
Sunday, August 07, 2011

7th August 2011 - Who's made a mark this week?

I'm very pleased to highly the Annual Summer Exhibition of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (RE) which I unaccountably forgot to highlight in last week's post.  I've provided the details below.

However I particularly wanted to feature the work of one particular RE member HJ Jackson as I own one of his linocut prints.

He's a member of the RE and has been exhibiting with the Society since 1961 - that's 50 years of exhibiting with the Society!  He'a also a member of the Society of Wood Engravers

HJ Jackson is also just two years off 60 years of printmaking!  He lost access to a printing press when he left art school and ever since then has been burnishing all his prints by hand using a tobacco tin.

Below is a video of an interview with HJ Jackson at the Norwich Art Fair - talking about he works the process of producing a linocut from reference to print.

It's succinct and extremely informative and is recommended viewing by me (the pictures are static but the audio is fascinating!)

Art blogs

It's maybe worth making the point that I always take a look at the art blogs of those who leave comments on this blog or sign up to follow me on Twitter.

Quite a few people who get highlighted in this post on a Sunday first come to my attention in this fashion.  However I hasten to add that if I'm interested I do look back over the blog to see what the standard has been like over time!

However please don't be like one artist who recently followed me who listed a website that didn't work properly and mentioned a blog for recent artwork which the website did not link to!

drawing and sketching
coloured pencils and pastels
  • Flickr has had its 6,000,000,000th upload!  I merely account for slightly less than 10,000 of those
  • My new photography blog Makingamark - a daily photo is off and running and I'm beginning to get into my stride as I revisit my photos - which of itself is a jolly good reason for doing it!  I've adopted an alphabetical approach as it gives me a structure and focus that means I cannot wander - except I spent most of this week coming up with thoughts for a huge number of letters of the alphabet.  Not got Z sorted yet! 

Art Business and Marketing
“Sometimes instead of buying from a showroom,” she says, “you can buy directly from the artist at a better price."

Art Economy
  • The blogs and newspapers have been curiously quiet about the implications of the latest falls on the stock market and their impact on the art market.  I'm going to watching for comment.  I kind of think wiping out $3 trillion dollars from the global stock markets has to mean something.
  • Before the staggering market falls at the end of the week got going, Ed Winkelman had already usefully summarised a number of articles commenting on the art market and the implications for art galleries in Galleries 3.0 || Open Thread
"There are challenges ahead for galleries. Especially smaller and newer ones. " - Edward Winkleman

Art Competitions
Juried shows
Last week I listed the recent observations by Stapleton Kearns on jurying exhibitions of art societies. This week here are some more recent comments about juried shows
  • This is Robert Genn's (The Painter's Keys) response - and those of his readers to a query about juried shows which won't accept artists without a fine art degree - Getting a Leg Up.  It includes an obsevration by me about UK juried exhibitions
I've found certain shows very political inasmuch as they won't consider artists without art degrees. Do you have any suggestions for non-degreed artists regarding shows and artist resumes, etc.?
What constitutes a No? For me it’s work that looks derivative (if Sean Scully has already done it, you don’t have to), conceptually undeveloped (what, exactly am I looking at and why?), formally unresolved (it doesn’t “work”) or technically inadequate (incompetent execution).
Art Exhibitions
I've given up following Art Knowledge News on Twitter.  The site has become extremely tedious through a combination of incessant tweets and tweets/posts about exhibitions which finished a long time ago.  This is just one recent example - there's lots more.
Yale Center Exhibition Examines Hoax on Prominent 18th Century British Artists 
I really don't know what happened to this site - it used to be good - but it is no longer. National art museums / galleries
Regional / commercial art galleries
  • The BBC provides a slideshow In picture - the Edinburgh Art festival.  
  • Here's Adrian Searle's review in the Guardian Jake or Dinos Chapman - review - he gave them just three stars!  Having heard some tales about their characters and behaviour in real life (ie outside an art gallery) I think this will be their first and last mention on this blog.
What unites them is that it is all in the worst possible taste.
Art societies
Art Bloggers
Provence Potager by Sarah Wimperis - available from Beside the Wave Gallery
Lavender Shadows by Sarah Wimperis - available from Beside the Wave Gallery

Art Books

After a break of a couple of months I've resumed the updates for my two websites which keep abreast of
Art Crime
  • Two articles in The Guardian about art crime 
Art Education
Tips and techniques
Opinion Polls
Internet and webware

and finally......

This is a really weird sculpture.  A sculpture of a Giant Women has taken up residence in a lake in Hamburg for 10 days - or is that 'taking a bath'  Giant Woman Sculpture Makes Waves in German Lake
A giant sculpture by Oliver Voss, 'Die Badende' (The Bather), lies in the Binnenalster lake in Hamburg, Germany. The sculpture is made of styrofoam and steel and measures 4 metres high by 30 metres long.


  1. Katherine, Thank-you for listing my blog under Painter Blogs. I am a fan of your blog site and have listed "Making A Mark" on my blog links list. Again thank-you for the blog visit and comment.

  2. What a good link to sketcher Edward Kinsella. This is the great thing, for me, about reading blogs - its like visiting galleries from home and seeing fantastic work I'd never have come across.

  3. Thank you so much for including our Exhibition on your blog!!! I'm very excited! This blog is incredible with so much information. I can't wait to get the book you recommended and plan to add you to my favorites!

  4. I bet you knew I was going to love the linocut video, Katherine. Fascinating. And Sarah's paintings look gorgeous.

    This is a great week of reading - it's going to take me that long to work through all the links. Many thanks for your effort.

  5. I LOVE that boat. I love boats and I love printmaking, and that is just a standout. Caought uyp with Liz myself today, but strangely no sign of Borromini. Perhaps he's got jetlag.


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