
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cindy Woods - One year on

I can't quite believe that it's a year today since Cin passed away.

Who can forget end of story and rest of the end of my story - I know I can't.

I've still got her blog Learn Daily in my blogroll and I won't be removing it from there.

I've still got links to her wonderful posts about her trips on my sketchbook blog.

Ronda is still posting Cin's "back catalogue" and I'm still enjoying seeing her posts from time to time.

But it's not the same.........

I'm a strong believer in the notion that you've never truly gone until there is no one left who still thinks about you.

Thinking of you Cin - and being very thankful to have known you.

PS I can't take any credit for this wonderful image. It is of course a Cindy special done for Thanksgiving in 2005 - which was just after I started reading her blog.


  1. I am there too, thanks K for the reminder.

  2. She left such a mark on so many of us, didn't she? I will never forget her. She touched me in so many ways, and her art was just magical. Lovely tribute for a gentle soul who left us all too soon...

  3. Thank you. I spent some time looking at her blog this morning. Lovely, lovely.


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