
Monday, November 23, 2009

All About Cats

This is for the feline lovers amongst you!

I learned an awful lot about cats recently when putting together an update of my resource site All About Cats (which doesn't have an awful lot to do with art - but people who draw cats will like it!)

I also laughed myself silly while previewing the Simon's cat videos which are also included in this resource. Do take a peek if you own a cat - you won't regret it!

coloured pencils on Arche HP

copyright Katherine Tyrrell

One of them is so like my boy cat Cosmo (see right - you'd be right to think butter might not melt in that mouth but that's because he prefers roast chicken and nice fish if he can get it!) that I had tears running down my face from laughing before I got to the end. It spoke volumes about Cosmo when in over-excitable mode!

Every time I look at one of those Simon's cat videos it makes me think how art can be anything visual - it's not just landscapes and portraits and still life - and it can make us laugh too!

Making a Mark reviews......


  1. Thanks for this, Katherine, so much info about moggies - that's my reading matter sorted for the next week or so! The Simon's Cat video is hilarious, ta for the link to that too!

  2. Wow Katherine! Not only is your cat artwork exquisite, but your cat resource site is so comprehensive and helpful. You did a great job and have provided a much needed service by gathering all that information. I loved the cat videos (so true!!!and funny!!!). I'm going to forward the site on to all the other cat owners in my family (pretty much everyone in my family except my mom have cats). Thanks for doing all that work!

  3. Well it's mostly the work of other people but I did very much enjoy being the curator and finding all the info and then pulling it all together so it made sense.

    However I learned so much checking out all the lenses that I felt sure other cat owners would appreciate it too!


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