
Monday, October 22, 2007

Normal service will resume.........

The little trees on the lake, Wisley
coloured pencil in Daler Rowney sketchbook
copyright Katherine Tyrrell

I'm not going to be posting for a little while except on an entirely ad hoc basis. A member of my close family has been admitted to hospital as an emergency and my priorities currently lie elsewhere. Normal posting will resume at some point - but I'm just not sure how soon.

You'll find an explanation for the picture here.


  1. Dear Katherine - I will keep you in my thoughts. Take the time you need; you have been such a diligent blogger that you certainly deserve a break!

  2. Thanks Anna - although this isn't a break for me as such - blogging in fact might just be a welcome distraction if I have time and can get a connection on dial-up.

    However my priorities are being with my family and spending some time on visiting 'the patient'....

  3. On my road trip this year, I bought a little doo-dad that is a key fob that detects WiFi (wireless network connections). It came in handy, as I could avoid the whole fire-up-the--computer hassle if no wireless was to be had.
    Worth finding, if you have WiFi capability and service available.

    Prayers for your family are going out. Take care.

  4. Thanks Casey - much appreciated.

    Wi-Fi hasn't quite justified its presence in my house yet!

  5. Katherine, I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts. Times like these are unavoidable, but the knowledge doesn't make it easier to bear.
    I learned to keep a private journal and write out my feelings and even sketched a few drawings in it. No one need ever see it, but it's a way to cope.

  6. Katherine, my thoughts are with you too.

  7. Thanks Bonny. I must confess I got stuck into drawing this afternoon after dealing with lots of related e-mails and telephone calls....

    I keep feeling like I've forgotten things - including I realised at 4pm forgetting to eat! Some of the major tests were done today so hopefully by tomorrow we'll all be a little clearer as to what exactly is the problem......

  8. Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear this, I hope they get better soon.

  9. Sorry to hear that, Katherine. I hope you get some good news tomorrow.

  10. Thanks Kirsty and Dave - again much appreciated.

  11. I will be thinking of you, Katherine--and yes, you're right, blogging/sketching is not only a welcome distraction but a calming and focusing activity. I hope all is well and the tests come back with helpful's the not knowing that makes us crazy!

  12. May the Lord's Healing Angels come to you and your Family at this difficult time.
    I hold you and yours in my prsyers.

    (((Circle of Hugs)))


  13. I hope everything works out okay. Of course your family member's welfare is the important thing, but if you need any help with the blog, I am sure the artists who regularly read your blog and artists you know and trust well would be happy to step in and be guest-blog posters to help you keep your blog active. In Blogspot, you can add contributors and remove them from the blog later on. If you need me to help, let me know - I'm sure I could manage at least one entry a week, although not as excellent as your posts are!

  14. Oh, dear, Katherine. I will certainly be keeping you and your family member in prayer. I do hope you get good news tomorrow with the test results.

    I look forward to future posts when you get a chance.


  15. Hi! Katherine:
    I could blog about my Jackson Pollock experiments. I have been doing them since seeing the Pollock Matters show. You can see Lee Krasner work and Mercedes Matters work at this show at Boston College. All of the surviving found 32 to pieces found in Matters storage are on display. A very rich show .
    I do hope all is Good news from the test.
    (((Circle of Healing Hugs)))

  16. My thoughts are with you Katherine. I had a similar situation earlier this month. My "patient" is in full recovery and I hope your's is too!

  17. Hi Katherine, I am so sorry to hear about your family member. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to when updating is right for you!

    Remember to take care of you too! (as you can)

    ~ Diane Clancy

  18. I pray for good health to you and yours, Katherine.

  19. Thinking of you dear Katherine and sending positive thoughts and wishes for your family crisis to be resolved soon and for everyone to get back to good health.

  20. Dear Katherine, I was so sorry to hear of the illness in your family. I hope he or she will recover quickly. I will be thinking of you and sending many warm and strenghtening thoughts your way.

  21. There isn't really a lot I can add to what is already been said but would like to say my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and do hope there is good news for all, especially the patient in question.

  22. Sorry to hear this, Katherine. Hope all works out well soon. Best, -Ed


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