
Monday, April 09, 2007

Travels with a sketchbook in London: a summary

The Palm House, Kew Gardens
pencil and coloured pencils in Daler Rowney sketchbook
copyright Katherine Tyrrell

I've created a summary of my all my sketches of places in London which are now posted on my Travels with a Sketchbook blog.

I'm adding blogposts and sketches slowly to my sketchbook blog and they're by no means all included as yet however there are now a goodly number - hence this summary. I intend to update the summary on a regular basis - probably at the end of every month if I've posted sketches relating to London in that month. A link to this summary is also now included in the 'trip summary' bit of the links to my websites section in the right hand column of both blogs.

Sketches are grouped according to which area of London they belong to and then ordered according to the date they were done rather than the date they were posted as transfers to my other blog are still being done.

A link to the latest sketches last Friday - of the Palm House at Kew Gardens and another view of Syon Reach can be found at the end of the list below.

Central London
Pool of London / East London / Greenwich
West London and Kew Gardens
Reference Books - Book Reviews

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1 comment:

  1. Very nice work--I love the way you've captured the transparency of the building.


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