
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Reflections on three figs and a green bowl

Reflections on three figs and a green bowl - #1 and #2
6" x 6", coloured pencil on (1) Grey Folio 250gsm and (2) Frisk pastel card (Light Oxide Red)
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
Do you ever try the same subject on different surfaces? Here are two coloured pencil drawings, executed one after the other, of three figs reflected in a green bowl.
  • The first one is on a sample of Grey Folio 250gsm paper (distributed by Legion paper). This is a smooth pale grey paper. It proved difficult to work up any level of saturated colour.
  • The second one is on a small sheet of Frisk Pastel Board in the Light Red Oxide colour.
Which do you think is more successful - and why?

I'm on a mission to find out if I can still get hold of Frisk Pastel Card. This is what I used for all my pastels in years past before the advent of Art Spectrum Colourfix or Wallis paper. One of the reasons I still like it is because of all the colours it comes in. The colours are pretty much replicated in Sennelier La Carte (which i personally think is just like Frisk!)

Frisk pastel card comes in sheets (see below) and also a pack of warm or cool shades - or at least it did. The only place I know I can get Frisk Pastel Card is Cornelissen & Co. Ltd.
Frisk Pastel Card
This product is known by several names: Frisk Pastel Board, ‘old’ Sansfix, Rembrandt pastel card, and Royal Sovereign pastel card. It has been specially developed for use with soft pastels, soft lead pencils and charcoal but unlike ‘new’ Sansfix it does not accept water based media. (Cornelissen & Co. Paper Catalogue)
A sheet of card measures 50 x 65 cm metric and 19½ x 25½ inch imperial. Cornelissen's paper catelogue quotes it as 5.25 per sheet or 47.25 for 10 sheets in the following colours.

1 Yellow Ochre
2 Raw Sienna
3 Gold Ochre
4 Raw Umber
5 Light Ox. Red
6 Perm. Red Dp
7 Caput Mt. Red
8 Chr Grn Violet
9 Green Grey
10 Blue Violet
11 Bluish Grey
13 Mouse Grey
12 Grey
14 Black

I've got a meeting in town today and will be trying to get to Cornelissen's in Great Russell Street afterwards. I don't allow myself to visit to often - too tempting!

Do view or download catalogues from the Cornelissen site - they are quite remarkable! They also supply worldwide and you can also order on-line - but in a genteel UK way - rather like the shop.

Links: Cornelissen & Co. Ltd


  1. I haven't tried creating the same image on different supports, but as shown, the results are quite different.

    There are elements of both drawings that appeal to me. The first has such soft ethereal colours and feel to it. I like it a lot. The second is bolder with more distinct colour and contrast which also makes an impact as well.

    I will check out the site and drool over papers, thanks!

  2. If I can throw in my two cents Katherine, while they're both appealing to look at I would have to say that #2 really "does it" for me.

    The values seem more punched up and the colour looks richer, therefore in my eye it has more drama and is more compelling to look at and hold my interest.

    I have tried same subject on different supports, I think it's the curiosity factor that artists have...we just can't help ourselves.;)

  3. I often do a series on the same subject using different colors - but I haven't used different surfaces.

    Although they both are very engaging, I prefer #2 because the color is more vibrant and alive (to my eyes). I like this kind of work that you create.

    ~ Diane Clancy

  4. Definitely I would have to say the second one. I'm a more vibrnat and colorful person. Don't like pale colors, so for me the second one is my choice.

  5. this is a toughie Katherine, I really like the brighter green in the first one and that very subtle touch of blue that works so well with the purples and greens but on the other hand that wonderful oxide red background of the second really makes the purples and greens of the figs and bowl pop off the page, give them a richer appearance.

  6. I've done it with watercolour and it certainly taught me to think long and hard before starting anything. Your figs are beautiful , Katherine and the first would have more than satisified me but the oxide colour really does enrich the second. The reflections are lovely. It's a stunning painting.

    You are such a temptress posting that link!

  7. Many thanks for all the comments. I could see pluses and minuses in both and it's been really interesting to get a wider perspective on these two works.

  8. The colours in the second are warmer and richer so that's the one I prefer, but my gosh, they are both gorgeous.

  9. I have to come in on anonymous with Blogger Comments, Katherine-- Blogger won't accept me on its posts, otherwise.

    You are getting pure intuition, here, because I am too new a Newbie to know why I like something--if I can't stop looking at something, I figure that's the one I like. :) And that would be # 2.


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