
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Video: Claude Monet at the Musée d'Orsay

Here's the third in my series of posts about the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. Today I've got a video of the paintings of Claude Monet. This is the link to Claude Monet Paintings in the Musée d'Orsay on my You Tube channel (HD version) - you'll find you recognise an awful lot of them. The sound of the museum takes me right back to when I was there four weeks ago.

Yet again, as you can see from the video, it was shot in a very crowded room by an individual (me!) who was still getting used to her new tiny hand held camcorder. See yesterday's post about my video of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings as to the reasons why it is possible to photograph, shoot video and copy paintings in the Musée d'Orsay.

The Lunch: decorative panel
by Claude Monet (1844-1926)

photo copyright Katherine Tyrrell

Paintings in the video

Here's a list of some of the major paintings by Monet which are in the video and links to the website. The English title has the link the description of the painting in English and the French title has the link to an image of the painting. Following these is either a small extract from the description on the website (in italics) or a comment by me. (Note: I'll be adding more later - got to run!)

Photographs of Monet paintings

You can also see a number of my photgraphs of these paintings by Monet (and others by Monet) in my Flickr set of the paintings in the Musée d'Orsay. On the right you can see ones that I didn't video.

Monet's version of Dejeuner sur l'Herbe (Luncheon on the Grass)
(this is the account of why it's like this)

photo copyright Katherine Tyrrell

Advice for a novice shooting videos

As regular readers may know, I've come late to digital camcorders - which I'm quite pleased about as mine is very small, very light and slips in my pocket!

People are writing to me and sending me jolly good advice about shooting videos - and I'd like to thank everybody who is doing that. Keep it coming. I will pan more slowly and use stop frames before zooming!

I'm also especially interested in ways of reducing shake and am now trying to find out whether they do shoulder-pods or body-brace for the new tiny camcorders.

Any more suggestions please let me know - and I'll do a composite post at some point about the good advice I'm being given.

Making a Mark reviews...... Travels with a Sketchbook in.......

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