
Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 June 2012 - Who's made a mark this week?

Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant by David Pilgrim AROI
8x16in, oil on board
Last Sunday there was no "who's made a mark this week" because it was the the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant and I was supposed to be either on the 7th floor of Tate Modern drawing the pageant from the windows of the restaurant or on the balcony of the Friends Room looking over the Thames. Instead I decided to stay nice and dry (rain, greasy pavements and my dodgy feet don't mix) and I watched it on the box instead.

I knew the BBC had planned to have some artists painting on a bridge - and I was contacted by Haidee-Jo Summers (Haide-Jo Summers Artist - ma vie en couleurs) one of the artists who was painting on the Millennium Bridge - and who managed to produce two paintings. As the weather deteriorated I kept wondering how they were getting on. Well Paintings for the Diamond Jubilee answers that question. Oil paint does not stick to canvas which got wet in the rain - official! 

Kudos to Haidee-Jo and David Pilgrim (David Pilgrim AROI) and the others who stuck it out as long as they could in the strong wind and torrential rain. I think they should get a medal!

Congrats also to those who responded to my post about The Big Diamond Jubilee Art Challenge

Artists and Art Blogs

The Guardian has a Readers Art series - a series inviting readers to share their art with the Guardian and other readers on a given subject These were readers pictures of Britain last month.

Drawing and sketching
Tea at Gail's Artisan Bakery, Fulham Road, Chelsea
pen and sepia ink and coloured pencils in Moleskine Skertchbook
copyright Katherine Tyrrell - all rights reserved
Coloured Pencils and Pastels
Miniature Art
  • Thanks to James Gurney (Gurney Journey) for highlighting this video of Andrew Wyeth talking about around about the time of his 80th birthday talking about the Helga paintings and why he never painted a portrait of his father - the famous artist NC Wyeth.
It was the great tragedy of my life that he killed and I hadn't done it.  It changed my whole approach to painting
Andrew Wyeth

Wildlife Art
Art Business & Marketing
Art Competitions
Art Exhibitions

London Exhibitions
  • RA Summer Exhibition:  My Review: 244th Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy.  The Guardian referred to it as "The dark heart of the Home Counties laid bare" but I think that's a bit much - there are weird artists who submit things from further afield!  My review contains links to reviews by the major newspapers.
  • This is my Review: Rosie Sanders "Against the Light" - recommended for all botanical artists wanting to look at what pushing the boundaries looks like
Parrot Tulip Fantasy ©  Rosie Sanders
Heads up for exhibitions opening soon
The last time I saw paintings as deluded as Damien Hirst's latest works, the artist's name was Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
Art Education

Online classes/tuition
Tips and Techniques
A hard edge happens automatically. A soft edge requires intent
When I paint outside I have a pile of paint that is the color of my lights, I use it for underpainting the sky to get light in that, and I use it to more easily and swiftly create the color of things in the light.
Art Studio and Art Supplies
A person stopping by the Stillman & Birn booth said, "This is the year of the sketchbook, I half expect the easel manufacturers to introduce a new line of sketchbooks."
I have never been this excited about a commercially bound sketchbook. They are beautifully made and contain great Strathmore papers.

In the ongoing schenanigans which is the copyright debate about what you can and cannot do with other people's images Techdirt says that AOL Threatens Blogger With Copyright Infringement Charge... For Doing The Exact Same Thing AOL Has Done On A Large Scale

Opinion Poll
and finally

Overheard in the Art World - on Hyperallergic is what you would have heard if you'd forked out $5,000 for a seat at a table at a function held at MOMA.  

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