
Saturday, April 21, 2007

I'm back..........

I'm back at last - after lots and lots of driving, a visit with my mother, much gardening (ooooh - my back aches!!!) in the wonderfully sunny and warm weather, some plein air sketching of a wonderful garden plus Yorkshire landscapes (I never knew Yorkshire had so many abbey ruins) and a very interesting motor malfunction which left me without any indicators for mileage, speed or fuel!

The good news is that the exhibition went well - they had very good turnouts on both nights and a lot of sales for some of the 73 artists exhibiting. The bad news is that none of mine sold - but apparently I'm in good company as people who also had good sales last time also had no sales this time. C'est la vie! However I've got a much better idea now of the sort of work in the event - and very interesting it was too! Gayle came out to visit on the Artists' Evening - and we both agreed that she needs to be doing portraits of sporting dogs for the next one - maybe in oils!

I'll be posting sketches from Yorkshire starting tomorrow Monday - short version on this blog and long version on Travels with my the north of England.


  1. nice to see you back :)

    don't worry about the lack of sales - it all depends on who walks in on any given day and whether they have cash to spare. Another day, another place and they'll walk off the walls :)

  2. Thanks Vivien - that's pretty much the view I take! ;)

  3. Nice to have you back, Katherine. My morning coffee isn't the same without Making a Mark.


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