
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Another kind of surge

Another kind of surge
(or what I did while waiting for the results)
11.5" x 8.5", pencil

copyright Katherine Tyrrell

The following comment was reported on a New York Times blog.

Overheard in a North Carolina polling place line:

“How long have you been waiting?”

“About 200 years…”
I stayed up to watch the American Election results and the speeches. Given all the reports about the turnout and the queues, it felt like it was going to be kind of momentous.

What I heard just a little while ago were two extraordinarily gracious and memorable speeches. It was worth the wait!


  1. Luckily, I got to vote mid-day, in the suburbs. Next to no line there that time of day!

  2. thanks Katherine for your recent comments, I've added a link to this on my blog, a great sketch!
    I'm ashamed to say I didn't get to vote either, I tried! but the lines too long, do you every show that beautifully! and I wouldn't have made it to doctors in time for treatment, otherwise you'd have seen a version of this from me too, thankfully a happy day even without my contribution!

  3. Thanks Cin - I'm developing a compendium of election day blog posts for my post on Sunday and will be sure to include a link to yours too!

  4. I should add for those who are puzzled how I could draw voters in queues from London.........

    I found as many images of the voter queues on the internet as I could and pulled out shapes of individuals from a number of them each and then started to develop a composite sketch.

    It was a bit hit and miss on translating size and perspective to start with until I got into it but I was helped by the fact I had several hours of watching election results to get it right!

    I finished and scanned it and had started this blog post just before the California and Washington State projections were called which took Obama through the 270 benchmark :)

  5. Lovely sketch. Our country will go forward in a smooth transition, true democracy, huh?

  6. I voted early. In my county, there were a record number of early votes - but the polling places still looked busy from the road.

  7. Nice post!!!! Hmmm...I didn't realize I was quoted by the New York Times :)

  8. Wonderful sketch, Katherine! I sort of miss that opportunity, in fact, of standing in line to chat with neighbors while we wait our turn to vote. I have fond memories of the first time I voted and going with my dad to the polls in my grade school! In Oregon where we live, we voted by mail. At least my daughter had one such opportunity before we changed to vote-by-mail here. Our ballots were in over a week ahead of time, and I was able to make some calls from the local Obama-for-President office to try to get more people out to vote.

  9. Great sketch, Katherine. Thanks for your comments. It was good to hear those "gracious and memorable speeches" after having burned out on the old campaign rhetoric, months previously. I was touched and uplifted, last night-- bipartisan cooperation is so needed here.

  10. What a good way to while away the time if you are in one of those lines... strong memories of our historic elections in SA fourteen years ago... long queues but very very exciting!

  11. I am a bit late to the discovery of your blog and artwork, but I am so happy to have found it. There is too much to list here (that you generously write about)-but I will blog about them myself. I have applied just a mere few of your suggestions relating to blog applications and have already seen results. Thank you for sharing your experience, talent, and much more.
    -the Colorspeaker


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