
Thursday, August 14, 2008

A summary change for Making A Mark

I was looking at the summary underneath my blog title yesterday. It's supposed to try and state concisely what "Making A Mark" is about - which is actually a bit difficult given the scope of what I've covered and try to cover. It certainly didn't seem to quite capture the content of what this blog has been about for the last two and a half years. So I changed it! It now reads as follows...........
Katherine Tyrrell's blogging portfolio about: - Making a mark and creating drawings with pastels, pencils and pen and ink - Art projects - Notable Artists - Developing art careers - Art blogs and blogging about art - Reviews of art books and exhibitions - Information about resources for artists and art lovers ....and best viewed in Firefox
So - did I get it about right? Did I miss anything out? Any views and/or suggestions? Please use the comments to to say what you think.

Sketchbook study: Three apricots and three greengages
copyright Katherine Tyrrell

Note: I often do sketchbook studies when trying to work out what colours to use - especially when I'm trying to work out the mixes for different values in both subject matter and their shadows.


  1. I think your summary captures it well Katherine. Was networking in there?

  2. decided to take a shot. thought i'd try and make it shorter but i dont think i've succeeded. hope you dont mind.

    Katherine Tyrrell primarily a Pastelist devotes a large amount of her time to creating, reporting, reviewing Art blogs, Projects, Notable Artists, Books, Exhibitions Squidoo Lenses and much more. Making a Mark has evolved into a important resource and a must read for artists and art lovers.

    Katherine Tyrrell's blogging portfolio about: - Making a mark creating drawings with pastels, pencils and pen and ink - Art projects - Notable Artists - Developing art careers - Art blogs and blogging about art - Reviews of art books and exhibitions - Information about resources for artists and art lovers ....and best viewed in Firefox


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