garden
        2. Arthur Melville
        3. 1878
        4. Oil on Canvas
        5. National Gallery of Scotland.

        I had no idea who painted this, used the search words painting of cabbage field kept getting the same few artists, Pissarro being the top contender, looked at every Pissaro painting, 1531 to be exact realised not him. So looked at the picture again changed search words to painting of cabbage garden and voila...Arthur Miller popped up.

        Thanks for an enjoyable hour...will never forget now who painted this now!

      4. Too easy! I instantly knew this was a Glasgow Boy but didn't know his name so a quick google search solved it. Arthur Melville, A Cabbage Garden, oil, 1877, at the Scottish National Gallery.

      5. "Speedy" Sue Smith, ha ha, thanks Katherine! I think the secret to this one is choosing the right search words. "Cabbage patch painting" in Google image search just took me to the inevitable hideous dolls, but "Cabbage garden painting" brought this painting up as the first image.
        It is A Cabbage Garden by Arthur Melville, oil on canvas 1877 and it now lives in the Scottish National Gallery.

      6. As I live in Glasgow, this is far far too easy - Arthur Melville (a change from is watercoloours!) A cabbage Garden, oils, in Edinburgh National Gallery - the dark and dingy bit where they hide all the scottish work. Made in 1877.(

      7. 1. The Cabbage Garden
        2. Arthur Mellville
        3. 1877
        4. Oil on canvas
        5. Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh
        6. Bing search for cabbage garden paintings.

      8. All those cabbages! Thought this must be a "new world" artist, maybe canadian, but no, couldnt find anything there. Even Edvard Much has painted cabbages "man in a cabbage field" but the right answer is
        Arthur Melvill, (scottish) "Cabbage garden" 1877 oil on canvas. Scottish national gallery.
        The cue was cabbage and "ploughed" thru. Now I must get on with todays plans.. ;) I am getting addicted to this, Katherine and learning so much in the search. Debbie Mathisen Przedpelska (

      9. A cabbage garden.Arthur Melville.1877.Oil on canvas.It is currently located at National Gallery of Scotland.I use Google to search for cabbage garden and farmer, oil painting.Found the information in Wikimedia.

      10. A Cabbage Garden(1877) by Arthur Melville ,National Galleries of Scotland,Oil on Canvas.Being Scottish , I knew it was by a Glasgow Boy - first thoughts were Guthrie(who probably influenced this work).

      11. I think I saw this in the Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh, but it's not William McTaggart. I'm probably completely wrong. These "who painted this" are VERY difficult! Thankyou for the mental workout.

      12. A Cabbage Garden by Arthur Melville 1877
        Oil on canvas
        It is in the Scottish Art Collection National Galleries, Edinburgh, Scotland

        I like this painting and I was particularly impressed with the cabbages, having painted some myself in an allotment scene.
        I took the tip from theartistsday and did a google search using the words 'Scottish National Gallery and cabbages.'

      13. thanks for this beautiful painting of a homely subject - the foreground cabbage leaves are delightful.

        "The Cabbage Garden", Arthur Melville, 1877, oil on canvas.
        All according to

        I hadn't seen anything by this artist before, and initially searched on "Homer Cabbage Field", then "Pissarro Cabbage Field". Finally a Google image search of "Cabbage field painting" yielded the result.


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      My blog posts are always posted to my Making A Mark Facebook Page and you can comment there if you wish.

      Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.