
Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Pastel" iPad sketch as a movie

I'm posting a video of the creation of a sketch using:
The aim was to see if could get the sketch to emulate soft pastels and be created more or less in the same way as I would work if using pastels for real.  Can I just stress I was playing and it was very basic!

[UPDATE: This was originally posted via YouTube but that produces a landscape format for a portrait format video - which was rather unsatisfactory. I've now reposted from Flickr. Both allow you to change the size of what you see on your blog. However the Flickr video format is much better than YouTubes!]

It took some time(!) to work out how to get it posted on the blog but I got there in the end!

To produce the video I had to:
  • download Brushes Viewer on to my iMac (this requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higher) so that I could read the Brushes file - which is the animation of the sketch and shows the strokes I made in the order I made them
  • email the brushes file of the animated creation of the sketch to myself
    • by selecting "Mail Actions" from the Share menu at the bottom of the gallery view in Brushes
    • This creates an email titled "Brushes Painting Actions" and automatically includes the relevant file as a compressed file
  • save the file from the email I received on my iMac
  • open the compressed file and extract the brushes file and view using Brushes Viewer
  • export the movie as a .mov file.  Option included size, compression, quality and frame rate (but I haven't investigated how to vary those as yet)
  • view the .mov file in QuickTime Player
  • Upload .mov file to YouTube and Flickr
  • Upload the YouTube movie to Blogger

This is what comes of going to see the Hockney exhibition and watching videos of him sketching plein air using his iPad, the Brushes app and a stylus!

The video is called iPad sketching using Brushes and a Griffin Stylus and you can find it on Making A Mark - the Video Channel

I expect I might be doing a few more of these.........


  1. Its quite effective and interesting to see the speeded up version of your strokes.

    I still have not been convinced of the merits of buying an iPad so I'll still have to draw and paint the old fashioned way. ;)

  2. I have been experimenting with my ipad using the Art Rage app with a Bamboo pen made for for iPad which is quite sensitive once you get used to it. Also Sketchbook Pro is really nice to draw with. The files can be sent via email to your computer as png files. Art rage has some lovely pastel brushes effects. These apps are reasonably priced considering the power of the software. I suppose there is a lot of controversy about this digital art but with Mr. Hockney demonstrating the possibilities perhaps it may gain acceptance as 'real' art. After finding out how much I like art Rage I bought a version of Art Rage software for my computer where I can do the same things and more with my small size Wacom tablet. I love your animation of your pastel drawing process. Thanks for figuring out all that conversion information. I am a PC person so I am cut off from the MAC end of things. Sigh. Someday perhaps. Bu I do love my iPad for playing mostly. It is magical. It is lovely to see your enthusiasm.

  3. Hi Katherine, I've heard good things about Brushes for the iPad. I enjoyed taking a look at your video. I've been using Art Studio with a Bamboo pen, which I like. I'm trying out Brushes too since I've seen so much about it. Isn't working with an iPad fun? Interesting postings about Hockney and iPads!

  4. I soooo wish I could see the Hockney exhibit! Your digital pastel is quite nice. Watching the video (thanks for doing that!) makes me think that pastel is perhaps the perfect medium to use with Brushes since the shape of a pastel is similar to the shape of a finger. I've tried drawing and painting on my ipad and iphone with both a stylus and my finger but found it frustrating. I have a Wacom tablet and stylus which is so much easier to do digital painting with.


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