
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Open Studios around the world

Top left clockwise - the studios of Tracy, Jana, Casey andTina

There has been a positive surfeit of people getting their studios built/reorganised/tidy for Christmas and then 'boasting' about how nice they look - with photographs!!! Plus I've found a few others that look rather nice.

So - in order that I can go and do my very own bit of adding to the landfill(!), I thought I'd post some really nice pictures of some really nice studios and links to the posts by their owners where you can read the explanations and, in some cases, see more photos. I am so jealous........
During the rest of the year, we've seen some other nice studios, such as

Now - who wants a new studio for Christmas?

Me! Dear Santa............

Please nominate the best drawing or painting of 2007 produced by an art blogger in 2007 and posted on an art blog in 2007.

See Monday's post The value of giving awards and testimonials - and a prize!
for details. The deadline for nominations is midnight (GMT) Friday. Take a look at the nominations received to date - they're most interesting. To clarify - you may also nominate the same artist and a different image if you wish.


  1. Me too! Can I have a new studio? I still need about 3 times the space I've got. (Hence work in the dining room and storage of canvases in another room too.)

    And I'd like a nice panoramic landscape with snow too, if Santa really is listening. That's so lovely! I'd rather be in Casey Klahn's studio I think. :)

  2. My stuff is everywhere! I think I've got to make a concerted effort to reorganise and that's why I need Jana's wonderful sister

    But first I need Casey's trailer out the back as well.........

  3. I once had studio envy over the new space that my mentor, Pete Jordan, had built. He said, "You won't regret making it big!"

    Words to live by. BTW, next month I am opening in his local gallery and we will be hanging together.

  4. So beautiful!

    I have FINALLY decided to convert a small room in the house (only 8 feet x 9 feet) to a studio this year. My artist friend Luann Udell even volunteered to help me clear it out. The small room was once the home of my husband's weight set, then my treadmill and now that the treadmill is in the living room it has become a junk catcher! Oh and a hiding space for Santa.

    Thanks for this post as it will be yet another thing kicking me in the butt to get a studio space this year, despite how small it will be!

    A post about economizing space in a studio would be great help now Katherine! ;-)

  5. I've found some wonderful ideas here to incorporate into my work space. Thanks for the studio tour!

  6. It seems no matter how big the space with have, its never big enough. What was originally my studio space - a converted bedroom - is now no longer large enough and I'm considering whether or not I take over the basement. The light isn't great there, but the space is.

    I'd just need to take up or cover that cream coloured carpet down there first!

  7. Katherine,
    I have a studio system. Because I have lots of patrons who like to visit, I have to keep no more than 30 minutes of mess at any given time. I live out in the country 13 mils from the city, so I know it will take them at lest 30 minutes to arrive. :>) I also keep things in the pantry which will make a snack quickly, to serve my guests. They are always so impressed with that.


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