
Sunday, December 14, 2008

14th December 2008 - Who's made a mark this week?

I'm actually away at the moment so some of the posts before and after this one have been scheduled in advance - such a great facility! This is a lightweight version of my normal post and is missing images - which are difficult to do on the computer /connection I'm using connection. I'll be back to normal posting next week - I hope (given that the 'cold from hell' is currently trying to take me out for the third time!!!). I wonder if anybody will guess when I left and when I get back!

I'm starting this week's "who's made a mark this week?" with the three remaining artists who have posted their introductions to Watermarks this week. That's
Yet again, I'm amazed at how we can all relate well to water and all have different perspectives!

Having been stimulated to finish two works which have been 'stuck' for over two years (see Studying Lines and Squiggles), I cannot recommend enough the notion of getting together with people who are interested in the same things as you

Plus Watermarks has now achieved over 100 readers/subscribers in its first two weeks.

The Making A Mark Awards

The names of the artists who have been nominated for one of the Making A Mark Awards so far are Susan Abbott, Linda Blondheim, Margaret Dyer, Laura Frankstone, Tracy Helgeson, Qiang Huang, Jeanette Jobson, Karin Jurick, Bonnie Luria, Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco, Ed Terpening, Olga Wagner, Ester Wilson, Cindy Woods, William Wray, Sharon Wright.

On Monday, I announced the scope and timing of My End of Year Review which includes the Making A Mark Awards. You can find out more about some of the Awards and the interactive nomination process by also reading these posts:
There's a week to go so lots of time yet to get those nominations in. If you're put off by me asking for the URL of the blogpost, just tell me the name of the blog, the date of the blog post it and it's title and I'll see if I can figure out the URL.
If there is somebody you'd like to nominate then please make sure you make that nomination before the deadline of midnight on the 21st December!

Art Blogs
Art Group Blogs
  • Urban Sketchers has been taking on more correspondents and they're now up to 60+ people (more? Gabi - are you keeping count?)
Art Business & marketing
  • Sue Smith of Ancient Artist has an excellent piece about Are You Putting the Cart Before the Horse?
  • I neglected to pick up on this link to an interview with Ed Winkleman back in November when he highlighted it on his blog. It's a long podcast and don't think something has gone wrong as you listen to the start - it takes ages before the interview starts - but it's worth waiting for and gets better as it gets towards the end in terms of advice you emerging artists wanting to get into galleries.
  • What happens to an Art Gallery when they don't pay attention to business and the bottom line? That's the one with $ signs not glowing reviews in the culture columns. To find out - read Soaring in Art, Museum Trips Over Finances in the New York Times. It's all about the big mess at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. The comments are also interesting - it gives you an insight into the different perspectives!
Yet by putting art ahead of the bottom line, the Museum of Contemporary Art has nearly killed itself. The museum has operated at a deficit in six of the last eight years, and its endowment has shrunk to about $6 million from nearly $50 million in 1999, according to people who have been briefed on the finances.
Art Economy
Art Collectors
  • You may recall me writing about the Vogels a bit back. Here's another post about them ABMB | Meet the Vogels - including a video - on The New York Times art blog The moment. It has a great quote from Dorothy Vogel. For more information on the “The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: 50 Works for 50 States,” go to
It’s helpful when you have two salaries. We lived on mine and my husband’s went to the art. I don’t know if we were to start now if we could afford art; things are very expensive. Our timing was very important. My best advice is, don’t go into debt to buy art, live within your means.
Dorothy Vogel
Art competitions
  • I forgot to mention the chap who won the Turner Prize 2008 last week. Mark Leckey, 44, was awarded the £25,000 prize for his video exhibition, Industrial Light & Magic, and was essentially memorable for the way in which he criticised the YBAs who he said had done a disservice to art in the UK.
Leckey added that he welcomed the end of the boom. “A lot of bad artists have made a lot of money,” he said
Turner winner Mark Leckey attacks 'shock art'
Art Exhibitions
  • The Musée du Louvre in Paris has a mini-exhibition on The Louvre website at the moment about 'Andrea Mantegna, The First Painter' the exhibition which continues until 5th January 2009. I was surprised to find out about this from Farrow and Ball, the paint specialists who sent me an email about the fact that their paints were used for the galleries!! I quote
A stunning selection of pigment-rich Farrow & Ball paint colours including Brinjal®, Picture Gallery Red®, and Cook's Blue® decorates the galleries and displays the art in each room to best effect.
  • The exhibition for the John Moores 25 Contemporary Painting Prize continues at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool until 4th January 2009. I'd hoped to get to see this but I don't think that's now going to be possible. You can see the paintings in the exhibition here.
  • Dale Chihuly has an exhibition called "The Nature of Glass" in full bloom at the Desert Botanical Gardenin Phoenix Arizona - First Impressions on Waterblossoms by Margaret Storer-Roche
  • That flippin' Jeff Koons dog gets everywhere - now he's at Versailles - thanks to Paris Breakfasts for the story and the image
  • There's an exhibition of the ever popular Bill Jacklin's paintings, prints and monotypes in People and Places II at the Marlborough Fine Art. His website (click his name) is worth a visit to see how his themes, style and work have progressed over time and his paintings and prints are very impressive when seen in person. I particularly like the way he manages to make his people very real and anonymous at one and the same time - it's what I always attempt to do when drawing people in London. This is the essay about People and Places
Jacklin is always intent on building a relationship with the people and places he portrays. His imagination is sparked by an encounter, often recorded with direct immediacy in the observational drawings and pastels he makes while moving around the streets. In the artist’s own words, drawing is “like turning on a light – something suddenly happens and the space between you and your subject is electrified as you begin to see.” But when it comes to painting, Jacklin forges a more complex, durable relationship with time and space.
Tips and Techniques
Blogging and websites
  • I've reorganised my side column and some of the blogs in the blogroll have moved around a bit. The main change has been to include a two new sections for group blogs ones I contribute to and the others of note.
  • Anybody else frustrated with the timekeeping of Feeburner? Here's my pet techie whinge at the moment Feedburner doesn't know what time it is
And finally......

We're beginng to see the end start of the end of the year reviews in various newspapers. Here's Laura Cumming's (The Observer) take on Money, money money - and plenty of Bacon. She has a list of top 10 exhibitions in the UK plus a few awards with caustic names.


  1. I am really honored to be nominated Katherine.

  2. Hi Katharine,
    Congratulations on your 3 years of blogging and all the amazing content contained therein! Sorry about the killer cold. I was flying home from LA last night surrounded by sneezers, coughers and hackers and have fingers crossed I don't get another one as I've just recovered from the last). I like your new column design and as always enjoyed following the links (and thanks for including the one to my interview). Years ago I spent Sundays perusing the New York Times -- now it's your Sunday blog posts I look forward to on Sundays. Feel better! Jana

  3. I'm "dying" - third time around it's even worse than the first dose!

    Plus all the chemists seem to have been cleaned out of the more popular stuff you use for self-medication.


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