
Sunday, October 07, 2012

7th October 2012 (+1) - Who's made a mark this week?

The problem with being inquisitive is that you can get awfully distracted by information you come across - and so it was yesterday which is why this is a day late!  That and a website which developed a corrupted page this week which has led to endless correspondence.....

Panoramic View from the top of the hill in Greenwich Park, London
- complete with Equestrian Arena for the Olympics 2012
pen and ink and coloured pencils,
11" x 48" (3 double page spreads in Moleskine Sketchboook)
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
The sketch at the top for those of you who haven't seen it before is my enormous 48" wide sketch of the Greenwich Park Panorama as seen from the Royal Park at Greenwich Park - sat right on top of the Prime Meridian - and looking across the Equestrian Arena which was still up when we Urban Sketchers London sketched there last month.

You can also see the double page spread sketches which went into the creation of this panorama on my Travels with a Sketchbook blog.  These contain links to the images on Flickr which are all annotated with notes for each building so you can see what you're looking at!

Art Blogs and Artists

Botanical Art

Coloured Pencils and Pastels

Drawing and Sketching

Art Business & Marketing
Katherine Moreling's Three Tips for Artists
  • apply to something every single week
  • just keep going - you need staying power
  • be nice to yourself
  • Some very wise advice for artists wanting to make a living from their art - Make a living is a RECOMMENDED read from Artquest
  • Mailchimp revelas the Average Unique Open, Click, Bounce, and Abuse Complaint Rates by highlighting the Email Marketing Benchmarks by Industry By Industry - and only 17.5% of emails in the Art Business get opened. As one who deletes an awful lot of mail without opening it I can well understand why - artists and galleries are very bad at titling and the first line I can see in gmail.  The only ones about exhibitions I open - apart from those from the major galleries - are those which have been tagged with a label for those who sent the email to the right address!  If you want to know which one that is you'll have to read "For Information"
  • This is the website of Art Fair Insiders.  Here's some examples of content
  • This is the radio version - Art Fair Radio - with podcasts such as
    Jody DePew McLeane & Ted Gall-Winning all the Prizes
tune in for all the news and insider tips about the nation's top juried art fairs and craft shows. The Art Fair Success Show is hosted by Connie Mettler, publisher of
Art Competitions
Art Exhibitions

Art Exhibitions UK
  • A Rothko painting has been defaced by a Russian artist at Tate Modern.  The painting is one of the Seagram murals painted by Rothko in 1958 for Manhattan's Four Seasons restaurant - but never installed.  They now have their own dedicated room at Tate Modern
The defaced Rothko painting at Tate Modern
Art Societies

  • This is a very funny drawing/painting - Grayson Perry's Establishment Figures: who's who?  There's been a lot of guessing about who's who at the RA - and whther or not it inclues other art establishment figures.  It need to be remembered that it took the RA a very long time to see the value and worth of Grayson Perry's work - because he is primarily a ceramicist.  Payback time?  I can't work out whether the suggestion that Rolf Harris is in there somewhere is a double bluff!
  • This is the website for the Watercolour Society of Ireland

Art History

Art Education

Degree Education

Workshops and classes

This three day course will acknowledge the importance of the relationship between Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his wife Margaret Macdonald by exploring the concept of the artwork as a skilfully made object - where the form and materials are fused - as part of a single whole.
Tips and techniques

Landscapes by Marla Baggetta
Art Materials
Art Studios
Art Television

It's quite unnerving seeing the late great Robert Hughes speaking to me from a TV screen - but it's wonderful to watch this rerun of The Shock if the New.
and finally......

This is a slightly 'offpiste' reference - but I thought you might like to see the most profitable colours - associated with Fortune 500 companies - see Profitable colours: the full spectrum of Fortune 500 companies

Is there an association between colour and profit?  My view would be that it's more than likely!


  1. Katherine,
    I am encouraged to know that I average 34% each day in my newsletter readership, 5 days a week. Yay!! Reading that the average is 17 % was shocking.

  2. Katherine,
    There is a lot of great stuff this week.
    I always do a quick scan and click then go back to the stuff I like the most... this week ... major time sink!
    It's going to take a week to get through it!

    The link under Art television 'The View from the Edge' doesn't seem to work.

  3. That's because the BBC is generously allowing just one week to watch the episode on iPlayer! I'm afraid it's now gone forever because I was late publishing.

    However here is the link to the page of episodes - and Culture of Nature is a definite MUST WATCH!!!

    This is the iPlayer link for Episode 7 of 8

    "The Future That Was" broadcasts next Monday at 11.30pm and thereafter on iPlayer for a week.

    I've just realised I really want Robert Hughes to come back from the dead and add on the final episode which takes us from when the original series finished up to the present day.

  4. Linda - well done on the "opening your email" rate. It just goes to show it's worth having an email program which gives you such stats.


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