
Sunday, January 04, 2009

4th January 2009 - Who's made a mark this week?

I'd like to wish all my regular readers of "Who's made a mark this week?" all over the world a Happy New Year.

Here's hoping that 2009 will be a year in which creativity overflows, art knowledge and skills are developed, studios get revamped, art continues to sell, accounts get completed on time, your blog gets more readers and your time management skills get so good that you actually manage to finish the 'to do' list every single day!

I've had a lot of visitors this week reading Making A Mark in 2009 - The Plan. Thank you all for the very many comments - it seems as if the principles about how I want to operate in 2009 were ones that a lot of people identified with.

Lots of you have been turning your thoughts to 2009 and mapping out what you need in your plan for the year.

I listed some at the end of my post about 2009
Plus here are some of the more interesting blog posts about 2009 which I read this week:
Space study #22: Leaves - Pen and ink on 70 lb natural white paper, 2 7/8"x9".
  • Anna (See. Be. Draw ) - "Tithing" to the art spirit which introduces the concept of tithing your time. I really liked her drawing (right) - a space study picking up on her theme for 2009 of spaciousness. Using a narrow format sketchbook for a different sort of space for drawing also helps make you look at objects differently. Have you got changing your format on your 'to do' list for 2009?
The Art Atlas (image top right) is one of the books as I got as a Christmas present this year. It's an absolutely unique book because it's the first work to treat the art of the whole world from prehistory to the present day through the extensive use of maps. There will be a book review soon!

Art blogs

(Left) The Making A Mark Award for Best Portrait by a female artist
by Nicole Caulfield (
Nicole Caulfield Art Journal )
(Right) The Making A Mark Award for Best Artwork on a blog in 2008
A Walk in the Ocean
by Margaret Dyer (Small Pastels and an Occasional Oil)

rt group blogs
Art business & marketing
  • 1000Markets is an online gallery site for artists and craftspeople (mostly the latter). It's interesting that it's highlighting locality based artists - which underpins my notion that one of the ways forward in the current economy is to build on communities of interest - one of which is communities of artists in a locality. It's another way of marketing. So, for example we have:
Art economy

The Bold Prediction

Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons will team up to create a giant, diamond-encrusted version of Koons' famous "Puppy," which will sell through a "private transaction" for $50 billion, and the mystery of Bernard Madoff's missing money will be solved.

Ann Rafalko On Collecting

Art - copyright
Art exhibitions
Art studio

I'm going to be doing regular updates about art studios in 2009 - do let me know if you have anything particularly interesting on your blog.
Art supplies
  • Roz Stendhal would like you all to start painting in gouache and to participate in "Project 640 Tubes" which essentially is a plan to get M. Graham & Co. to start making a gouache using PB60. I came across it because Roz has been using incentives - and this week somebody won the competition to receive on her journals.
Books and book reviews
Making A Mark Polls
Tips and techniques

Websites, webware and blogging

and finally...........

Michelle Burnett Art Studio highlighted the scope to turn an image of yours into a museum picture.

She found the 'concept' in Five Values and "Air" In The Shadows by Marian Fortunati


  1. Well... Thanks!! I was so surprised. I had read your blog earlier and totally missed that you mentioned my blog "Five Values and Air In The Shadows" until it came up in my google alert...
    (I know... totally narcissistic to have an alert about myself, but sometimes it turns up surprising thing .... LIKE THIS ONE!!)
    Thanks for the mention... I love your blog and I love to learn and try to share the new things I am learning!!
    Have a great year!

  2. Thanks from me as well! Not only for the mention but for all of the other wonderful links worthy of exploring (as usual.) I'm setting out to do just that...Happy new year!


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