
Monday, August 09, 2010

Where would you prefer to have an art studio? (Results)

Where would you prefer to have an art studio?  (right click to see larger image)
The July Making A Mark Poll suggests that 80% of artists want a dedicated space in their own home:
  • nearly 45% would be perfectly content with a dedicated room in their own home
  • while 35% would prefer a dedicated but separate building at home 
1 in 8 artists who would happily work away from home.
  • Only 10% want a dedicated studio in a building with other artists
  • 1.5% want a separate building away from home and 
  • less than 1% would work anywhere but at home. 
To me this suggests that the artist readers of this blog tend to maybe feel a lot more comfortable on their own territory. Alternatively the benefits of having a studio with other artists is perceived to be of limited benefit - or that the benefits of working from home far outweigh the disadvantages.  I can imagine the latter might well be the case with those who have small children or dependent relatives or other commitments or domestic duties which mean working in and around the home is advantageous and/or the most practical solution.

People do want their own space though.
  • Less than 5% of you are happy to use a multipurpose room at home
  • Nobody wants to work on the kitchen table!
What I was more surprised about was the very low percentage of artists who want the company of other artists.  Two possible explanations for this occured to me
  • First, I wonder how many of the 137 people who responded to this poll have had experience of working alongside other artists.  In other words if you're not aware of any benefits is this something you will opt for with no prior experience?  It struck me that this might be an option which is favoured by those who have had some experience in the past of creating their art amidst a congregation of artists' studios.
  • Second, by definition, a lot of artists bloggers have found a ready community of artists online and feel less in need of the companionship of fellow artists in the flesh and in a next door studio
and finally.......

Can I suggest you leave a copy of this poll lying around the next time you get asked what you want for Christmas!

Drop back tomorrow for the Making A Mark Poll for August!

You can see more results from my monthly Making A Mark Polls on The Making A Mark Poll - Resources for Artists


  1. If wishes became reality there are many things I would wish for my artistic needs. The here and now says watch my costs and using my sitting room as a studio makes sense.

  2. I have a dedicated home studio, which is great, as it saves time commuting and is bigger than any studio I'd be able to afford in a building with other artists at the moment... but it is a bit lonely at times and I have those moments when I really wish I could separate work from home, have someone professional to talk to about art and organize open studios with other artists, etc. I think the ultimate solution would be to have a home studio (perhaps in a separate building in the garden) and also rent a studio with other artists in the summer, when commuting and heating are not issues... Am I daydreaming?

  3. I think there could possibly be a lot of scope for places offering studio space to people on a part-time basis in nice places to visit!

  4. Hi Katherine - interesting poll - I have recently been doing some printmaking and I also use a darkroom sometimes - it would be great to have part time studio with printing and darkroom facilities - I don't have the equipment or space for this at home but do have a dedicated studio space for other work

  5. A lot of artists sublet their studios for a few months if they have a residency somewhere or go abroad for an extended period... but most artists communities tend to look for people who want to stay long term... If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them! I've been thinking a lot about this and hope to arrange something for next summer.

  6. I guess quite a few artists wouldn't mind swapping their home to get a cost-effective break - but would they be happy to swop a studio? ;)

  7. Well, the artists sublet the studios so you basically pay their rent while they are away. It's not a bad deal for them. I get email offers from this site sometimes:

    I don't think I would do a home swap with someone I don't know though.


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