
Thursday, December 11, 2008

MAMA Call for entries: best online art exhibition in 2008

Kew Watermarks #1 - a study
coloured pencils on Arches HP

copyright Katherine Tyrrell

This third opportunity to identify the candidates and vote for a Making A Mark Award relates to online art exhibitions in 2008.

I have to confess that if I can't get to see an exhibition I do really enjoy a good online art exhibition - hence all the mentions they get in 'who's made a mark this week? each Sunday. I am continuously amazed that so much art in exhibitions is now available online. That said - some do it better than others!

For the Making A Mark Award for the best online art exhibition in 2008, I'm proposing that the term "online art exhibition" should be interpreted quite loosely

So - it does have to be ONLINE and it does have to be about ART and its form needs to be that of an EXHIBITION but that's about it.

After that it could be
  • an online exhibition of an exhibition in a publicly funded/major art gallery or museum
  • an online exhibition of an exhibition in a private art gallery
  • an online exhibition on an artist's website
  • an exhibition delivered over the year on a blog- if there's something which connects the art being shown (maybe for a B&M exhibition?)
  • a gallery of artwork on Flickr (or similar) which is accessible to the public
I'm really not bothered about whether it is simple or sophisticated or whether it is large or small.

My sole criteria is that YOU found it impressive and remembered it and can nominate it and provide an explanation as to why you think it was the best online exhibition that you've seen all year.

It then has to impress me too to get on the shortlist and then you'll all be invited to vote for the winner.

That's not too difficult is it?

So - it's the same process as before with best artwork and best portrait:
  • the deadline for nominations is midnight GMT on Sunday 21st December.
  • the shortlist will be posted on 24th December and you'll be....
  • ...invited to view the shortlist and vote for a winner
  • and the winner will be announced on 30th December
I'm hoping you come up with a really diverse set of nominations and make my life really difficult when it comes to choosing a shortlist! :)

[Note: You can read more about my drawing and how it came about on Watermarks - Studying lines and squiggles ]



  1. I'd like to nominate the NEWA (National Exhibition of Wildlife Art) online exhibition.
    I find everything about this exhibition to be done professionally. The online gallery provides large clear images of all the work with the added facility to reserve a painting.

  2. Good call Gayle - that's a one which is definitely setting a benchmark for genre exhibitions.

  3. I would like to nominate the Canine Art Guild's "Helping Paws" exhibition. This innovative show has participating artists designating various canine shelters and rescue groups to receive a portion of sales. People's Choice awards were given with the price money being awarded to the artist's chosen partner group.


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